organization, and also to develop new ideas within
the organization. As a result a significant percentage
of their total annual sales is derived from their
innovation activity.
This result is interesting for different people. On
one hand, a vision of China is offered. In this way,
Chinese Government could be used our paper in
order to know how their enterprises manage their
knowledge. Accordingly, they could motivate to
non-innovative enterprises to incorporate actively
knowledge management process. On the other hand,
paper could be useful to Chinese enterprises. They
could know how they are categorized (innovative or
non-innovative enterprises) and then they could take
decisions if they need increase knowledge
management. In addition this paper could be useful
to scholars and people interested on knowledge
management in enterprises, because the paper shows
an example about enterprises in the first global
The analysis has some limitations. First, the year
analyzed (2011), although is the most updated year,
is past. It could be interesting realize again the
analysis with a year more recent. On the other hand,
descriptive analysis supposes a first step, but it need
to be completed with other statistical techniques.
Finally the innovative enterprises selection is
conditioned by database, where the variable used is
the most suitable standard but it is not the best
because it is biased by the fact that success/failure
attached to this product or service is not considered.
Then in the future this database could be used to
other analysis like, for example, regressions or
similar in order to analyze what variables affect
knowledge performance. In addition a comparison
between different years it could be interesting in
order to know the changes within the country.
The authors thank to The World Bank and
Enterprise Surveys for the work collecting data.
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