to use authority management (A11, A13) to deal
with private issues raised by the shared location
information on social networking platforms.
However, we were also aware of some
limitations of this research. First, the sample in this
study was quite narrow in terms of age range since
all participants in our interviews were under 25
years old. This sample might not be fully
representative of the entire population in China. For
example, the generalizability of the findings to other
groups of users (e.g., older adults) remains to be
determined. Second, the self-reporting nature of this
study is another limitation. Last but not least, we
only studied location sharing services on two
popular social networking platforms in China. This
may limit the generalizability of our findings.
Continuing with this stream of research, we plan
to test other age groups to see the generalizability of
our findings in this study. Future research is also
needed to empirically examine potential factors
influence users’ adoption of location sharing
services in terms of a research model with larger
samples in China. We also would like to record
users’ historical behaviour on using location sharing
services to further analysis users’ usage patterns.
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