We have experimented the reasoning mechanism
and the translation algorithm of the PersonLink on-
tology in the context of Linked Open data. Tests con-
ducted on DBpedia and Freebase datasets show that
the use of PersonLink enables inferring much more
rigorous relationships than those already present in
these datasets.
As the PersonLink ontology is available and pub-
lished in a dereferenceable manner and will be refer-
enced by the Linked Open Vocabulary) it can be used
by any Linked Data publishers who need family rela-
tionships and should comply with the W3C best prac-
tices. In our laboratory, two on-going applications are
using the PersonLink ontology:
• The first one is a memory prosthesis called CAP-
TAIN MEMO devoted to persons with memory
impairments. This application need to store all
family relationships of the owner of the prosthe-
sis. Thus, an ontology with a fine-grained rela-
tionships definitions is mandatory to allow storing
all possible links. Moreover, the reasoning mech-
anism contributes to check the consistency of the
inputs, that is a great help, especially for persons
with memory impairments and cognitive discor-
• The second one aims to integrate PersonLink in
the SIGIL electronic books editing system. SIGIL
allows to edit an electronic book in the Epub for-
mat. PersonLink can structure the metadata con-
cerning the genealogy of main characters. Con-
cerning this application, the main interest of Per-
sonLink is its availability to switch from one lan-
guage to another, by providing links correspond-
ing to different cultures and to ensure a smart
Future work will be mainly devoted to enrich the
ontology with convivial links between people (neigh-
bours, friends, care givers, etc.) and to take into ac-
count time variance.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development