In this paper, we have introduced M-fuzzy semi-
quantales and (L, M)-quasi-fuzzy topological spaces.
The former here fuzzify semi-quantales of Rod-
abaugh (Rodabaugh, 2007), while the latter unify
(L, M)-fuzzy topological spaces of Kubiak and Sostak
(Kubiak and
Sostak, 2009), L-quasi-fuzzy topological
spaces of Rodabaugh (Rodabaugh, 2007) and L-fuzzy
topological spaces of H
ohle and
Sostak (H
ohle and
Sostak, 1999). We then have constructed their cat-
egories that enable us to extend the famous Papert-
Papert-Isbell adjunction (Isbell, 1972; Jhonstone,
1986; Papert and Papert, 1957/1958) to the present
setting. One of the central results of this paper is
that there exists a dual adjunction between the cat-
egory of (L, M)-quasi-fuzzy topological spaces and
the category of M-fuzzy semi-quantales. As the other
one, it is shown that this adjunction gives rise to
a dual equivalence between the category of (L, M)-
sober (L, M)-quasi-fuzzy topological spaces and the
category of (L, M)-spatial M-fuzzy semi-quantales.
We finally demonstrate that analogues of these results
are also valid for the categories of strong M-fuzzy
semi-quantales and of unital M-fuzzy semi-quantales.
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Fuzzy Semi-Quantales, (L,M) Quasi-Fuzzy Topological Spaces and Their Duality