new knowledge and services through organic peer-
to-peer interactions (Wang et al., 2012). Customers
and partners who participate in this network can be
mutually providing benefits. Hence, SSN utilizes
network services with distributed computing, such
as sensor network technologies. They interweave
smart physical devices, actively monitoring,
analyzing and notifying consumers about everyday
service needs (Van Den Heuvel and Papazoglou,
4.1 Characteristics
In order to establish and develop a new discipline of
services such as made possible by a SSN, revealing
the SSN’s essential characteristics is of paramount
importance. Understanding these characteristics will
be instrumental to formulate the definition of SSN
comprehensively. Plus, from a practical point of
view, it will help us establish appropriate models of
In early research, many researchers have
revealed some characteristics of SSN and defined
various notions of SSN (OECD, 2013);
(Allmendinger and Lombreglia, 2005); (Wang et al.,
2012); (Van Den Heuvel and Papazoglou, 2010);
(Dos Santos Pacheco et al., 2013); (Stroulia, 2010)
(Ng et al., 2010). Yet there is still no widely
accepted definition of SSN.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) defined SSN as the result of a
combination of three distinct phenomena, namely
machine to machine communication to transmit data,
cloud computing to process and display the data, and
big data analysis to correlate and interpret the data
(OECD, 2013). The expansion of machine to
machine communication will enable interconnected
devices to form an SSN and produce large volumes
of data. Large scale processing will be delivered by
cloud computing services and analysis of these data
will be undertaken around a process frequently
called “Big Data”.
(Wang et al., 2012) and (Van Den Heuvel and
Papazoglou, 2010) considered SSN as “systems of
service systems that are open, complex and fluid,
accommodating the co-production of new knowledge
and services through organic peer-to-peer
interactions”. “Open” in this case means that the
system involves a wide range of systems to improve
service innovation in an increasingly complex and
dynamic environment. “Complex” relates to a joint
effort of interdisciplinary collaboration, cooperation
and coordination among the network participants.
Further, “liquid” means the system should have
creative approaches where services and interactions
are implemented with awareness and dynamic
adaptation to the users’ computational environments,
changing policies and unknown requirements.
Another characteristic of SSN is that it relies on an
IT infrastructure that enables network partners to
seamlessly integrate their software services with
back-end systems and wireless sensor networks.
(Stroulia, 2010) associated SSN with the system
attributes: instrumented, interconnected, and
intelligent. The term “instrumented” refers to the
embedding of “sensing devices” in the environment
where the service-delivery process occurs.
“Interconnected” is contributed by large-scale
instrumentation of the world around us including
data, system and people interconnectedness. Finally,
the term “intelligent” refers to the numerous
analyses that are possible on the multitude of
information available and based on which the system
can inform and improve our decision making.
In addition, (Villegas and Müller, 2010)
explained that “a system should be able to reason
about its current state and provide functionality
based on its context and the current user’s matters
of concern in order to support smart interaction and
smart services”, so that the system has to be
reflective and context-aware.
Drawing on the literature sources in this section,
we conclude that:
▪ SSNs have the ability to construct and maintain
a model of their dynamic context, and to
proactively offer services to the user when
these services satisfy corresponding criteria
regarding the context model state;
▪ SSNs may have the ability to learn about new
criteria (context patterns) for offering services;
▪ SSNs use sensing devices, machine to machine
communication, and reasoning systems to
support the above-mentioned context-
awareness and learning;
SSNs consist of many different subsystems from
different manufacturers and makes, and therefore
should be based as much as possible on open
4.2 Definition
In preparing for this research, we did a preliminary
literature survey, by searching relevant articles on
SSN in electronic libraries (ACM Digital Library,
IEEE Xplore, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and
SpringerLink). Our survey found only a few
definitions of SSN. Also, we found that SSN