of using alternative learning algorithms such as Min-
imerror (Torres-Moreno et al., 2002), which is a per-
ceptron learning rule with a cost function designed to
reduce the number of classification errors rather than
mean squared error. The MOHN and its learning rules
would also be usefully compared to deep networks as
they present a start contrast in approach.
The issue of MOHN structure discovery was also
raised, but the detail is left for future work. The exper-
iments presented in this paper worked on the assump-
tion that the networks in question contained weights
of sufficient order to capture the functions on which
they were trained. This becomes increasingly difficult
as the number of inputs grows. Problems with large
numbers of inputs require a structure discovery phase
to be carried out as part of the training process.
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is faster and has less error variance across trials than
training with an MLP. Additionally, the training al-
gorithm has no local minima when training a fixed
structure MOHN, making training more reliable than
that of an MLP. Of course, any algorithm used to dis-
cover the correct structure for the MOHN may well
have local optima, but that (again) is a matter for fu-
ture work.
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A Comparison of Learning Rules for Mixed Order Hyper Networks