Various classification approaches are used in a vari-
ety of contexts. Some of these contexts involve time-
constraints where the run-time characteristics of the
classification approach becomes especially relevant.
In this work we have studied the higher level task
of detecting a rare video with relevant characteristics
among a large set of irrelevant videos. For such tasks
the run time characteristics can be expected to have
high importance in addition to the classification per-
In this study Monte-Carlo simulations were per-
formed to evaluate the task completion time as re-
lated to the run-time and classification performances
of six different video classification approaches. Per-
formance using cascading classifiers were also exam-
ined. The presented study reflects only a subset of the
available approaches and has some simplifications. It
nevertheless provides strong support for the statement
that classification performance cannot be the only fac-
tor in considerationwhen designing classification sys-
tems used in time constrained environments. The
results show that high classification performance in
terms of true positive and false positive rates not nec-
essarily lead to high task performance.
The authors wish to thank Soonhung Jung for sharing
data on the receiver operating conditions from their
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