fACO fBest fAllData fBagg fBoost
Figure 2: Experimental results: Predictive accuracy im-
provement with ACO.
performed and new expert is learned on public mood
data collected from social networks. The novelty of
the proposed models combination resides in the reuse
of the structural elements of individual models rather
than their outputs. This way of combining models
does not only improve the performance of the com-
posite model but it also promotes model interpretabil-
ity. The latter model property is very critical in the
context of stock market decision making. In par-
ticular it is very useful in discovering which mood
states attributes and which mood scores are responsi-
ble for a particular movement of the stock value. The
high complexity of combining expert chunks was re-
solved by the application of a metaheuristic, namely,
ACO algorithm. Bayesian Classifiers are used as in-
terpretable type of prediction models. The results ob-
tained on data of a particular company in the stock
market, show the higher performance of the derived
model when compared to four alternative approaches
including bagging and boosting. Other types of pre-
diction models are to be considered in our future
works. Besides, we will continue collecting more rep-
resentative data from social media. In particular, for
maturing the problem of stock market prediction and
discovering better predictors.
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KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval