Design of i-Fields System Component: Computer Model of
Oil-Recovery by Polymer Flooding
D. Zh. Ahmed-Zaki, S. T. Mukhambetzhanov and Т. S. Imankulov
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al-Farabi ave., 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Keywords: Polymer Flooding, Surfactant, i-Fields, Smart Fields, Parallel Program.
Abstract: This article describes the issues and approaches the design and development of distributed high-
performance system for analysis of oil fields within the i-fields (smart fields) concept. The system is based
on hydrodynamic model of collaborative filtering of oil, water, gas, polymer solution and the surfactant,
taking into account influence of temperature. Built a 3D numerical parallel algorithm and web-based
platform for data analysis and calculation on a supercomputer. Obtained distribution of the main
technological parameters: distribution of pressure, saturation of each phase, the concentration of surfactant
and polymer, and temperature.
Nowadays there are many approaches to develop
software systems for the analysis and development
of oil and gas fields (software.slb.com, rfdyn.com).
But the problem of creating fields monitoring
systems in real-time, modelling and optimal control
of field development began to appear only in recent
years due to the development of information
technologies. Particularly interesting approach for
the development of information systems - smart
fields, i-fields, e-fields and other. These systems are
mainly aimed at solving problems of "continuous"
optimize of operations on oil field: location,
quantity, and planning new wells. For the
implementation of such advanced technologies in
large and complex oil and gas fields require detailed
research data on the methods of drilling / plug wells
(horizontal, inclined and multilateral), with sensors
(pressure, inflow, temperature, etc.) in the borehole
Figure 1: A “Closed-loop intelligent field” scheme (Smart
Fields Consortium, Stanford University, USA).
geophysical measurements. In this case, there is an
acute demand for the need of modelling and
monitoring in real time to aid decision making and
optimal management/exploitation involving the
latest equipment and hardware/software systems.
Synthesis of the above, in the form of
implementation of the "closed-loop intelligent
(smart) field" is shown in Figure 1
(smartfields.stanford.edu). As can be seen in the
figure, the cycle consists of two basic components:
planning / forecasting and modeling processes into
reservoir on oil field. In this paper, we consider it is
the second component. Within the framework of
implementation of these components, project authors
will design and develop distributed high-
performance analysis system of oil and gas fields
within i-fields concept with modern mathematical
models of three-phase flow in porous media and
computational algorithms with three-dimensional
visualization of data to monitor them in real time.
Surfactant and polymer flooding are the effective
chemical EOR methods. There are various
interactions between the surfactant and the reservoir
fluids, such as adsorption, interfacial tension,
wettability (Babalyan, 1983). Surfactants are used to
reduce the interfacial tension between crude oil and
reservoir water and increase the mobility of
"trapped" oil in the pore space. Polymer injection
method is used to reduce water mobility and
increase water viscosity. Decreasing the
permeability of the water phase increases flooding
Zh. Ahmed-Zaki D., T. Mukhambetzhanov S. and Imankulov T..
Design of i-Fields System Component: Computer Model of Oil-Recovery by Polymer Flooding.
DOI: 10.5220/0005572905100516
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), pages 510-516
ISBN: 978-989-758-123-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)