(Bijon et al., 2013) propose formal approaches to
react based on quantified risk in RBAC systems.
The main goal of the cited works and approaches
is: (i) to enhance trustworthiness relationships in
RBAC systems; or (ii) to define mitigation strategies
based on constraints; or (iii) to manage accesses
based on a quantified risk. According to our
knowledge, no work has been defined to assess the
risk associated to the evolution of the components of
RBAC policies. To fill this gap, our proposal aims to
quantify the risk associated to the evolution of the
policy components. This evaluation is associated to
the detected anomalies of non-compliance that may
characterize the states evolution of RBAC policies.
This paper proposes a formal risk-awareness
approach for qualifying the states evolution of
RBAC-based policies in terms of risk. The proposal
is a dynamic quantified approach that computes the
risk values and the corresponding risk rating and
thresholds. It incorporates also an automatic
response monitor to quickly react face risky non
compliance anomalies. This allows monitoring the
compliance of RBAC policies based on risk metrics.
Ongoing works address mainly the refinement of the
formalization of the proposal as well as its finer
integration in the verification and validation system.
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