estimation techniques leading to loss of FIs and ARs.
We noticed that use of these techniques for associa-
tion mining is not convenient.
Examining the absolute errors, we verified that the
bigger the sample size, the smaller the absolute errors.
Riondato FI
and AR
return the smallest absolute
errors due to their high sample size. We could not
find any threshold of acceptance for errors identified
in the studies of this domain. In future works, we aim
to determine this threshold.
Besides, time elapsed during AR generation from
the universe is compared with total time elapsed dur-
ing sample size estimation, creating samples with
simple random sampling or stratified random sam-
pling method and AR generation from the sample.
Each of the techniques performed better than universe
in terms of time consumption. According to the abso-
lute errors, Riondato FI
and Riondato AR
niques are the best performers. When smaller sam-
ple size and less time consumption criteria are taken
in concern, Riondato FI
is the leading sample size
estimation technique. Among several different sam-
ple size estimation techniques, we identified Riondato
to be the most suitable technique for our retail
banking data.
Dataset contains retail bank customers and their
product group ownership information. Rather than
the individual products owned by the customers, the
groups of these products are taken into consideration.
The main reason for this decision is to eliminate spar-
sity on the dataset and speed up the test phase. Use
of product groups has led to small time consump-
tions even on the universe. Even though duration
gain seems to be in the order of seconds, bigger gains
can be obtained if larger product sets are tested. For
next studies, dataset will be expanded and robustness
check will be done with an alternative dataset.
Moreover, systematic, cluster and multistage sam-
pling methods can be applied during construction of
association rule mining data. For instance, the cus-
tomers which will be subjects of ARM can be drawn
according to their clusters (e.g. geographical areas).
Our research focuses on the association rule mining
data (including binary values). Extraction of this data
from customers’ dataset will be examined in further
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KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval