process warehouses taken separately. This view is
based on the concept of BE which integrates data and
process in a natural way. Our method takes as input a
BP model and a domain model. It identifies business
entities and constructs their lifecycle and information
models using the standard language GSM. Unlike
works starting from scratch (Liu et al. 2007)
(Bhattacharya et al., 2009) (Nandi et al., 2010), our
method reuses enterprise models to design BEs. Also, it
constitutes an alternative to constructing BEs lifecycles
from event logs (Kumaran et al., 2008) (Popova and
Dumas, 2013) and structured data source (Nooijen et
al., 2013) which faces many challenges as explained in
Section 3.
Since our method exploits all knowledge on
business perspectives (functional, organizational,
behavioral and informational perspectives) represented
within these models, the generated BEs are completely
defined and all their perspectives are covered.
Currently, we are defining a method to identify
elements of a new concept of warehouse, the BE
warehouse. This warehouse stores BEs and
consequently offers analyses based on the correlations
among the data, functional and behavioral aspects of
business processes.
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