use of ontology reasoners to verify the syntax spec-
ification. Using OWL is of value because it allows
the reuse of mature software artifacts including OWL
ontology editors and reasoners for visual syntax spec-
Although this work focuses on UML as the visual
language, it is also of value to the broader field of
visual syntax specification. The process of modeling
visual constructs, specifying the visual syntax in an
OWL ontology and utilizing the ontology reasoners
as demonstrated in this work can be equally applied
to another visual language as well.
It should be noted that this work focused on a lim-
ited number of UML constructs and notations, and
hence no claim on the completeness of the visual syn-
tax can be made. Needless to say that how well the
automated reasoning features can be utilized, depends
on the number of constructs encoded in the ontol-
ogy and how the constructs are modeled. As stated
in section 2.1, the same set of UML notations can
be modeled differently, which may result in a differ-
ent visual syntax ontology. Similarly, the applications
of the given visual syntax are also not considered in
this paper. It is envisaged that a technical application
that processes the visual layout of diagrams can make
use of such a visual syntax ontology. Such applica-
tions generally perform an interpretation to produce a
literal translation or a semantic interpretation of dia-
grams. As discussed in the introduction, such appli-
cations can be valuable for visually impaired users to
improve the accessibility of diagrams.
Future research would include expanding the de-
veloped ontology to incorporate all the UML con-
cepts in the Classes package of UML specification
and general presentation guidelines (as discussed in
section 6), conducting an in-depth study of the auto-
mated reasoner services for the verification of visual
syntax specifications and analyzing the computational
efficiency of reasoning services based on the number
of classes and instances in a visual syntax ontology.
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