In this paper, a new routing protocol named as
PRoWait is designed to overcome some of the
shortcomings of the existing protocols in Oppnet. As
the area of routing in Oppnets is still under research
and much work is to be done in different aspects, the
main focus in this work is mainly to increase the
packet delivery ratio and lower delay and hop count.
The PRoWait is designed to overcome some of the
shortcomings of the existing protocols in Oppnet.
Through simulation analysis the performance of
PRoWait is evaluated and compared with Epidemic,
Spray and Wait, and Prophet protocols in terms of
delivery probability, overhead ratio, and average hop
count performance metrics. It has been observed that
PRoWait outperforms these protocols on the basis of
aforementioned performance metrics.
In future, efforts will be focused on increasing the
packet delivery ratio by adding some more
parameters and functions to the PRoWait scheme.
Performance of PRoWait on different mobility
models will also be explored in the future.
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