151 steps) which makes the evaluation of such solu-
tion very time-consuming (it is a case of the prob-
lem of scale during the fitness evaluation). Finally,
the information encoded in the loop body, that spec-
ifies the self-replication features, actually determines
the replication algorithm (i.e. the CA development)
which is specific for the given loop. If no more valid
algorithms exist in the solution space for such loop,
then the GA may not be able to find the solution in a
reasonable time. Despite this issue, the obtained re-
sults bring some open questions whose investigation
could be beneficial for the self-replication as well as
cellular automata in general. For example, can the
seed-based development create a configuration in the
CA that supports self-replication (or other useful fea-
tures)? Are there other (simple) structures that sup-
port development of more complex (self-)replicating
objects? Can evolutionary techniques be applied to
the design of computationally universal CA-based
models? Not only these questions represent ideas for
our future research.
In this paper the evolutionary discovery of new repli-
cation processes was proposed. It was shown that
conditionally matching rules are suitable for a rou-
tine evolutionary design of multi-state CA that per-
form replication of a given loop-like structure. The
experiments provided many different solutions how
the replication of an initial loop can be performed.
In addition, some of the transition functions demon-
strated that the loop can even autonomously grow
from a single-cell seed and subsequently replicate ac-
cording to the original specification. It indicates that
CA may exhibit some features that has not yet been
known and has not been discovered so far using con-
ventional techniques. A disadvantage of the proposed
results may be seen in a low replication speed in com-
parison with some known replicating loops (the so-
lutions presented herein replicate the loop in one di-
rection only). However, optimization of the replica-
tion speed was not a goal of this paper. In general, it
was demonstrated that new techniques of replication
can be discovered automatically for a given loop-like
This work was supported by the Czech Science Foun-
dation via the project no. GA14-04197S Advanced
Methods for Evolutionary Design of Complex Dig-
ital Circuits, and the IT4Innovations Centre of Ex-
cellence, no. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070, funded by the
European Regional Development Fund and the na-
tional budget of the Czech Republic via the Research
and Development for Innovations Operational Pro-
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On Routine Evolution of New Replicating Structures in Cellular Automata