First steps towards the proposed programming en-
vironment have already been made. In a first setup,
a single robot and multiple end-effectors have been
used. Based on a process model and a CAD model of
the robot cell, a semi-automatic generation of a feasi-
ble process flow is possible, including offline teaching
and simulation. Details on the architecture and setup
can be found in N
agele et al. (2015).
This work illustrated the challenges that develop-
ers face when complex manufacturing processes
should be realized with a multi-functional robot cell.
The Multi-Functional Cell located at the DLR ZLP
in Augsburg is one of the world’s biggest multi-
functional robot cells in operation today and can be
seen as a prototype of what is yet to come accord-
ing to current research agendas. Based on a particu-
lar CFRP manufacturing process, the main challenges
that need to be solved were explained. The vision of a
programming environment for multi-functional robot
cells that unifies process, CAD and robot team models
was presented. By future joint research, the Univer-
sity of Augsburg and the DLR Center for Lightweight
Production will strive to realize this vision.
The demonstration depicted in Section 2 was made
possible with the help and support of Andreas Buch-
heim, Somen Dutta, Mona Eckardt, Lars Larsen,
Thomas Schmidt, and Alfons Schuster of the DLR.
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