2015) which is suitable for automated deduction in
the first-order G
odel logic with explicit partial truth.
odel logic is expanded by a countable set of inter-
mediate truth constants ¯c, c ∈ (0,1). We have mod-
ified translation of a formula to an equivalent satis-
fiable finite order clausal theory, consisting of order
clauses. An order clause is a finite set of order literals
of the form ε
where ε
is an atom or a quanti-
fied atom, and is the connective P or ≺. P and
≺ are interpreted by the equality and standard strict
linear order on [0,1], respectively. We have investi-
gated the so-called canonical standard completeness,
where the semantics of G
odel logic is given by the
standard G-algebra and truth constants are interpreted
by ’themselves’. The modified hyperresolution cal-
culus is refutation sound and complete for a count-
able order clausal theory if the set of truth constants
occurring in the theory, is admissible with respect to
suprema and infima. This condition covers the case of
finite order clausal theories. We have solved the de-
duction problem of a formula from a countable theory.
As an interesting consequence, we get an affirmative
solution to the open problem of recursive enumerabil-
ity of unsatisfiable formulae in G
odel logic with truth
constants and the equality, P
P, strict order, ≺
≺, projec-
tion, ∆
∆, operators.
Corollary 5.1. The set of unsatisfiable formulae of L
is recursively enumerable.
Proof. Let φ ∈ OrdForm
. Then φ contains a finite
number of truth constants and tcons({φ}) is admissi-
ble with respect to suprema and infima. φ is unsatisfi-
able if and only if {φ} |= 0. Hence, the problem that φ
is unsatisfiable can be reduced to the deduction prob-
lem {φ} |= 0 after a constant number of steps. Let
∈ N. By Corollary 4.5 for n
, 0, {φ}, there exist
⊆ {(i, j) |i ≥ n
}, S
⊆ SimOrdCl
L∪{ ˜p | ∈J
and tcons(S
) is admissible with respect to suprema
and infima, {φ} |= 0 if and only if ∈ clo
); if
{φ} |= 0, then ∈ clo
) and we can decide it
after a finite number of steps. This straightforwardly
implies that the set of unsatisfiable formulae of L is
recursively enumerable. The corollary is proved.
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