tersection computation. Next step is the fault identi-
fication. The faults may be classed according to its
form, the corresponding reactions will be taken ac-
cording to the fault tree. If the fault is tolerable, the
system may continue functioning with a fault model
or if a full stop is needed and a sound diagnosis is
required to eliminate the fault.
In this paper, parameter estimation based fault di-
agnosis procedure is described. Only single fault dur-
ing each experiment is considered. To address the
fault condition as soon as possible, a distance based
method has been proposed. This new elimination
method originally proposed in interval analysis con-
text allowing us to find the unfeasible parameter as
soon as the output abnormality observed.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 will
give a brief explication on the treating problem in set
membership context, the general idea of parameter es-
timation approach in interval analysis. In section 3,
the guaranteed diagnosis procedure via parameter es-
timation is firstly proposed. In section 4, a case study
is conducted, the so called method has been compared
with results obtained with normal condition. At last,
the section 5 will give a brief summary on active di-
agnosis and further research direction. Some notices
of use has delivered.
This article follows the standard notation of interval
analysis (Kearfott et al., 2005) where x in bold refer-
ring to an interval box. Let us consider a nonlinear
dynamic system of the following form:
˙x(t, p) = f (x(t), p, u(t)),
y(t, p) = h(x(t, p)).
where x(t) ∈ IR
and y(t) ∈ IR
denote respec-
tively the state variables and the measured outputs.
u(t) is the system input. The initial conditions x(0)
is supposed to belong to an initial bounded ”box”
= [x
, x
]. The parameter vector p is constant and is
assumed to belong to a bounded ”box” p
= [p
, p
Time t is assumed to belong to [0, t
]. The functions
f and h are nonlinear functions. f is real and analytic
on M for every p ∈ P
, where M is an open set of R
such that x(t) ∈ M for every p ∈ P
and t ∈ [0, t
Moreover the function f is assumed to be sufficiently
differentiable in the domain M.
In diagnosis context via parameter estimation ap-
proach, the system parameters have always some con-
nections with state deviation or physical meanings.
A fully rigorous and easy implementable procedure
to estimate the abnormality of parameters or states
should be taken into account.
The parameter estimation procedure is based on
set membership computation which is concerning to
find p such that y
(p) fits best in an inclusion test to
be specified. The parameters are considered consis-
tent if the error v(t
) is assumed to satisfy:
, ˆp) − y
, p) ∈ v(t
) = [v(t
), v(t
)], i = 1, ..., N.
where y(t
) represents the output of system with exact
parameter ˆp and y
) represents the measured out-
put, this inclusion is to be taken component-wisely.
We assume that v(t
) and v(t
) are known as lower and
upper bounds for the acceptable output errors. Such
bounds may, for instance, correspond to a bounded
measurement noise. The integer N is the total number
of sample times.
Interval analysis provides tools for comput-
ing with sets which are described using outer-
approximations formed by union of non-overlapping
boxes. Some basic tools on interval analysis are pro-
posed in (Li et al., 2014).
The word ”guaranteed” is referring to a parameter es-
timation (detection) phase in diagnosis. Generally,
the model based diagnosis could be achieved by com-
paring the behaviors from the real output of a pro-
cess and the model output, where is later is obtained
from state estimator (Gertler, 1998) (Isermann, 1993).
To ensure a fault is actually arrived, one has to check
with an occurrence counter or a redundant acceptance
scheme to make sure that indeed a fault is arrived.
Thus, a rigorous and robust method could be used,
which detects and confirms the fault in one shot. In-
terval analysis computes with guaranteed bounds to-
gether with a rigorous solver is a good tool to realize
the job.
A general process for FDI in interval analysis may
be conducted by three essential steps:
1. Detect the faults from the measurements via pa-
rameter estimation
2. Locate the faults
3. Identification of faults, its frequency or magni-
The first step should make the data in bounded
form. This could be done by adding the bound er-
ror to the measured data. Then, guaranteed parameter