Exploiting Visual Similarities for Ontology Alignment
Charalampos Doulaverakis, Stefanos Vrochidis and Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
Ontology Alignment, Visual Similarity, ImageNet, Wordnet.
Ontology alignment is the process where two different ontologies that usually describe similar domains are
’aligned’, i.e. a set of correspondences between their entities, regarding semantic equivalence, is determined.
In order to identify these correspondences several methods and metrics that measure semantic equivalence
have been proposed in literature. The most common features that these metrics employ are string-, lexical-
, structure- and semantic-based similarities for which several approaches have been developed. However,
what hasn’t been investigated is the usage of visual-based features for determining entity similarity in cases
where images are associated with concepts. Nowadays the existence of several resources (e.g. ImageNet)
that map lexical concepts onto images allows for exploiting visual similarities for this purpose. In this paper,
a novel approach for ontology matching based on visual similarity is presented. Each ontological entity is
associated with sets of images, retrieved through ImageNet or web-based search, and state of the art visual
feature extraction, clustering and indexing for computing the similarity between entities is employed. An
adaptation of a popular Wordnet-based matching algorithm to exploit the visual similarity is also proposed.
Our method is compared with traditional metrics against a standard ontology alignment benchmark dataset
and demonstrates promising results.
Semantic Web is providing shared ontologies and vo-
cabularies in different domains that can be openly ac-
cessed and used for tasks such as semantic annotation
of information, reasoning, querying, etc. The Linked
Open Data (LOD) paradigm shows how the different
exposed datasets can be linked in order to provide a
deeper understanding of information. As each ontol-
ogy is being engineered to describe a particular do-
main for usage in specific tasks, it is common for on-
tologies to express equivalent domains using different
terms or structures. These equivalences have to be
identified and taken into account in order to enable
seamless knowledge integration. Moreover, as an on-
tology can contain hundreds or thousands of entities,
there is a need to automate this process. An example
of the above comes from the cultural heritage domain
where two ontologies are being used as standards, one
is the CIDOC-CRM
, used for semantically annotat-
ing museum content, and the other is the Europeana
Data Model
, which is used to semantically index and
interconnect cultural heritage objects. While these
CIDOC-CRM, http://www.cidoc-crm.org
Europeana Data Model, http://labs.europeana.eu
two ontologies have been developed for different pur-
poses, they are used in the cultural heritage domain
and correspondences between their entities should ex-
ist and be identified.
In ontology alignment the goal is to automatically
or semi-automatically discover correspondences be-
tween the ontological entities, i.e. their classes, prop-
erties or instances. An alignment’ is a set of map-
pings that define the similar entities between two on-
tologies. These mappings can be expressed e.g. using
the owl:equivalentClass or owl:equivalentProperty
properties so that a reasoner can automatically access
both ontologies during a query.
While the proposed methodologies in literature
have proven quite effective, either alone or combined,
in dealing with the alignment of ontologies, there has
been little progress in defining new similarity metrics
that take advantage of features that haven’t been con-
sidered so far. In addition existing benchmarks for
evaluating the performance of ontology alignments
systems, such as the Ontology Alignment Evaluation
(OAEI) have shown that there is still room
for improvement in ontology alignment.
In the last 5 years the proliferation of multime-
OAEI, http://oaei.ontologymatching.org
Doulaverakis, C., Vrochidis, S. and Kompatsiaris, I..
Exploiting Visual Similarities for Ontology Alignment.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 29-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dia has generated several annotated resources and
datasets that are associated with concepts, such as Im-
or Flickr
thus making their visual represen-
tations easily available and retrievable so that they can
be further exploited, e.g. for image recognition.
In this paper we propose a novel ontology match-
ing metric that is based on visual similarities between
ontological entities. The visual representations of the
entities are crafted by different multimedia sources,
namely ImageNet and web-based image search, thus
assigning each entity to descriptive sets of images.
State of the art visual features are extracted from these
images and vector representations are generated. The
entities are compared in terms of these representations
and a similarity value is extracted for each pair of en-
tities, thus the pair with the highest similarity value
is considered as valid. The approach is validated in
experimental results where it is shown that when it’s
combined with other known ontology alignment met-
rics it increases precision and recall of the discovered
The main contributionof the paper is the introduc-
tion of a novel similarity metric for ontology align-
ment based on visual features. To the best of the au-
thors knowledge this is the first attempt to exploit vi-
sual features for ontology alignment purposes. We
also propose an adaptation of a popular lexical-based
matching algorithm where lexical similarity is re-
placed with visual similarity.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 3 de-
scribes the methodology in detail, while Section 5
presents the experimental results on the popular OAEI
conference track dataset. In Section 4 an metric that
exploits the proposed visual similarity and lexical fea-
tures is proposed and described. Related work in on-
tology alignment is documented in Section 2. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper and a future work plan
is outlined.
In order to accomplish the automatic discovery of
mappings, numerous approaches have been proposed
in literature that rely on various features. Of the
most common are methods that compare the similar-
ity of two strings, e.g. comparing hasAuthor with
isAuthoredBy, are the most used and fastest to com-
pute as they operate on raw strings. Existing string
similarity metrics are being used, such as Levenshtein
distance, Edit distance, Jaro-Winkler similarity, etc,
ImageNet, http://www.image-net.org/
Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/
while string similarity algorithms such as (Stoilos
et al., 2005) have been developed especially for ontol-
ogy matching. Other mapping discoverymethods rely
on lexical processing in order to find synonyms, hy-
pernyms or hyponyms between concepts, e.g. Author
and Writer, where Wordnet is most commonly used.
In (Lin and Sandkuhl, 2008) a survey on methods that
use Wordnet (Miller, 1995) for ontology alignment,
is carried out. Approaches for exploiting other exter-
nal knowledge sources have been presented (Sabou
et al., 2006; Pesquita et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2014;
Faria et al., 2014). Other similarity measures rely on
the structure of the ontologies, such as the Similarity
Flooding (Melnik et al., 2002) algorithm that stems
from the relational databases world but has been suc-
cessfully used for ontology alignment, while others
exploit both schema and ontology semantics for map-
ping discovery. A comprehensivestudy of such meth-
ods can be found at (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2005). In
terms of matching systems, there have been proposed
numerous approaches that combine matchers or in-
clude external resources of the generation of a valid
mapping between ontologies. Most available systems
have been evaluated in the OAEI benchmarks that are
held annually. In (Jean-Mary et al., 2009) the authors
use a weighted approach to combine several match-
ers in order to produce a final matching score be-
tween the ontological entities. In (Ngo and Bellah-
sene, 2012) the authors go a step further and propose
a novel approach to combine elementary matching al-
gorithms using a machine learning approach with de-
cision trees. The system is trained from prior ground
truth alignments in order to find the best combina-
tion of matchers for each pair of entities. Other sys-
tems, such as AML (Faria et al., 2013) and (Kirsten
et al., 2011), make use of external knowledge re-
sources or lexicons to obtain ground truth structure
and entity relations. This is especially used when
matching ontologies in specialized domains such as
in biomedicine.
In contrast to the above we propose a novel on-
tology matching algorithm that corresponds entities
with images and makes use of visual features in or-
der to compute similarity between entities. To the au-
thors knowledge, this is the first approach in literature
where a visual-based ontology matching algorithm is
proposed. Throughout the paper, the term “entity” is
used to refer to ontology entities, i.e. classes, object
properties, datatype properties, etc.
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
(a) Images for “boat” (b) Images for “ship” (c) Images for “motorbike”
Figure 1: Images for different synsets. (a) and (b) are semantically more similar than with (c). The visual similarity between
(a) and (b) and their difference with (c) is apparent.
The idea for the development of a visual similarity al-
gorithm for ontology alignment originated from the
structure of ImageNet where images are assigned to
concepts. For example, Figure 1 shows a subset of
images that is found in ImageNet for the words boat,
ship and motorbike. Obviously, boat and ship are
more semantically related than boat and motorcycle.
It is also clear from Figure 1 that the images that cor-
respond to boat and ship are much more similar in
terms of visual appearance than the images of mo-
torbike. One can then assume that it is possible to
estimate the semantic relatedness of two concepts by
comparing their visual representations.
In Figure 2 the proposed architecture for visual-
based ontology alignment is presented. The source
and target ontologies are the ontologies to be
matched. For every entity in the ontologies, sets of
images are assigned through ImageNet by identify-
ing the relevant Wordnet synsets. A synset is a set
of words that have the same meaning and these are
used to query ImageNet. A single entity might corre-
spond to a number of synsets, e.g. “track” has differ-
ent meaning in transport and in sports as can be seen
in Figure 3. Thus for each entity a number of image
sets are retrieved. For each image in a set, low level
visual features are extracted and a numerical vector
representation is formed. Therefore for each concept
different sets of vectors are generated. Each set of
vectors is called a “visual signature”. All visual signa-
tures between the source and target ontology are com-
pared in pairs using a modified Jaccard set similarity
in order to come up with a list of similarity values as-
signed to each entity pair. The final list of mappings
is generated by employing an assignment optimiza-
tion algorithm such as the Hungarian method (Kuhn,
3.1 Assigning Images to Entities
The main source of images in the proposed work is
ImageNet, an image database organized according to
the WordNet noun hierarchy in which each node of
the hierarchy is associated with a number of images.
Users can search the database through a text-search
web interface where the user inputs the query words,
which are then mapped to Wordnet indexedwords and
a list of relevant synsets (synonym sets, see (Miller,
1995)) are presented. The user selects the desired
synset and the corresponding images are displayed.
In addition, ImageNet provides a REST API for re-
trieving the image list that corresponds to a synset by
entering the Wordnet synset id as input and this is the
access method we used.
For every entity of the two ontologies to be
matched, the following process was followed: A pre-
processing procedure is executed where each entity
name is first tokenized in order to split it to meaning-
ful words as it is common for names to be in the form
of isAuthorOf or is
author of thus after tokenization,
isAuthorOf will be split to the words is, Author and
of. The next step is to filter out stop words, words that
do not contain important significance or are very com-
mon. In the previous example, the words is and of are
removed, thus after this preprocessing the name that
is produced is Author.
After the preprocessing step, the next procedure
is about identifying the relevant Worndet synset(s) of
the entity name and get their ids, which is a rather
straightforwardprocedure. Using these ids, ImageNet
is queried in order to retrieve a fixed number of rele-
vant images. However trying to retrieve these images
Exploiting Visual Similarities for Ontology Alignment
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed ontology alignment algorithm.
(a) Images for “track
(b) Images for “track (train)”
Figure 3: Images that correspond to different meanings of
concept “track”. Since we can’t be certain of a word mean-
ing (word sense), each concept is associated with all rele-
vant synsets and corresponding image sets from ImageNet.
might fail, mainly due to two reasons: either the name
does not correspond to a Wordnet synset, e.g. due
to misspellings, or the relevant ImageNet synset isn’t
assigned any images, something which is not uncom-
mon since ImageNet is still under development and is
not complete. So, in order not to end up with empty
image collections, in the above cases the entity name
is used to query Yahoo
image search
in order to
find relevant images. The idea of using web-based
search results has been employed in computer vision
as in (Chatfield and Zisserman, 2013) where web im-
age search is used to train an image classifier.
The result of the above-described process is to
have each ontological entity C associated with n sets
of images I
, with i = 1, . . . , n, where n is the number
of synsets that correspond to entity C.
Yahoo search, https://images.search.yahoo.com
3.2 Extracting the Visual Signatures of
For allowing a visual-based comparison of the onto-
logical entities, each image set I
has to be repre-
sented using appropriate visual descriptors. For this
purpose, a state of the art approach is followed where
images are represented as compact numerical vec-
tors. For extracting these vectors the approach which
is described in (Spyromitros-Xioufis et al., 2014) is
used as it has been shown to outperform other ap-
proaches on standard benchmarks of image retrieval
and is quite efficient. In short, SURF (Speeded Up
Robust Features) descriptors (Bay et al., 2008) are
extracted for each image in a set. SURF descriptors
are numerical representations of important image fea-
tures and are used to compactly describe image con-
tent. These are then represented using the VLAD
(Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors) represen-
tation (J´egou et al., 2010) where four codebooks of
size 128 each, were used. The resulting VLAD vec-
tors are PCA-projected to reduce their dimensionality
to 100 coefficients, thus ending up with a standard nu-
merical vector representation v
for each image j in a
set. At the end of this process, each image set I
be numerically represented by a corresponding vector
set. This vector set is termed “visual signature” V
it conveniently and descriptively represents the visual
content of I
, thus V
= {v
}, with j = 1, . . . , k and k
being the total number of images in I
The whole processing workflow is depicted in Fig-
ure 4.
Algorithm 1 outlines the steps to create visual sig-
natures V
of entities in an ontology.
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 4: Block diagram of the process for extracting the
visual signatures of an entity.
Algorithm 1: Pseudocode for extracting visual signature V
of an entity C in ontology O.
Ensure: V
0, C is an entity of ontology O
W find Wordnet synsets of C
for all synsets W
in W do
download k images from ImageNet
if I
0 then
download k images from web
end if
for all images j in I
extractVisualDescriptors( j)
add v
end for
add V
end for
return V
3.3 Comparing Visual Signatures for
Computing Entity Similarity
Having the visual signatures for each entity, the next
step is to use an appropriate metric in order to com-
pare these signatures and estimate the similarity be-
tween image sets. Several vector similarity and dis-
tance metrics exist, such as cosine similarity or eu-
clidean distance, however these are mostly suitable
when comparing individual vectors. In the current
work, we are interested in establishing the similarity
value between vector sets so the Jaccard set similarity
measure is more appropriate as it is has been defined
exactly for this purpose. It’s definition is
where V
and V
are the i and j different visual
signatures of entities C
and C
, |V
| is the
intersection size of the two sets, i.e. the number of
identical images between the sets, and |V
| is
the total number of images in both sets. It holds that
0 J
1. For defining if two images A and
B are identical, we compute the angular similarity of
their vector representations.
= 1
arccos(cosineSim(A, B))
with cosineSim(A, B) equal to
cosineSim(A, B) =
· B
For AngSim, a value of 0 means that the two im-
ages are completely irrelevant and 1 means that they
are identical. However, two images might not have
= 1 even if they are visually the same but
they are acquired from different sources due to e.g.
differences in resolution, compression or stored for-
mat, thus we risk of having |V
| =
0. For this
reason instead of aiming to find truly identical images
we introduce the concept of “near-identical images”
where two images are considered identical if the have
a similarity value above a threshold T, thus
0 if AngSim
< T
1 if AngSim
T is experimentally defined. Using the above we
are able to establish the Jaccard set similarity value of
two ontological entities by corresponding each entity
to an image set, extracting the visual signature of each
set and comparing these signatures. The Jaccard set
similarity value J
is computed for every pair i, j of
synsets that correspond to the examined entities, V,U.
Visual Similarity is defined as
) = max
i, j
) (5)
The Visual Similarity algorithm can either be ex-
ploited as a standalone measure or it can be used
as complementary to other ontology matching mea-
sures as well. Since in order to construct the visual
representation of entities Wordnet is used, one ap-
proach is to combine visual with lexical-based fea-
tures. Lexical-based measures have been used in
ontology matching systems in recent OAEI bench-
marks, such as in (Ngo and Bellahsene, 2012)where,
among others, the Wu-Palmer (Wu and Palmer, 1994)
Wordnet-basedmeasure has been integrated. The Wu-
Palmer similarity value between concepts C
and C
is defined as
Exploiting Visual Similarities for Ontology Alignment
2· N
+ N
+ 2· N
is defined as the least common superconcept
(or hypernym) of both C
and C
, N
and N
are the
number of nodes from C
and C
to C
, respectively,
and N
is the number of nodes on the path from C
root. The intuition behind this metric is that since con-
cepts closer to the root have a broader meaning which
is made more specific as one moves to the leaves of
the hierarchy, if two concepts have a common hyper-
nym closer to them and further from the root, then it’s
likely that they have a closer semantic relation.
Based on this intuition we have defined a new sim-
ilarity metric that takes into account the visual fea-
tures of both concepts and of their least common su-
perconcept. Using the same notation and meaning for
, C
, C
, the measure we have defined is expressed
3 (V
where V
is the visual similarity value between
and C
and V
are the visual similarity val-
ues between C
and C
respectively. V
are calculated according to Eq. 5. In all cases,
0 LexiVis
1. The intuition behind this mea-
sure is that semantically related concepts will be each
other highly visually similar to each other and also
highly similar visually with their closest hypernym.
The incorporationof the closest hypernym in the over-
all similarity estimation of two concepts will allow for
corrections in cases where concepts might be visually
similar but semantically irrelevant, e.g. “boat” and
“hydroplane” pictures depict an object surrounded by
a body of water, however when they are visually com-
pared against their common superconcept, in the pre-
vious example it is the concept craft”, their pair-wise
visual similarity value will be low thus lowering the
concepts’ similarity. This example is depicted in Fig-
ure 5.
Boat Hydroplane Craft
Boat-Hydroplane=0.49, Boat-Craft=0.24,
LexiVis (Boat-Hydroplane) = 0.20
Figure 5: Visual similarity values between the concepts
“Boat” and “Hydroplane” which are semantically irrelevant
but visually similar. Their common hypernym is “Craft”.
The LexiVis measure, by taking advantage of lexical fea-
tures, lowers their similarity value.
For analyzing the performance of the Visual Simi-
larity ontology matching algorithm we ran it against
the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI)
Conference track of 2014 (Dragisic et al., 2014)
The OAEI benchmarks are organized annually and
have become a standard in ontology alignment tools
evaluation. In the conference track, a number of on-
tologies that are used for the organization of confer-
ences have to be aligned in pairs. The conference
track was chosen as, by design, the proposed algo-
rithm requires meaningful entity names that can be vi-
sually represented. Other tracks, such as benchmark
and anatomy, weren’t considered due to this limita-
tion which is further discussed in Section 6. Refer-
ence alignments are available and these are used for
the actual evaluation in an automated manner. The
reference alignment that was used is “ra1 since this
was readily available for the OAEI 2014 website.
The VisualSim and LexiVis ontology matching al-
gorithms were integrated in the Alignment API (Eu-
zenat, 2004) which offers interfaces and sample im-
plementations in order to integrate matching algo-
rithms. The API is recommended from OAEI for par-
ticipating in the benchmarks. In addition, algorithms
to compute standard information retrieval measures,
i.e. precision, recall and F-measure, against reference
alignments can be found in the API, so these were
used for the evaluation of the tests results. In these
tests we changed the threshold, i.e. the value under
which an entity matching is discarded, and registered
the precision, recall and F1 measure values.
In order to have a better understanding of the pro-
posed algorithms we compared it against other popu-
lar matching algorithms. Ideally the performance of
these would be evaluated against other matching algo-
rithms that make use of similar modalities, i.e. visual
or other. This wasn’t feasible as the proposed algo-
rithms are the first that makes use of visual features,
so we compare it with standard algorithmsthat exploit
traditional features such as string-based and Wordnet-
based similarity. Forthis purpose we implemented the
ISub string similarity matcher (Stoilos et al., 2005)
and the Wu-Palmer Wordnet-based matcher which is
described in Section 4. These matchers have been
used in the YAM++ ontology matching system (Ngo
and Bellahsene, 2012) which was one of the top
ranked systems in OAEI 2012.
All aforementioned algorithms, ISub, Wu-Palmer,
VisualSim and LexiVis, are evaluated using Precision,
Recall and F1 measure, with
OAEI 2014,http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2014/
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Performance of the LexiVis matching algorithm in combination with other matching algorithms (ISub, Name Equal-
ity, Similarity Flooding (Melnik et al., 2002)), and how the performance is compared to matching systems that participated in
OAEI 2014 conference track.
System Precision Recall F1-measure
AML 0.85 0.64 0.73
LogMap 0.80 0.59 0.68
LogMap-C 0.82 0.57 0.67
XMap 0.87 0.49 0.63
NameEq + ISub + SimFlood + LexiVis 0.71 0.53 0.60
NameEq + ISub + SimFlood 0.81 0.47 0.59
OMReasoner 0.82 0.46 0.59
Baseline (NameEq) 0.80 0.43 0.56
AOTL 0.77 0.43 0.55
MaasMtch 0.64 0.48 0.55
(a) Precision
(b) Recall
(c) F1 measure
Figure 6: Precision, Recall and F1 diagrams for different
threshold values using the conference track ontologies of
OAEI 2014.
F1 =
2· Precision· Recall
Precision+ Recall
The results of this evaluation are displayed in Fig-
ure 6.
It can be seen from Figure 6 that VisualSim and
the LexiVis algorithms performs better in all mea-
sures than the Wu-Palmer alignment algorithm which
confirms with our initial assumption that the seman-
tic similarity between entities can be reflected in their
visual representation using imaging modalities. This
allows a new range of matching techniques based on
modalities that haven’t been considered so far to be
investigated. However, the string-based ISub matcher
displays superior performance, which was expected
as string-based matchers are very effective in ontol-
ogy alignment and matching problems, which points
out that the aforementioned new range of matchers
should work complementaryto the existing and estab-
lished matchers as these have proven their reliability
though time.
An additional performance factor that should be
mentioned is the computational complexity and over-
all execution time for the Visual based algorithm
which is much greater than the simpler string-based
algorithms. Analyzing Figure 4, of all the docu-
mented steps by far the most time consuming are
the image download and visual descriptor extraction.
However,ImageNet is already offering visual descrip-
tors which are extracted from the synset images and
are freely available to download
. The range of im-
ages that have been processed is not yet complete but
as ImageNet is still in development,the plan is to have
the whole image database processed and have the vi-
sual descriptors extracted. This availability will make
the calculation of the proposed visual-based ontology
alignment algorithms faster.
5.1 In Combination with other
Ontology Alignment Algorithms
As a further test, using the Alignment API we in-
tegrated the LexiVis matching algorithm and aggre-
ImageNet visual features download,
Exploiting Visual Similarities for Ontology Alignment
gated the matching results with other available match-
ing algorithms in order to have an understanding on
how it would perform in a real ontology matching sys-
tem. We used the LexiVis algorithm as it was shown
to perform better than the original Visual Similarity
algorithm (Figure 6). The other algorithms that were
used are the ISub and Similarity Flooding matchers in
addition to the baseline NameEq matcher. These were
used in order to have a combination of matchers that
exploit different features, i.e. string, structural and vi-
sual. The matchers were combined using an adaptive
weighting approach similar to (Cruz et al., 2009). For
this test we again used the conference track bench-
mark dataset of OAEI 2014. For this dataset, results
regarding the performance of the participating match-
ing systems are published in OAEI’s website and in
(Dragisic et al., 2014). It can be seen from Table
1, in the line denoted with italic font, that the inclu-
sion of the LexiVis ontology matching algorithm in
the matching system results in better overall perfor-
mance than running the system without it. The added
value of 0.01 in F1 results in an overall F1 value of
0.60 which brings our matching system in the top 5
performances. The rather small added value of 0.01
is mainly due to the fact that the benchmark is quite
challenging as can be seen from the results of Table 1.
For example the XMap system, which is ranked 4
managed to score 0.07 more in F1 than the baseline
NameEq matcher which simply compares strings and
produces a valid pair if the names are equal. Even this
small increase of F1 just by including the LexiVis al-
gorithm proves that it can improve results in such a
challenging benchmark thus showing its benefit.
In this paper a novel ontology matching algorithm
which is based on visual features is presented. The al-
gorithm exploits ImageNet’s structure which is based
on Wordnet in order to correspond image sets to the
ontological entities and state of the art visual pro-
cessing is employed which involves visual feature
descriptors extraction, codebook-based feature rep-
resentation, dimensionality reduction and indexing.
The visual-based similarity value is taken by calcu-
lating a modified version of the Jaccard set similarity
value. A new matcher is also proposed which com-
bines visual and lexical features in order to determine
entity similarity. The proposed algorithms have been
evaluated using the established OAEI benchmark and
has shown to outperform Wordnet-based approaches.
A limitation of the proposed visual-based matching
algorithm is that since it relies of visual depictions of
entities, in cases where entity names are not words,
e.g. alphanumeric codes, then its performance will be
poor as images will be able to be associated with it. A
way to tackle this is to extend the approach to include
other data, such as rdfs:label, which are more de-
scriptive. Another limitations of this approach would
be the mapping of concepts that are visually hard
to express, e.g. “Idea” or “Freedom”, however this
is partly leveraged by employing web-based search
which likely retrieves relevant images for almost any
The current version of the algorithm only uses en-
tity names Future work will focus in optimizing the
processing pipeline in order to have visual similarity
results in a more timely manner using processing op-
timizations and other approaches such as word sense
disambiguation in order to reduce the image sets that
correspond to each entity.
This work was supported by MULTISENSOR (con-
tract no. FP7-610411) and KRISTINA (contract no.
H2020-645012) projects, partially funded by the Eu-
ropean Commission.
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Exploiting Visual Similarities for Ontology Alignment