expensive if implemented on multicore
supercomputers. Current analysis software for
analysing electron beam guns in 2-D are relatively
fast. For example, a 10,000 element model of an
electron gun will converge to a solution, taking into
account the space charge of the electron beam, in a
time of less than 1 minute running on a desktop PC.
These recent advances in software implementation
and computing hardware have made the
implementation of automatic design algorithms
There are two key steps in implementing and
evolutionary algorithm for design: the design
features to be evolved must be encoded in a genome,
and the suitability of the design must be able to be
quantified in a fitness score. As such the
implementation of evolutionary algorithms for
design could be applied to a very wide range of
design challenges.
Within this work an evolutionary design
algorithm for electron guns was developed and
tested. As a single optimisation can take several
hours, the evolutionary parameters have been
estimated from an analogous problem of shape
fitting, where many thousands of solutions could be
analysed. In future work, more exploration of tuning
of evolutionary parameters will be carried out, and
automatic adjustment of the parameters at different
stages of the optimisation will be explored.
Monitoring of the score function for the best of
each generation shows incremental improvements
and on one occasion a significant jump going from
one generation to the next. In this work, the
optimisation process has been run several times and
this usually occurs, corresponding to a mutation or
gene spliced combination of features that gives a
near optimum diameter of beam in the lens and a
high brightness.
There are, however, a wide range of meta-
heuristic methods for design optimisation which
could be applied. At this time one of the most
popular and most promising methods is particle
swarm optimisation. The work carried out on
including the design and the software
implementation of an automatic design method will
in the near future be applied using alternative
optimisation techniques. It is also intended to
monitor the design optimisation convergence and
adjust the applied technique to converge at the
highest rate. This offers the tantalising possibility of
being able to optimise the optimisation method, for
example, the evolutionary process could itself
evolve to become ever more efficient.
From the work reported the following
conclusions can be drawn
• A technique has been developed to allow
electron gun designs to be automatically optimised
• Assessment of a gun design against required
electron beam characteristics has been quantified by
deriving key beam qualities from field analysis and
trajectory plotting
• An evolutionary design optimisation method
has been tested
• The design method has been applied to a novel
plasma cathode electron gun.
This work has been supported by The National
Structural Integrity Research Foundation, TWI Ltd
and Brunel University London.
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