Big Data: A Survey
The New Paradigms, Methodologies and Tools
Enrico Giacinto Caldarola
and Antonio Maria Rinaldi
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy
Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation, National Research Council, Bari, Italy
IKNOS-LAB Intelligent and Knowledge Systems, University of Naples Federico II, LUPT 80134,
via Toledo, 402-Napoli, Italy
Big Data, NoSQL, NewSQL, Big Data Analytics, Data Management, Map-reduce.
For several years we are living in the era of information. Since any human activity is carried out by means
of information technologies and tends to be digitized, it produces a humongous stack of data that becomes
more and more attractive to different stakeholders such as data scientists, entrepreneurs or just privates. All
of them are interested in the possibility to gain a deep understanding about people and things, by accurately
and wisely analyzing the gold mine of data they produce. The reason for such interest derives from the
competitive advantage and the increase in revenues expected from this deep understanding. In order to help
analysts in revealing the insights hidden behind data, new paradigms, methodologies and tools have emerged
in the last years. There has been a great explosion of technological solutions that arises the need for a review
of the current state of the art in the Big Data technologies scenario. Thus, after a characterization of the new
paradigm under study, this work aims at surveying the most spread technologies under the Big Data umbrella,
throughout a qualitative analysis of their characterizing features.
The ubiquitous of ICTs in all human activities and
the increasing digitization of the world have led to
a great availability of data coming from different
sources. People moving around the world, individ-
uals opinions and sentiments about events, facts or
products — gathered by the most popular social me-
dia through handy smartphones the data coming
from the increasingly widespread sensors inside ma-
chines or worn by people are just few examples of
the different sources generating an explosion of data
today. Also sciences have been interested by a new
paradigm coming from the data explosion. Many
physicists have started to perform sophisticated al-
gorithms over large data sets inside huge computer
clusters, rather than by directly observing natural phe-
nomena. Lots of knowledge about the universe in the
last decades, for example, comes from sophisticated
data analysis rather than looking through telescopes
(Hey et al., 2009). The rate of data growth over years
is amazing: according to ScienceDaily, a full 90%
of all the data in the world has been generated over
the last two years (Dragland, 2013). All of this rep-
resents a real tsunami requiring a paradigmatic shift
respect to the past as for theories, technologies or ap-
proaches in data management and more attention to
survive it (Caldarola et al., 2014). According to sev-
eral authors, the data explosion we see today fall un-
der the new term Big Data that is receiving a lot of
buzz in the recent years (Franks, 2012). A look at
Google Trends shows that, starting from 2011 until
today, the term Big Data has been increasingly grow-
ing in popularity over time even though, despite the
rapid spread of the term, there is nota single definition
encompassing all its facets and it still remains elu-
sive (Weinberg et al., 2013). Depending on the differ-
ent perspective from which the problem of managing
large data sets can be seen, we can define Big Data in
several ways. From a technological perspective, Big
Data represents “data sets whose size is beyond the
ability of typical database software tools to capture,
store, manage and analyze” (Manyika et al., 2011).
It may also refers to “data which exceeds the reach
of commonly used hardware environments and soft-
ware tools to capture, manage, and process it within
a tolerable elapsed time for its user” (Merv, 2011).
An important aspect of the previous definitions is that
Caldarola E. and Rinaldi A..
Big Data: A Survey - The New Paradigms, Methodologies and Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0005580103620370
In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (KomIS-2015), pages 362-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-103-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
what qualifies as Big Data will change over time with
technology progress (Franks, 2012). For this reason,
VP and analyst at Gartners Intelligence and Informa-
tion Management Group Donald Feinberg stated that
the bigness of Big Data is a moving target and what
was Big Data historically or what is Big Data today
wont be Big Data tomorrow. This is true to the ex-
tent that the term Big Data itself is going to disap-
pear in the next years, to become just Data or Any
Data. Taking into account the variability of the def-
inition over the time, Adam Jacob provided the fol-
lowing statement: Big Data should be defined at any
point in time as data whose size force us to look be-
yond the tried-and-true methods that are prevalent at
that time (Jacobs, 2009). From a marketers point of
view, Big Data is an organizational and decision prob-
lem. It is not a technology problem but a business
problem (Weinberg et al., 2013). Finally, from a user
point of view, Big Data can be understood as new ex-
citing, advanced software tools which replace the ex-
isting ones. Perspectives aside, the authors define Big
Data as a new time-variant paradigm in data manage-
ment whose raison d’
etre comes from the enormous
availability of data in every human activity that needs
to be acknowledged according to different points of
view: technological, economical, scientific and so on.
As argued in (Halevy et al., 2009), the more data
are available, the less we need for a deep understand-
ing of the phenomenon under study. We do not need
to construct a complex model nor to describe all its
rules through complex logic-based languages. What
we need is to properly tune statistical analysis or ma-
chine learning techniques over large corpus of data
and more insights will arise from them, and very
quickly. Recently, this new approach in taming the
giant wave of available data is tempting several orga-
nizations and individuals due to its real effectiveness
in knowledge discovery. By knowing people’s prefer-
ences and opinions, for example, modern enterprises
may gain a competitive advantage over competitors,
while analyzing sensor data from the workshop may
helps manufacturers to improve their processes and
their performances thus reducing costs and increas-
ing revenue. A study by the Economic Times sug-
gests that large organizations using Big Data analyt-
ics outperform competitors, who do not utilize this
(Bhanu, 2013). For all these reasons, modern enter-
prises look with great interest to the emerging solu-
tions in the Big Data landscape and make significant
investments in these technologies. Not surprisingly,
the Big Data market is growing very quickly in re-
sponse to the growing demand from enterprises. Ac-
cording to the International Data Corporation (IDC),
the market for Big Data products and services was
worth 3.2 billion of dollars in 2010, and they predict
the market will grow to hit 16.9 billion of dollars by
2015. That’s a 39.4 percent annual growth rate, which
is seven times higher than the growth rate IDC expects
for the IT market as a whole.
Interestingly, many of the best known Big Data
tools available are open source projects. The very
best known of these is Hadoop (Shvachko et al., 2010;
White, 2009), which is spawning an entire industry of
related services and products. Together with Hadoop,
hundreds of Big Data solutions have emerged in the
last years, from NoSQL or NewSQL databases to
business intelligence and analytic tools, development
tools and much more, and several surveys and state-
of-the-art papers have become available in turn. In
(Alnafoosi and Steinbach, 2013), the authors describe
an integrated framework to evaluate and assist in se-
lecting optimum storage solution for multi-variable
requirements, while (Chen et al., 2014) reviews the
background and state-of-the-art of Big Data introduc-
ing the general background and related technologies,
such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, data
centers, and Hadoop. Also different publicly avail-
able benchmarks exist in order to evaluate the perfor-
mances of such new storage technologies. The Yahoo
Cloud Serving Benchmark (Cooper et al., 2010), for
example, includes a set of workload scenarios to mea-
sure different system performances, such as the read
and update latency, the scan latency and the scale-out
latency. Some of the tested databases are: Cassandra,
HBase, MySQL, etc.
However, it is not enough to adopt a Big Data
technology to be competitive. It is necessary to have
a deep comprehension of the data to be collected and
the context where the company operates, and a wise
identification of the critical variables that affect the
business processes. But an appropriate choice of the
technology that meets the company requirements may
surely help in being competitive and effective, avoid-
ing waste of time and money.
Taking into account all the above considerations,
this work goes in the direction of helping companies
in selecting the right tool to use for managing large
data sets, by characterizing at a general level the Big
Data problem and its technological challenges and,
then, by surveying the most popular and spread Big
Data storage solutions existing in the literature.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. The second section presents the typical model
characterizing the dimensions of Big Data. The third
section introduces the evaluation framework adopted
for the comparison of the Big Data store solutions,
whereas the fourth section illustrates the results of the
comparison carried out on the most widespread exist-
Figure 1: The Big Data Dimensions.
ing tools, based on the predefined criteria. Finally, the
last section draws the conclusions, summarizing the
major findings, and opens new directions for further
researches in future works.
The concept of Big Data has different dimensions
since the term Big not refer only to the quantity of
data but also to the heterogeneity of data sources and
to the velocity in analyzing data. A widely spread
model to characterize Big Data is that of the 3Vs
(Mohanty et al., 2013; Jagadish et al., 2014), which
shows the three fundamental dimensions of Big Data:
Volume, Velocity and Variety. Along the Volume
axis, current scenarios involve technological solu-
tions dealing with data in the order of pebibyte (
bytes), exbibyte (
bytes) or higher. Along the ve-
locity dimension, it is possible to distinguish the fol-
lowing typology of analysis: offline analysis (without
time constraints over responses), near real-time anal-
ysis (must guarantee response within tolerant time
constraints), real-time analysis (must guarantee re-
sponse within strict time constraints), hard-real time
(must guarantee response within very strict time con-
straints) and streaming that refers to data stream min-
ing (Gaber et al., 2005). Along the Variety axis, the
following data formats can be mentioned: structured
formats (e.g., relational DB data), semi-structured
formats (XML grammars-based data, JSON-based,
etc.), unstructured formats (data expressed in a no
standard representation language), plain text and mul-
tiple format (which combines more data formats).
Each dimensions in Figure 1 may have a greater or
lesser weight than the others and in some cases may
not exist at all, nevertheless we keep using the term
Big Data. In addition to the dimensions previously
described, some works in the literature provide other
Vs: viscosity, variability, veracity and volatility (Des-
ouza and Smith, 2014; Van Rijmenam, 2014). They
measure respectivelythe resistance to flowof data, the
unpredictable rate of flow and types, the biases, noise,
abnormality,and reliability in datasets and finally how
long data are available and if they should be stored.
Each of the above dimensions makes traditional oper-
ations in data management more complicated. If the
volume increases, for example, data storage becomes
a challenge as well as data processing by means of
analytics tools. Both storage systems and analytics
algorithms must be scalable in this scenario. In addi-
tion, the variety dimension complicates data storage
and analysis because of the integration of data with
different structures. Figure 2 shows the three main
operations of Big Data (storage, analytics and inte-
gration) and highlights the existing solutions for effi-
ciently scaling Big Data dimensions. Data storage can
be faced by means of modern scalable SQL (Struc-
tured Query Language)-based DBMSs (Data Base
Management Systems) like Oracle Enterprise Edition
or MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition, in an in-
creasing data volume scenario. When data variety in-
creases, NoSQL (Not Only SQL) solutions such as
HBase, MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, are generally pre-
ferred respect to transactional DBMSs (Cattell, 2011).
Moreover, NoSQL solutions can help in making effi-
cient analytics over large and heterogeneous data sets.
Contrary to traditional DBMSs, which guarantee effi-
cient transactional processing but result too slow with
large data sets analysis, NoSQL solutions provide fast
analysis over high volume of data. Big Data analytics
generally entails the adoption of programming mod-
els like Map-Reduce(Dean and Ghemawat,2008) and
their implementation like Hadoop (Shvachko et al.,
2010) for processing large data sets by means of
parallel-distributed algorithms on a computer cluster.
The integration challenge can be faced by using tradi-
tional ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) methodology
for large heterogeneous transactional databases or by
adopting semantic web related technologies in order
to integrate heterogeneous data models at a semantic
level (Caldarola et al., 2015).
This section introduces the framework adopted for the
qualitative evaluation of a pre-selected set of well-
known Big Data tools. According to the previous
section, from a technological point of view, Big Data
Figure 2: The Big Data Solutions.
involves solutions to different problems: data anal-
ysis, storage and integration. Furthermore, dealing
with large data sets involves also other technical chal-
lenges deriving from the Big data life cycle phases,
such as, managing the heterogeneity and the incom-
pleteness of data, the vertical and horizontal scaling
(scaling out and up), the timeliness, the privacy and,
finally, the visualization and collaboration (Jagadish
et al., 2014). For each of these challenges, a plethora
of solutions and tools (with open and commercial li-
censes) have emerged in the last years. For example,
the heterogeneity issue, due to the existence of het-
erogeneous information sources, has required sophis-
ticated solutions to associate metadata to the collected
data in order to correctly interpret the results. Se-
mantically enriched metadata formalized through
ontologies using the semantic web languages in-
side increasingly large collection of heterogeneous
data have arisen the need for efficiently dealing with
large ontologies, spawning new research fields, such
as, knowledge representation and retrieval (Albanese
et al., 2005; Rinaldi, 2008; Rinaldi, 2014), ontology
matching and integration (Euzenat et al., 2007), par-
titioning (Amato et al., 2015b; Amato et al., 2015a),
reuse (Modoni et al., 2015), versioning and mainte-
nance (Flouris et al., 2006). A description of the ex-
isting solutions that deal with the other technologi-
cal challenges of Big Data is out of the scope of this
paper. Thus, the evaluation framework proposed in
this work will focus on the store aspects of Big Data,
defining some criteria to qualitatively analyze the set
of preselected tools under study.
Starting from the premise that traditional DBMS
solutions suffer from different pathologies with large
amount of data, mostly in the modeling and analysis
phase, a new trend of storage solutions have emerged
in the last decade in the attempt to overcome the se-
vere limitations of relational databases also by relax-
ing the ACID properties. In the following paragraph a
critical comparison of the new NoSQL and NewSQL
paaradigms with respect to the relational DBMSs will
be proposed.
3.1 Relational DBMS and SQL
Relational Database Management Systems use rela-
tional tables and indexes to store and retrieve data.
Some popular examples are Microsoft SQL Server,
Oracle, PostgresQL, MySQL, etc. Among the bene-
fits of using such traditional solutions are a well un-
derstood and consistent logical model that is indepen-
dent from its implementation, i.e., an application than
runs on MySQL can be made to run on Oracle without
changing its basic assumptions. Furthermore such so-
lutions guarantees the integrity of data over its entire
life cycle and the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Iso-
lation, Durability) set of properties that guarantee that
database transactions are processed reliably. Other
advantages are the comprehensive OLTP/transaction
support, the strong OLAP/analysis tools, often built
in (MS Analysis Services, Oracle OLAP). The down-
sides are the expensiveness of most solutions, it is not
easy to scale out, i.e., to have a lots of servers in a dis-
tributed solution and in anycase it is much expensive.
Finally, the relational model does not come natural to
developers, which results in translation overhead and
common mistakes.
3.2 Not Only SQL
This kind of solutions use in-memory non-relational
databases. These do not support the SQL language
but more significantly do not support ACID or rela-
tionships between tables. Instead they are designed
to query document data very quickly. Examples are:
Hadoop, MongoDB, CouchDB, Riak, Redis, Cassan-
dra, Neo4J, MemBase, HBase, etc. The most part of
them are open source implementations or low cost in
any case. Systems can scale out very easily, tables
can be readily sharded/federated across servers. They
use native well known to programmers objects, such
as key-value arrays, maps, etc., so no translation to
tables are required and also result very fast at finding
records from massive datasets. On the other hand, the
absence of a common model and the lack of ACID
properties move up to the application many issues re-
lated to reliability. Transactions are at the row level
only (if supported at all). Finally, they are poor at ag-
gregation, because, where an RDMS solution would
use SUM, AVG and GROUP BY, a NoSQL solution
has map-reduce, which has to do the equivalent of a
table-scan. NoSQL solutions are also poor at com-
plex joins, although arguably this is something the
data manager would design differently for.
3.3 New SQL
In-memory relational databases NewSQL is a class
of modern relational database management systems
that seek to provide the same scalable performance
of NoSQL systems for online transaction process-
ing (read-write) workloads while still maintaining the
ACID guarantees of a traditional single-node database
system. These maintain ACID and relational integrity,
but are in memory (like NoSQL) and readily scal-
able. They support SQL syntax. The most popular
NewSQL systems attempt to distribute query frag-
ments to different data nodes. These are designed
to operate in a distributed cluster of shared-nothing
nodes owning a subset of the data. SQL Queries are
split into query fragments and sent to the nodes that
own the data. These databases are able to scale lin-
early as additional nodes are added. Just to cite a few:
Clustrix, VoltDB, etc.
3.4 The Survey of the Analyzed
Having described the main features characterizing the
traditional and new storage paradigms, this subsec-
tion reports a survey of the most spread NoSQL and
NewSQL solutions according to the evaluation crite-
ria listed as follow:
1. Category. It represents the typology of the
store solution. It may be RDBMS, NoSQL or
2. Data structure. It is related to the data structure
used to memorize data, such as: column, docu-
ment, key-value, graph, table.
3. Operating system. The operating system (e.g.
Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) on which the Big
Data store runs.
4. License. The information about the usage of
the store. There are two main categories of li-
censes for these technologies: commercial and
open source under various licenses (Apache Li-
cense, GNU GPL, etc.).
5. Query Languages. The query language(s) sup-
6. APIs availability. The mechanisms provided to
client application to access the storage.
7. Latest Release version and Date. When the lat-
est release of the RDF store was released. If the
date is not recent, the product may no longer be
Taking into account the evaluation criteria above,
table 1 shows the results of the survey. A brief de-
scription of each tool is also provided.
Apache Cassandra
Cassandra is a NoSQL database now managed by
the Apache Foundation. Cassandra’s data model
is column indexes based allowing log-structured
updates, strong support for denormalization and
materialized views, and powerful built-in caching.
It’s used by many organizations with large, active
datasets, including Netflix, Twitter, Urban Air-
ship, Constant Contact, Reddit, Cisco and Digg.
Commercial support and services are available
through third-party vendors. Operating System:
OS Independent.
Another Apache project, HBase is the non-
relational data store for Hadoop. Features include
Table 1: Evaluation synopsis of a set of technical characteristics.
Name Category Data
Operating Sys-
License Query Languages API availability Latest Release
Apache Cassan-
NoSQL Column-
OS Independent Open CQL (Cassandra Query
, C#, Python, Java 2.1.5 (2015-04-
Apache HBase NoSQL Table,
OS Independent Open HBase Query Predicates Java 0.94.27 (2015-03-
Google BigTable NoSQL Table,
OS Independent Open Java, Python
MongoDB NoSQL Document-
Linux, Windows,
Open Mongo DB Command line
Many third party client library exist 3.0 (2015-03-03)
Neo4j NoSQL Graph Windows, Linux Community,
Cypher Query Language Rest API 2.2.2 (2015-05-
NoSQL Document Ubuntu, Windows,
Mac OS X
Open CouchDB primitives HTTP API 1.6.1 (2015)
OrientDB NoSQL Graph Open SQL .NET. Php, Ruby, Python 2.1 (2015-05-05)
Terrastore NoSQL Document OS Independent Open Primitives via HTTP HTTP API 0.8.2 (2015-09)
FlockDB NoSQL Graph OS Independent Open Native Language Ruby and Apache Thrift API 1.8.5 (2012-03-
Hibari NoSQL Key-
OS Independent Open OS Independent Native Erlang, Universal Binary
Format (UBF/EBF), Apache Thrift,
Amazon S3, JSON-RPC
source code
Riak NoSQL Key-
Unix (several dis-
Open CRUD Operations via
HTTP requests
Java, Ruby, Python, C#, Node.js,
PHP, Erlang, HTTP Api, Python,
Perl, Clojure, Scala, Smalltalk, and
many others.
2.1.1 (-)
Hypertable NewSQL Table Linux, Mac OS X Open SQL-like
, Java, Node.js, Perl, PHP,
Python, Ruby (-)
StarDog NoSQL Graph Independent Different
SPARQL Java 3.0.2 (2015-05-
Apache Hive NewSQL Table OS Independent Open HiveQL (SQL-like) Java 1.1.0 (2015-03-
InfoBright Com-
munity Edition
NoSQL Column-
Windows, Linux Community,
SQL-like ODBC, JDBC, C API, PHP, Visual
Basic, Ruby, Perl and Python
4.0.7 (-)
Infinispan NoSQL key-
OS Independent Open Own query DSL Java, Ruby, Python,
, .NET (via
Hot Rod Protocol)
7.2.1 (2015-04)
Redis NoSQL key-
Linux BSD Redis commands Many 3.0.1 (2015-05-
Clustrix NewSQL Table Linux Commercial SQL Windows 6.0
VoltDB NewSQL Table OS Independent Both SQL Java, JDBC, ODBC 5.2
linear and modular scalability, strictly consistent
reads and writes, automatic failover support, Java
API for client access, Thrift gateway and a REST-
ful Web service that supports XML and much
more. Operating System: OS Independent.
Google BigTable
BigTable (Chang et al., 2008)
is a compressed, distributed data storage system
built on Google File System, Chubby Lock Ser-
vice, SSTable (log-structured storage like Lev-
elDB) and a few other Google technologies. Re-
cently, a public version of Bigtable was launched
as Google Cloud Bigtable. BigTable also under-
lies Google Datastore , which is available as a part
of the Google Cloud Platform.
MongoDB was designed to support humongous
databases. It is an open-source, document
database designed for ease of development and
scaling. It also has a full index support, replica-
tion and high availability. Commercial support is
available through 10gen. Operating system: Win-
dows, Linux, OS X, Solaris.
Neo4j is a NoSQL, graph-based databases. It
boasts performance improvements up to 1000x or
more versus relational databases. Interested or-
ganizations can purchase advanced or enterprise
versions from Neo Technology. Operating Sys-
tem: Windows, Linux.
Apache CouchDB
Designed for the Web, CouchDB stores data in
JSON documents that you can access via the Web
or query using JavaScript. It offers distributed
scaling with fault-tolerant storage. Operating sys-
tem: Windows, Linux, OS X, Android.
OrientDB is a 2nd Generation Distributed Graph
Database. It can store 220,000 records per sec-
ond on common hardware and can traverse parts
of or entire trees and graphs of records in a few
milliseconds. It combines the flexibility of docu-
ment databases with the power of graph databases,
while supporting features such as ACID transac-
tions, fast indexes, native and SQL queries, and
JSON import and export. Operating system: OS
Terrastore is a document store which provides ad-
vanced scalability and elasticity features without
sacrificing consistency. It supports custom data
partitioning, event processing, push-down pred-
icates, range queries, map/reduce querying and
processing and server-side update functions. Op-
erating System: OS Independent.
FlockDB is an open source distributed, fault-
tolerant graph database for managing wide but
shallow network graphs. It was initially used by
Twitter to store social graphs (i.e., who is follow-
ing whom and who is blocking whom). It offers
horizontal scaling and very fast reads and writes.
Operating System: OS Independent.
Hibari was originally written by Gemini Mobile
Technologies to support mobile messaging and
email services. It is a distributed, ordered key-
value store with consistency guarantee. Hibari
serves read and write requests in short and pre-
dictable latency, while batch and lock-less oper-
ations help to achieve high throughput ensuring
data consistency and durability. It can store Peta
Bytes of data by automatically distributing data
across servers with a high fault tolerance by repli-
cating data between servers. Operating System:
OS Independent.
Riak is an open source, key-value and distributed
database. It also has a commercial license that add
multi-Datacenter Replication, monitoring and 247
support. Many APIs in several programming lan-
guages are officially supported. Operating Sys-
tem: Linux, OS X.
Hypertable is an open source, massively scalable
database modeled after BigTable. Hypertable is
similar to a relational database in that it repre-
sents data as tables of information, with rows and
columns, but they can be thought of as massive
tables of data, sorted by a single primary key,
the row key. This NoSQL database offers effi-
ciency and fast performance that result in cost sav-
ings versus similar databases. Operating System:
Linux, OS X.
Stardog is a semantic graph databaseequally
adept in client-server, middleware, and embedded
modes. It supports the RDF graph data model,
SPARQL query language, HTTP and SNARL
protocols for remote access and control; OWL 2
and user-defined rules for inference and data an-
alytics; and programmatic interaction via several
languages and network interfaces. Operating Sys-
tem: OS Independent.
The Apache Hive data warehouse software facil-
itates querying and managing large datasets re-
siding in distributed storage. Hive provides a
mechanism to project structure onto this data and
query the data using a SQL-like language called
HiveQL. At the same time this language also al-
lows traditional map/reduce programmers to plug
in their custom mappers and reducers when it is
inconvenient or inefficient to express this logic in
HiveQL. Operating System: OS Independent.
InfoBright Community Edition
Infobright Community Edition (ICE) is an open
source database designed to deliver a scalable an-
alytic database platform optimized for complex
analytic queries on machine generated data. It is
column-oriented and scales up to 50TB raw data
and more than 30 concurrent queries. Operating
System: Windows, Linux.
Infinispan from JBoss describes itself as an ”ex-
tremely scalable, highly available data grid plat-
form. It is a key-value database, written in Java
and designed for multi-core architecture. Operat-
ing System: OS Independent.
Sponsored by VMware, Redis offers an in-
memory key-value store that can be saved to disk
for persistence. It supports many of the most pop-
ular programming languages. Operating System:
ClustrixDB is a distributed database. Latest ver-
sion (6.0) brings many new capabilities and per-
formance improvements, with specific optimiza-
tions for Magento-based and custom e-commerce
implementations. It is able to specify that a
copy of the table resides on every node, max-
imizing performance in certain workloads. It
combines automatic data distribution to maximize
parallelism, and the ability to override that for
highly accessed, highly-joined tables (for exam-
ple, metadata, etc.). Optimized Scheduler priori-
tizes critical OLTP transactions when heavy long-
running analytics queries are also running.
VoltDBs in-memory architecture is de-
signed for performance. It eliminates the sig-
nificant overhead of multi-threading and lock-
ing responsible for the poor performance of tra-
ditional RDBMSs that rely on disks. VoltDB
was designed for High Availability from the
ground up. VoltDB’s supports virtualized and
cloud infrastructures and combines the rich-
ness and flexibility of SQL for data interaction
with a modern, distributed, fault-tolerant, cloud-
deployable clustered architecture while maintain-
ing the ACID guarantees of a traditional database
system. VoltDB supports the JSON data type
and several client access methods including stored
procedures, JDBC and ad hoc queries. Further-
more, VoltDB supports a wide range of integra-
tions including JDBC (Java Database Connectiv-
ity) and ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) for
data exchange. Operating System: OS Indepen-
This work has provided a first evaluation of the most
spread solutions existing in the Big Data landscape.
As shown in the previous sections, a great number
of solutions are open-source projects demonstrating
the great interest that the community of developers
has in such topics. At the same time, the work has
highlighted the flexibility of the most part of tools
that are generally multi-platformor programming lan-
guage agnostic as they are provided with HTTP Rest-
full APIs which allow clients to easily access them.
In other cases, the great availability of APIs writ-
ten in the most popular programming languages (in
most cases developed by third parties as depending
or separate projects) contribute yet to ease the inter-
operability between the client tools and the back-end
store database. Future works can be directed to dif-
ferent objectives. On the one hand, it can be im-
proved the evaluation framework by adding other cri-
teria not yet considered in this work, such as those re-
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