Table 1: Rules that compose the resilience FIS model, used
to estimate the level of resilience. HHR = Human Health
Resources; DL = Development Level; EO = Emergency Op-
erability; R = Resilience; VH = very-high; H = high; MH =
medium-high; ML = medium-low; L = low.
1. If (HHR is L) and (DL is L) and (EO is L) then (R is L)
2. If (HHR is M) and (DL is M) and (EO is M) then (R is ML)
3. If (HHR is H) and (DL is H) and (EO is H) then (R is VH)
4. If (HHR is M) and (DL is L) and (EO is L) then (R is L)
5. If (HHR is H) and (DL is H) and (EO is L) then (R is M)
6. If (HHR is L) and (DL is M) and (EO is L) then (R is ML)
7. If (HHR is M) and (DL is M) and (EO is L) then (R is MH)
8. If (HHR is H) and (DL is M) and (EO is L) then (R is H)
9. If (HHR is L) and (DL is H) and (EO is L) then (R is MH)
10. If (HHR is M) and (DL is H) and (EO is L) then (R is MH)
11. If (HHR is H) and (DL is H) and (EO is L) then (R is H)
12. If (HHR is L) and (DL is L) and (EO is M) then (R is ML)
13. If (HHR is M) and (DL is L) and (EO is M) then (R is MH)
14. If (HHR is H) and (DL is L) and (EO is M) then (R is H)
15. If (HHR is L) and (DL is M) and (EO is M) then (R is MH)
16. If (HHR is H) and (DL is M) and (EO is M) then (R is H)
17. If (HHR is L) and (DL is H) and (EO is M) then (R is MH)
18. If (HHR is M) and (DL is H) and (EO is M) then (R is H)
19. If (HHR is H) and (DL is H) and (EO is M) then (R is H)
20. If (HHR is L) and (DL is L) and (EO is H) then (R is MH)
21. If (HHR is M) and (DL is L) and (EO is H) then (R is H)
22. If (HHR is H) and (DL is L) and (EO is L) then (R is H)
23. If (HHR is L) and (DL is M) and (EO is H) then (R is H)
24. If (HHR is M) and (DL is M) and (EO is H) then (R is VH)
25. If (HHR is H) and (DL is M) and (EO is H) then ((R is VH)
26. If (HHR is L) and (DL is H) and (EO is H) then (R is H)
27. If (HHR is M) and (DL is H) and (EO is H) then (R is VH)
FIS structure. Each model contains as inputs three of
the original descriptors. The structure of the physical
risk model can be seen in Figure 3. FIS 1, corresponds
to the Property Damage model and have as input vari-
ables: Damage Area (DA), Dead People (DP) and In-
jured People (INJ). The output of FIS 1 corresponds
to the level of property damage. The FIS 2 represents
the Life Lines Sources Damage model and have as in-
put variables: Telephonic Substation Affected (TSA),
Electrical Substation Affected (ESBA), and Damage
in Water Mains (DWM). The output of FIS 2 is the
level of damage to life lines sources. The FIS 3 corre-
sponds to the Network Damage model and have as in-
put variables: Damage in Gas Network (DGN), Fallen
Length of Electrical Lines (FLEN) and Damage in
Mains Roads (DMR). The output of FIS 3 is the net-
work damage level. FIS 4 corresponds to the Physical
Risk model, which takes as inputs the outputs of all
previous models, i.e. FIS 1, FIS 2 and FIS 3, and then
infers the physical risk coefficient.
We decided to characterize each input variable
(descriptor) into 3 labels: low, medium and high, and
into five labels: low, medium-low, medium-high, high
and very-high, each FIS output, i.e. property dam-
age, life lines sources damage and network damage.
Therefore, as before, 27 fuzzy rules were obtained for
FIS 1, FIS 2 and FIS 3, and 25 for FIS 4. We also
designed the membership functions in order to reach
current data variability.
The rules of the Mamdani physical risk model are
Table 2: Rules that compose the physical risk FIS model,
used to estimate the physical risk coefficient. LLSD = Life
Lines Sources Damage; PD = Property Damage; ND = Net-
work Damage; PR = Physical Risk; VH = very-high; H =
high; MH= medium-high; ML = medium-low; L = low.
1. If (LLSD is L) and (ND is L) and (PD is L) then (PR is L)
2. If (LLSD is M) and (ND is M) and (PD is M) then (PR is MH)
3. If (LLSD is H) and (ND is H) and (PD is H) then (PR is VH)
4. If (LLSD is M) and (ND is M) and (PD is M) then (PR is ML)
5. If (LLSD is H) and (ND is L) and (PD is L) then (PR is MH)
6. If (LLSD is L) and (ND is M) and (PD is L) then (PR is ML)
7. If (LLSD is M) and (ND is M) and (PD is L) then (PR is MH)
8. If (LLSD is H) and (ND is M) and (PD is L) then (PR is H)
9. If (LLSD is L) and (ND is H) and (PD is L) then (PR is MH)
10.If (LLSD is M) and (ND is H) and (PD is L) then (PR is M)
11.If (LLSD is H) and (ND is H) and (PD is L) then (PR is H)
12.If (LLSD is L) and (ND is L) and (PD is M) then (PR is ML)
13.If (LLSD is M) and (ND is L) and (PD is M) then (PR is MH)
14.If (LLSD is H) and (ND is L) and (PD is M) then (PR is H)
15.If (LLSD is L) and (ND is M) and (PD is M) then (PR is MH)
16.If (LLSD is H) and (ND is M) and (PD is M) then (PR is H)
17.If (LLSD is L) and (ND is alto) and (PD is M) then (PR is MH)
18.If (LLSD is M) and (ND is H) and (PD is M) then (PR is H)
19.If (LLSD is H) and (ND is H) and (PD is M) then (PR is H)
20.If (DLLS is L) and (ND is L) and (PD is H) then (PR is MH)
21.If (DLLS is M) and (ND is L) and (PD is H) then (PR is H)
22.If (DLLS is H) and (ND is L) and (PD is H) then (PR is H)
23.If (DLLS is L) and (ND is M) and (PD is H) then (PR is H)
24.If (DLLS is M) and (ND is M) and (PD is H) then (PR is VH)
25.If (DLLS is H) and (ND is M) and (PD is H) then (PR is VH)
26.If (DLLS is L) and (ND is H) and (PD is H) then (PR is H)
27.If (DLLS is M) and (ND is H) and (PD is H) then (PR is VH)
presented in Table 2 as an example.
3.3 Total Risk Coefficient
The FIS called Total Risk will perform the convolu-
tion of all the previous FIS already developed, em-
bedded in one main structure that have as inputs the
variables representing the inferred values of physical
risk and social aggravation. In this case, both, inputs
and outputs, are characterized by the 5 labels men-
tioned in the previous section, obtaining a Mamdani
model composed of a set of 25 fuzzy rules to be used
in the inference process. As previously, the member-
ship functions are designed to represent the data vari-
ability. The Total Risk model structure can be seen in
Figure 4.
Colombia’s Capital is divided since 1992 into 20 ad-
ministrative Localities. However in our study we took
into account only 19 on these because the locality
called Sumapaz corresponds basically to the rural area
of the city. For the social aggravation coefficient esti-
mation on each district we used statistical and demo-
graphic data from 2001 (Carre
no et al., 2012).
In Figures 5 and 6 we can see the aggravation val-
ues obtained by the proposed fuzzy model and the
index method, respectively. The general aggravation