How to Pick up the Needed Information about What Is Going
Around Us: Information Awareness in Crisis Management
Amina Saoutal, Nada Matta and Jean Pierre Cahier
ICD/Tech-CICO, Troyes University of Technology, 12 Marie Curie, Troyes, France
Keywords: Awareness, Information Sharing, Communication Emergency Response, Collaboration, Crisis Response.
Abstract: Emergency responders require maintaining awareness of the relevant information, in order to collaborate
and achieve their activities successfully. However, the multitude organizations involved in crisis response
are faced with many challenges and boundaries such as culture, terminology, objectives and priorities. All
of this hampers the coordination and communication of the different information requirements for each
particular need within inter-organizational collaboration. As result, this leads to issues in awareness,
decision making and carrying out activities in addition to the loss of time. Hence, awareness is an important
factor for crisis response success. This prompted us to ask the original question: How to pick up the needed
and the relevant information about what is going around us to integrate and achieve our activity? In this
paper, we present: (1) the results of this study on awareness issues, causes and effects in Inter-
Organizational Collaboration in Crisis Management (2) We describe a semi structured system approach
supporting Information Awareness, this approach help the different actors to pick up the needed and the
relevant information about what is going around them to coordinate, integrate and achieve their activities.
Emergency responders (ERd) require maintaining
awareness of the relevant information, in order to
collaborate and achieve their activities successfully
(Schmidt, 2002; Steinmacher et al., 2013). However,
the multitude organizations involved in crisis
response (CR) are faced with many challenges and
boundaries such as culture, terminology, objectives
and priorities. All of this hampers the coordination
and communication of the different information
requirements for each particular need within inter-
organizational collaboration. As result, this leads to
issues in awareness, decision making and carrying
out activities in addition to the loss of time. Hence,
awareness is an important factor for CR success.
The concept of awareness varies with the
variation of discipline; Belkadi pointed out relevant
literature about awareness concept (Belkadi et al,
2013). In cognitive science, situation awareness is
the perception of the elements in the environment
within a volume of time and space, the
comprehension of their meaning and the projection
of their status in the near future (Endsley, 2000). In
collaborative work, awareness “refers to a person’s
being or becoming aware of something.” (Schmidt,
2002). Another definition given by Dourish and
Bellotti: “awareness is an understanding of the
activities of others, which provides a context for our
own activity” (Dourish and Bellotti, 1992). Others
researchers use the term awareness with an adjective
in order to qualify its use in a specific context (e.g.
peripheral awareness (Gaver, 1992; Bly et al., 1993,
p. 34; Benford et al., 1994), general awareness
(Gaver, 1991; Bly et al., 1993, p. 29), passive
awareness (Dourish and Bellotti, 1992, p. 107;
Dourish and Bly, 1992, p. 541) workspace
awareness (Gutwin, 1997; Gutwin and Greenberg,
1999; Gutwin and Greenberg, 2002) etc.) In
(Schmidt, 2002). Overall, even though the concept
of awareness is still ambiguous, all concepts of
‘awareness’ involve adopting the right information
at the right time to the right actor in order to analyze
information, make decision and achieve actions
(Gorman et al., 2006; Salmon et al., 2010).
However, awareness is often affected and hampered
by communication process problems: what is
communicated and how communication occurs
(Damian et al., 2007). The communication is not the
only problem of awareness as people could
communicate information without achieving
awareness. The central problematic of this concept
in collaborative work is how actors pick up what is
Saoutal, A., Matta, N. and Cahier, J..
How to Pick up the Needed Information about What Is Going Around Us: Information Awareness in Crisis Management.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 119-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
going on around them in order to integrate and align
tacitly their activities (Schmidt, 2002).
Picking up what is going around could be by
monitoring the activities of other actors, this
involves observing directly their activities (co-
located) or by communicating information in face to
face or by tools when actors are remote. In our
context of work, monitoring activities in inter-
organizational collaboration in crisis management is
difficult by face to face, as the crisis could be in a
large space, actors are remote and could not observe
others activities directly.
Thus actors need to be supported in order to be
aware about what is going around. Bly conceived a
media space to bring people together in a video,
audio, and computing environment as it is important
for informal interaction and general awareness (Bly
et al., 1993), similarly, the Portholes experiment at
Xerox EuroPARC, was conceived as an aspect of
informal interaction. “Awareness involves knowing
who is “around”, what activities are occurring, who
is talking with whom; it provides a view of one
another in the daily work environments. Awareness
may lead to informal interactions, spontaneous
connections, and the development of shared cultures
– all important aspects of maintaining working
relationships which are denied to groups distributed
across multiple sites” (Dourish and Bly, 1992, p. 541
in Schmidt, 2002). However, this concern social
context work, not the ongoing activities within the
cooperative effort (Schmidt, 2002). Being aware of
what is going around is very large and wide; actors
can be aware about others’ activities that are not
relevant to their own activity and it can lead to
information overload. In addition, information
overload makes actors under stress in the case of
crisis management and affect the decision making
and activities achievement. Thus, we use the
combination information awareness: as picking up
only needed and the relevant information at the right
time about what is going around us for a given
context in order to integrate and achieve our own
Information Awareness means two things that
are not separated: the first is that actors know and
identify what they have to pick up around
themselves and which is relevant for their activity;
the second is that actors have to pick up what they
have not anticipated previously and which is
relevant to integrate and adjust their activity.
In this work, we propose an approach to answer
the principal question How to pick up the needed
and the relevant information about what is going
around us to integrate and achieve our activity?
This approach is based on activities’
interdependency model and relies on organizing
information and occurrences of activities generated
and performed by different actors and organizations
involved in crisis management so that actors could
pick up easily the needed information about what is
going around them. The organization of this
information and the identification of actors’ need are
based on modelling the inter-dependencies of the
different activities (operations) between the different
organizations. We believe that this approach will
enhance information awareness as this model is
flexible and can be managed during crisis response.
Numerous studies were conducted to support intra-
organizational communication of information and
awareness; Location-Based Notification System for
Police to enhance awareness about incident location
(Streefkerk et al., 2008), peer to peer system to
support communication and alert between firefighter
(Jiang et al., 2004), information sharing prototype
providing awareness about the most important roles
in fire department (Prasanna et al., 2011). However,
the fact remains that these studies are restricted to
one emergency service. For multi-organizations
studies, we mention, Request-and-report system
based on android devices supporting the information
articulation which enriches awareness between
actors in the field and the control centers by
providing necessary information (Ludwig et al.,
2013). Nevertheless, this work did not tackle the
information articulation and the awareness between
the different organizations in inter-organizational
level. Ley proposed a centralized information
repository of documents (.pdf, .doc) for all
organizations involved in which users are able to
access to the information from different types and
sources (Ley et al. 2013), but it still not sufficient.
This approach may be relevant for decisional level
when decision makers need internal and external
information (e.g. water level, weather forecast etc.)
for decision making. In case of actors in operational
level, they could not search needed information
easily from the repository as it suppose that they
have to know what they will search for. However it
could be other information that they ignore and
which is relevant for their activities.
In the same align; Bui suggests a framework for
designing a Global Information Network to improve
communication, gathering and dissemination of
information for the humanitarian assistance and
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
disaster relief (Bui, 2000). In fact, we do not
perceive clearly in this article how the dissemination
was organized and established to allow to the actors
picking up what. Regarding Sapareito and Antunes,
an emergency-model should be capable to maintain
the interdependencies between events, actors,
actions etc and any other factors involved in the
process (Sapateiro and Antunes, 2009), thus they
proposed emergency response model to improve and
achieve collective shared situational awareness. The
Barhosa proposed a new role of “orchestrator” to
coordinate information flows between multiple
agencies and share awareness. The orchestrator takes
care of the information needs that go beyond the
boundary of a single agency (Bharosa et al., 2011).
However, with the massive information available in
CR, it will be difficult for the orchestrator or liaison-
officer to manage all this information. Additionally,
it is not clear in this article how to help the
orchestrator to adress this information to the
different agencies.
In order to propose an approach to enhance and
support information awareness in inter-
organizational collaboration, we proceed to
understand first the collaborative practices in crisis
management and studying the information
awareness from the communication of information
corner. Thus, we conduct the qualitative study in
which we focus specially on professional actors and
organizations involved in crisis management (CR).
We conducted interviews with different
organizations, we participated to some exercises and
we analysed experience-feedback documents about
previous real cases.
3.1 Methodology
We conducted in a first step, individual semi
structured interviews (Table 1) with different actors
from different organizations involved in crisis (Fire,
Emergency medical service (EMS), Police…) in
order to understand their current practices on inter-
organizational collaboration and highlight the root
causes of communicating information problem that
prevent meeting the different objectives and impact
decision making. In a second step of interviews, we
focused especially on information in common core
among the various organizations involved. We note
that we did debriefings on real cases (Table 2) and
we participated to two exercises as observers (Table
3). In the first exercise (E1) we observed the inter-
organizational communication in the different levels:
operational level (OL), tactical level (TL) in the
field, the communication center of hospital and
strategic level (SL) in prefecture (crisis cell,
departmental operational center). The exercise was
video recorded in OL and we took notes in other
levels. Besides, interviews were audio recorded and
transcribed for subsequent data analysis following
the process of qualitative content analysis (Mayring,
Table 1: Interviews.
N° Organization Role
I1 Fire department Commandant
I2 Fire department Colonel
I3 Fire department Group chief
I4 Fire department Trainer at firefighter/former
I5 Fire department Commandant of rescue operation
I6 EMS Chief of emergency medical
assistance service/ expert
I7 EMS Assistant chief of emergency medical
I8 Police Captain: Deputy officer of
I9 Police Colonel: commandant of police
I10 Consultant Former firefighter/ expert
Table 2: Debriefing.
N° Debriefing type Participants
D1 Accident bus in
Real case Expert -EMS
D2 Nuclear transport Exercise Expert-EMS
D3 Retirement home Real case Expert-EMS
D4 Storm 99 Real case Commandant of Rescue
Operation Firefighter
Table 3: Debriefing.
N° Exercise observation Participants
E1 Shooting in commercial stores FRS-Police-EMS-others
E2 Population evacuation Red Cross
3.2 Information Awareness Problems
In crisis management, the situation is very critical
and actors have to pick up what is going around as
soon as possible in order to integrate their activities
and save victims. The plan and the procedure
indicate that information about activities in inter-
organizational collaboration is provided by
communicating this information through the
Command Posts (CPs) in the tactical level.
However, based on our ethnographic data, the
How to Pick up the Needed Information about What Is Going Around Us: Information Awareness in Crisis Management
communication of information in real situation of
crisis management is not fluid. This is due to the
problem of information flow; bottom-up and top-
down, weak interaction between actors in inter-
organization as well as the information
unavailability due to the lack of awareness about
others actor needs.
We present in detail the current communication
and awareness problems hamper information
awareness within inter-organizational collaboration
in crisis management:
3.2.1 Weak Interaction between Actors
Monitoring activities in inter-organizational
collaboration in crisis management is difficult. The
crisis could be in a large space; actors are remote
and could not observe others activities directly as
well as the tools used are generally the radio which
does not enable to achieve information awareness
effectively. In the procedures, the CP of each
organization should assume inter-organizational
communication and information sharing about
activities; however it is not always the case. CPs are
not always established at the beginning of crisis, “As
the CP is not yet installed, there is a period of
waiting and communication is very complex” (I8). In
this case, the only way to pick up what is going
around is via interlocutor. Actors try to find other
organization’ interlocutor to pick up what is going
around, whereas, it is difficult to interact between
each other; as it is difficult to reach and determine
who is in the field, the position of remote actors and
actors’ roles, we note that the roles are dynamic and
an actor may have different role at each time: e.g.
“CRO cannot find an interlocutor from EMS to have
a medical answer” (E1)
“We need to identify who is the interlocutor for each
service and who is the decision maker” (I6)
This issue is caused by missing awareness about
actors’ networkit is necessary to maintain a
network of knowledge to communicate information
rapidly” (I10).
3.2.2 Information Unavailability
Even if the CP are set up (e.g. after one hour of
crisis (E1)), the information still unavailable due to
the difficulty to manage and send the right
information at the right time; in one hand, the CPs
are overloaded by the treatment of many calls in
radio as well as the transmission of information
report to the operational center and to the crisis cell
(e.g. Departmental Operation Center if the crisis is
departmental). So this hamper communicating
information transversally. (e.g “We are not able to
access to the field, we need to know the perimeter of
exclusion, information about victims and what could
we do” (I6, D1).
In the other hand actors could not determine
precisely the relevant information needs for others.
We realize that we are really advanced and we wait
the vehicles of firefighter and that police give us the
information of access… The transmitter does not
give information at the right time” (I6, D1)). “There
is a transmission of information but not necessarily
the right one […] The transmitter may give
fragmented information that are not exploitable” (I6,
This is due to the missing awareness about
actors’ priorities and objectives, in addition to the
lack of awareness about actions interdependencies.
Hence, the interlocutor of each organization could
not determine the right information needed by other
actors neither at each time they need it. (E.g. The
police know that there is an escape route, but they
do not necessarily communicate…” (I6)
There is a logistical dependence also related to
information at the right time. We do not transmit the
relevant information for the activity of the other at
the right time” (I6)
3.2.3 Information Flow (Top-down;
Information flow is very long from operational (OL)
to the strategic level (SL). It is as follows: for each
organization, actors in OL send information report
about their activities vertically to their own
Command Post (CP) to make tactical decision. In
turn information are reported to the different centers
to inform them what is going on the field (actions
carried out, resources required etc). Afterward, this
information is reported to the SL (DOC).
Consequently, all this, produces a shift phase
between the different levels operational, tactical and
strategic levels. This is due to the lack of tools that
enable actors to pick up what is going around
instantly. Hence, the major decision making and
unfolded measures are affected. “The time is not the
same in the field as in the CC of EMS, and in the
DOC” (I6)
In other hand, actors in the field are not aware
instantly about the major decision made in strategic
level or the decision made by the Commander of
rescue (in tactical level) to embed and align in the
field. “We are not necessarily aware at the right
time about the decisions made in strategic level
(I6). “There is a problem of information top-down,
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 4: Information Awareness issues, causes and effects.
we are not aware about the major decision made in
SL and they are not communicated to actors on
field” (I6,D2).
Sometimes, the Commander of rescue makes
decision. However there is a delay to receive this
decision” (I6). Top-down and bottom-up, affect the
global information awareness in SL and the major
In table 4, we summarize the information awareness
issues, causes and effect in inter-organizational-
collaboration in crisis management:
To summarize: currently actors pick up what is
going around through tactical level, this is not
efficient as actors have to research an interlocutor
from who to pick up his needs. In other hand the
CPs do not transmit all information needed neither at
the right time. Hence, picking up information
awareness with current communication and
awareness problem is not sure. Besides, actor
transmitter (e.g CP in tactical level) and actor
looking for information (E.g. actors in the field) may
pay cost instead they benefit -in transmitting
information and looking for interlocutor,
information needed etc.). Second, actors can receive
information that the sender believes relevant for
them, whereas he cannot determine the relevance
without the context of other own activity. Third,
sender cannot predict relevant information for others
and time of needed (Dourish and Bellotti, 1992).
3.3 Supporting Information Awareness
in Inter-organizational
To support information awareness we asked the
question if it is relevant to support social awareness
in order to enable actors the identification of “to
whom displaying their activities” and identify
“interlocutor from who to pick up what is going
around”. On analyzing the situation of crisis
management, this solution will enhance interaction
between actors. However, it is difficult in such
situation with dynamic event; in addition action, the
roles and responsibilities of actors in the field are
dynamic, so defining a list of transmitter and
receiver will not be exhaustive. Besides, the
transmitter and the person who search for
information may pay cost of time to transmit or
request the information during executing their
activities. Another reason is that actors could not
monitor all this all this dynamism. Thus, we focus
our solution on the core definition of awareness in
the cooperative work as taking heed of needed
information and other relevant occurrences in order
perform and integrate interdependent activities.
Before we present our approach, we give some
recommendations to support cooperative application
for inter-organizational collaboration:
The crisis is a dynamic process of events and actions
that are unpredictable, thus the systems should not
automate all process.
How to Pick up the Needed Information about What Is Going Around Us: Information Awareness in Crisis Management
The sender could not predict relevant information
for others and time of needed. Thus we suggest a (1)
system that distributes information within the
context; information which critical to a decision or
performing action: for instance, determine
information by action or goal intended, location, and
role etc. (2) the system must support audiovisual and
geographical information. GIS could provide a good
representation of data (3) Information must flow
instantaneously bottom-up, top-down and
transversally. (4) Use tools that actors are used to
use (e.g. the Smartphone; actors use mobile phones
in parallel with the radio) (5) keep the current
systems used by actors (e.g. information system) and
make an interoperable system that centralizes
information in the common core and distribute the
needed information to the existing systems.
What we propose is semi-structured system
which collects information in the common core and
distributes information awareness to the different
actors in the different level (figure 1). The
distribution rely on (1) model of interdependent
action/activities that are defined
from the crisis response plan and previous
experience. (2) The distribution considers also the
model of actors’ network, which includes dynamic
role and responsibilities in addition to other meta-
data (e.g. organization, time, function etc.). These
models are explained in detail in (Saoutal et al.,
2015). Briefly, empirical data shows that the most
information needed to achieve an action are related
to other set of activities or subsidiary of activity.
Thus, we model the different activities -in common
core-, sub-activities (actions) and their
dependencies. When the information is collected in
common core -we notice that this information is
originally reported by the different actors executing
actions and exercising their activities- then this
different information such as {decision, message of
information, video, photos, data and unfolded
Figure 1: Semi-Structured System for Distributed
Information Awareness.
logistics} is organized under multi-level: principal
activity -> subsidiary activity (see an example in
figure 2). After that, we distribute to each actor
context, the information awareness needed. To apply
that, we consider the context by the set of
information {the goal intention and/or the operation
that he will perform, his location and his role} in
order to provide the information provided by
interdependent activities and provide also additional
information based on his location and role. All this
information is represented with metadata such as
time, actor provider, responsibility, organization etc.
This model is dynamic and updatable in which we
can add, modify or remove activities, sub-activities
and dependencies during crisis response, for that, we
suggest to add a new role of “supervisor” who will
monitor all situation in the field remotely, control
the interaction and the integration of the different
information that are not supported by the system
previously and who will manage the dependencies as
judged by the situation.
We are currently, implementing the prototype
and developing the system using a user-centered
design methodology to meet the end user
requirement. The system will be implemented in
heterogeneous tools (such as Smartphone, tablet, PC
etc.) in order to facilitate the portability and the
usability of the systems by the different actors: in the
field (OL), in tactical level (TL) and in the strategic
level (SL).
Some guideline to develop cooperative system
for CR:
We used the field studies in order to analyze the
practice work and the current problem and needs
of crisis responders. This was conducted by
observation and interviews about specific issues
(such communication and awareness) in order to
pick up other problem/solution that they do not
perceive and do not require.
Figure 2: Example for Activities Interdependency and
Information Structure.
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 3: Application for distributing Information Awareness.
The prototype should focus on those
functionalities which will handle the analyzed
problem. Before developing, we propose to
perform a scenario-based walkthrough with
professionals based on a paper or other format of
presentation explaining the solution. The goal is
to see if actors with the proposed prototype, will
accomplish their activities (in this case: we want
to analyse of actor will achieve information
awareness based on described scenario) and to
have some professional feedback in order to
improve the system.
Technically, we can use distributed architecture
which enable the functioning of many systems
and provide information with different format to
these system at the same time. One technical
solution is to use the web service REST as its
architecture is oriented-resource dedicated for
distributed hypermedia and its services are
implemented by HTTP-servlets. We suggest also
using NoSQL database in order to support a
massive number of transactions, data, users etc.
and for their simple use and development.
In figure 3, we present the application for
distributing Information Awareness. Responders in
the field have the application in Smartphone which
is attached to the actor's arm to facilitate sending
report and doing their activities at the same time.
When an actor send report (e.g. firefighter send
information about victims’ recognition - evaluation),
this information is structured under the activity
“recognition victims fire” and sub-activity
“evaluation”. The structure is previously established
in the database according to the model of activities
dependency. To facilitate the management of
dependencies, we included in IA-activity, the
information about internal operation output and the
information about dependant operations output, so
that actor could pick up all and just information
related to the activity that he interested in. In this
example, we have IA-Recognition which contains
according to figure 2, recognition victims EMS,
recognition victims firefighter and Secure perimeter,
as actors that are interested to executing the
recognition need all these information.
So when the EMS responder subscribe to IA-
recognition, he will have access to this information
and will be aware about the perimeter of security,
what was done by firefighter, when, who, the
victims previously treated, their localization through
the visual information on map, which facilitate him
to integrate and execute his own activity.
This model is manageable during crisis,
supervisor could manage the information report that
are not categorized and structured under operations
as he has the global view of what is going around.
He/she can assign this information to the suitable
IA-operation as he prejudges its relevance for an
organization or an operation. This role needs a
minimum of knowledge about each organization, the
objectives, culture etc.
How to Pick up the Needed Information about What Is Going Around Us: Information Awareness in Crisis Management
In this work, we identify the multitude inter-
organizational failures related to the information
awareness issues rooted in a lack of awareness
about: actors ‘network (role, organization, position
etc.), activities’ interdependency and actors
requirement. All this problems hamper IA
achievement and lead to issues in decision making
and action achievement. Thus, we propose an
approach that addresses the problem of information
awareness and how “picking up all and only needed
and the relevant information at the right time about
what is going around us for a given context in order
to integrate and achieve our own activities”. This
approach is based on activities’ interdependency
model and relies on organizing information and
occurrences of activities generated and provided
from different actors and organization involved in
crisis management so that actors could pick up
easily the needed information about what is going
around them.
We believe that this approach system will
enhance information awareness as this model is
flexible and can be managed during crisis; add new
activities and new interdependencies during dynamic
situation of crisis so that actors could achieve
information awareness about unanticipated
occurrences. Actors could add in their system new
operations (or an unanticipated event) and new
interdependencies during dynamic situation so that
actors could achieve information awareness about
unanticipated occurrences.
In our future work, we will experiment the
system to prove the effectiveness of this approach in
crisis response, the mitigation of the time-consuming
and the achievement of information awareness at the
right time, to the right actor through the system in
order to make decision and achieve action at the
right time.
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How to Pick up the Needed Information about What Is Going Around Us: Information Awareness in Crisis Management