tive SVDD by explaining the motivation behind this
new approach. In section 5, some experiments are
conducted to evaluate this approach. Section 6 con-
cludes this paper.
In this section, we summarize some previous works
based on the SVDD for intrusion detection. The prin-
ciple of the one-class classification, in general and the
SVDD in particular, fits perfectly with the environ-
ment of intrusion detection, namely the large amount
of data to be processed and the lack of information
about attacks. Authors of (Onoda and Kiuchi, 2012)
have underlined the power of the standard SVM tech-
nique to classify objects by optimizing the construc-
tion of a boundary between the classes. The SVDD,
which is inspired by the conventional SVM but by
considering only one class (the class of abundant ob-
jects), has been used. To confirm their hypothesis,
tests on synthetic and real data have been conducted
and comparison between the SVDD and the SVM
given by the authors. In (Li and Wang, 2013), au-
thors have applied the technique of SVDD to identify
a specific type of attack, namely the denial of service
(DDOS) attack. Indeed, the detection of a DDOS at-
tack cannot be done by a conventional approach such
as a detailed analysis of packets (as in misuse detec-
tion) because the system would be rapidly saturated.
The authors have stated that it is more appropriate to
apply the SVDD to detect this type of attack by tar-
geting the DDOS attack class. Another similar work
is presented in (Yu et al., 2008) where the objective
is to apply the SVDD to detect traffic flooding. Con-
sidering that conventional SVDD is rigid even with
the use of a kernel function, the authors of (Liu et al.,
2010) introduced the concept of uncertainty in label-
ing objects for learning. The authors explained that
it is possible to make mistakes when labeling objects
in the training dataset and it would be therefore, in-
teresting to associate each object with an uncertainty
value. After some tests on real data, the authors have
concluded the adaptability of their new approach to
intrusion detection. Another technique for improv-
ing the SVDD has been proposed by (Ghasemi Gol
et al., 2010), which is to surround objects of the target
class by a hyperellipse instead of a hypersphere. In-
deed, the authors assume that a hypersphere is a spe-
cial case of hyperellipse, so using this latter could give
better results. Tests achieved by the authors on differ-
ent training sets confirm their assumptions and hence,
introduce a new field of research that tries to improve
the SVDD. Nevertheless, the mathematical formula-
tion of this method is more complex than that of the
conventional SVDD, so practical use is limited to sets
of small size.
Generally, these works are interested in develop-
ing a new efficient SVDD. However, they do not con-
sider the behavior of the developed systems in long-
term. In other words, they never discuss the ques-
tion if the classifier will keep the same performance
after some period. Indeed, a trained classifier can-
not be valid indefinitely, especially in very chang-
ing environments such as intrusion detection. Dur-
ing the monitoring of an information system, normal
activities and attacks are often changing. In view of
these findings, we propose in this paper a new learn-
ing approachthat allows a continuous improvementof
the SVDD classifier by updating the training dataset.
This approach will be detailed in section 4.
Classification is a basic task in data analysis and ma-
chine learning. It consists of assigning a class to a
set of attributes that characterize an object. Indeed,
building a classifier from a set of labeled data is a
central problem in machine learning. Several meth-
ods have been developed, such as decision trees, neu-
ral networks, association rules, etc (Liao et al., 2012).
While it is usual to classify objects in two or more
classes, the single-class classification is only focused
on one class. It should be noted that the single-class
classification is a recent concept in classification (Tax
and Duin, 2004). In the following, we first give an
overview of the single-class problem, then we present
the SVDD technique used for this type of classifica-
3.1 Motivation
In general, classification is used to classify objects
in two or more classes. This classification is called
“multi-class classification”. But it is important to note
that the use of multi-class classification requires a
good knowledge of all classes of the problem being
considered, that is to say the need to provide a repre-
sentative number of samples of each class.
However, in the context of intrusion detection, it is
difficult to have representative samples of all classes
of possible behaviors of intruders (Mazhelis and Pu-
uronen, 2007). This is because an intruder has a large
number of variants to achieve the same attack. This
difficulty is a constraint that prevent to completely