automatically generated recommendations there is
only one statically significant difference between
setting 2 and setting 4. Recommendations based on
the taste of the friends of a user are rated better than
recommendations only based on travel trends with a
significance level of p < 0.05. Nevertheless,
recommendations only based on travel trends can be
generated for all users thus reducing cold start
problems for new or inactive members.
Recommendations based on the taste of friends can
only be generated if a user becomes friends with other
users on the platform, thus reducing the coverage of
recommendations to only socially active users.
In this paper, an algorithm to generate trend-based
individualized travel recommendations is developed.
The algorithm identifies travel areas based on user-
generated trips consisting of different places. Five
key figures are developed to rate these travel areas
based on general and individual criteria. General
criteria are the popularity of a travel area, the trend
and the spatial and temporal precision. The degree of
personalization allows to rate the travel areas based
on individual preferences for each single user. The
weights for these criteria are flexibly adaptable. It is
also possible to generate recommendations for users
that did not take part in the community actively and
for whom it is therefore not possible to compute a
degree of personalization yet. This way, general
recommendations can be generated for all community
members resulting in full coverage. To evaluate the
quality of the recommendations two studies are
conducted. Findings show that automatically
generated trend-based recommendations are
evaluated significantly better. Currently the algorithm
only uses the similarity of trips and travel areas to
calculate the degree of personalization. Besides this
kind of content-based approach, future research
concentrates on analyzing different measures to
calculate the degree of personalization (e.g.
collaborative approaches). Moreover, although the
set values for the thresholds and weightings already
lead to good results, further settings have to be
evaluated. Within the single key figures other
methods for calculation should be considered in
further studies. For clustering travel areas, e.g.
hierarchical clustering and geodesic k-means should
be tested. To adjust for seasonal and transient
variations, polynomial regression should also be
considered for estimating the popularity of an area.
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