niques and methods from different scientific fields. It
will be necessary to use the most appropriated one in
each stage of development.
For instance, the basic techniques of literature
search can be combined with more advanced tech-
niques as the systematic review (Kitchenham et al.,
2002). When tasks related to mathematics are ad-
dressed, we have to use more formal methods. That
may be combined with methods from mechanized
theorem proving. Since the project will likely require
software development and systems integration, it will
also be necessary to apply methods from the design of
information systems and software engineering, such
as requirements analysis and conceptual modeling.
6.1 Stages
Each stage corresponds with one objective, and has
been split in several sub-stages.
• E1. Define a contextual environment with the aim
of integrating deduction and computing prove-
• E1.1. Study previous works in the research group,
related both to formal verification of algorithms
and to information systems.
• E1.2. Systematic review of the literature related
to provenance.
• E1.3. Study of the expressiveness of different pro-
posals in the literature, trying to adapt some of
them (or a mixture of several ones) to achieve our
• E1.4. Set up a semi-formal definition of a prove-
nance model which allows integrating the work-
flow of a process from a functional perspective,
together with explanations describing why the
process has been produced in that way.
• E2. Set up a formal definition of a language which
represents models corresponding to the previous
• E2.1. Study of different languages inside the lit-
erature to represent provenance networks (at least
PLM (Del Rio et al., 2010), OPM (Moreau et al.,
2011) and W3C Prov (Missier et al., 2013)).
• E2.2. Propose a representation language with the
aim of dealing with the second objective.
• E3. Define a query and definition language for
networks constructed with the previous represen-
tation language.
• E3.1. Analyze the available tools (in particular de-
veloped by the group, such as RCM (Rodriguez-
Priego et al., 2013)) for managing data and pro-
• E3.2. Formal definition of a query language for
provenance networks.
• E4. Development of a prototype which will use
the proposals and definitions mentioned above.
• E4.1. Deployment, in a particular network, of
some of the processes already developed for the
manipulation of biomedical images, including
formal proofs with Isabelle / HOL, Coq or ACL2.
• E4.2. Development of new features with formal
• E4.3 Justifying that the prototype can also inte-
grate new sources of data and arguments devel-
oped in the previous stage.
6.1.1 Schedule
Based on the objectives, a doctoral planning has been
done. It has been divided into four stages, each one
corresponding to one year.
Throughout the PhD planning there are in addi-
tion tasks on coordination and supervision meetings
with thesis advisors and other members of the re-
search group. It is also foreseen the participation in
training courses and conferences to expose partial re-
sults obtained.
Furthermore, there will be tasks related to doc-
umentation generation (internal reports, journal and
proceeding papers) and to the development of pro-
grams and formal poofs.
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