the eight body part equivalent temperatures. MLR
outperformed all other estimation techniques with re-
gard to fast processing time (of 0.23 seconds). These
two factors combined would enable a straightforward
real-time implementation in a car’s engine control
unit in comparison to the other machine learning tech-
niques evaluated.
The Low Carbon Vehicle Technology Project
(LCVTP) was a collaborative research project be-
tween leading automotive companies and research
partners, revolutionising the way vehicles are pow-
ered and manufactured. The project partners included
Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Motors European Techni-
cal Centre, Ricardo, MIRA LTD., Zytek, WMG and
Coventry University. The project included 15 au-
tomotive technology development work-streams that
will deliver technological and socio-economic out-
puts that will benefit the West Midlands Region. The
£19 million project was funded by Advantage West
Midlands (AWM) and the European Regional Devel-
opment Fund (ERDF).
The authors would like to thank the anonymous
reviewers for their insightful comments.
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