used in the phase of NLP as well as the strategy dis-
ambiguation of words used when choosing the best
concept to translate into an annotation. Also the
language adds a bit of difficulty, which when we
are working in languages like English have more re-
sources than when we work in Spanish. It is also
worth noting the structure of the ontology which al-
lows its extension to other subjects or areas of study
within the university. Finally, the proposed architec-
ture is designed so that we can use other resources
both to analyze the corpus as the creation and interac-
tion of other sources of knowledge than an ontology.
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tology of the domain of computer science but domain
knowledge used can vary, as the language of the cor-
pus we process. The architecture of this tool is de-
signed to work with any type of ontologies and other
strategies disambiguation of words to help us perform
automatic annotations. Could improve tool perfor-
mance enhancing NLP phase and testing new strate-
gies disambiguation of words.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development