and crossover rate, which are two important control
parameters of DE. Improper setting of such parame-
ters will lead to low quality of solutions found by DE.
Yet finding suitable values for them is by no means a
trivial task, it involves a trial-and-error procedure that
is time consuming.
In this paper we present a new adaptive algorithm
for DE, which does not require good parameter val-
ues (scaling factor and crossover rate) to be specified
by users beforehand. Our new algorithm is estab-
lished by integration of greedy search into the original
DE algorithm. Greedy search is conducted repeatedly
during the running of DE to reach better parameter
assignments in the neighborhood. So far we have ap-
plied our adaptive DE algorithm for process model
identification in a Furnace Optimized Control System
(FOCS). The experiment results revealed that our al-
gorithm yielded process models that estimated tem-
peratures inside a furnace more precisely than those
produced by using the original DE algorithm.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 briefly describes the application sce-
nario. The original DE algorithm is outlined in Sec-
tion 3, which is followed by the new adaptive DE al-
gorithm in Section 4. Section 5 presents the results
of experiments for model identification in a Furnace
Optimized Control System. Section 6 discusses some
relevant works. Finally, concluding remarks are given
in Section 7.
Energy consumption and environmental considera-
tion are important issues to be handled within the
steel industry today. In this respect, inventing and
developing new ways to decrease fuel and emission
levels in steel production and treating are crucial to
production economy. The FOCS system was devel-
oped for reheating furnaces in the early 1980s, and
has since grown to be the most commonly used sys-
tem in the Scandinavian steel industry, (Norberg and
Leden, 1988).
Due to the harsh environment inside the reheating
furnace, the temperature of the heated steel cannot be
measured continuously. Therefore, the FOCS system
core is a temperature calculation model that utilizes
temperature sensor measurements in the walls inside
the furnace as well as current fuel flow, to estimate the
temperature in the heated material. In order to gain
optimal control performance, it is crucial to estimate
the temperatures accurately.
The temperature inside the material can be mea-
sured through the furnace by a test measurement
setup. This is normally done 2-3 times every year to
certify the furnace operation. The measurements are
also used to calibrate the FOCS temperature calcula-
tion model, by changing the model parameters to fit
the model output to the measurements. The calibra-
tion is performed manually and can be a tedious task
due to many parameters and evaluation of several test
measurements simultaneously.
We attempted to apply DE algorithms to facilitate
the automatic determination of the parameters of this
process model. The goal is to find such a set of pa-
rameters to minimize the error between the estimated
temperatures from the model and the actual tempera-
tures obtained from the measurements. After the ex-
ecution of DE, we acquire the optimal parameters of
the model, as shown in Fig.1. Subsequently this op-
timal model can be employed in future occasions to
produce reliable estimates of temperatures based on
input conditions.
Figure 1: DE, parameterized model, and temperature esti-
The DE algorithm proposed by R. Storn and K. Price
in 1997 (Storn and Price, 1997) is an stochastic and
population based evolutionary algorithm for global
numerical optimization. The population is compose
by N
individuals, solutions of the problem, repre-
sented by X
= {x
, x
, . . . , x
}, where i =1, 2,. . . ,
and represents the ith individual, D is the dimen-
sion of the problem and G stands for the generation
that the population belong. DE has three main op-
erators at every generation G: mutation, crossover
and selection. The notation used to name them is
DE/x/y/z, where x represents the mutation strategy
used, y is the number of difference of individuals used
in the mutation strategy and z stands for the crossover
method used. Next we shall briefly describe these
three operators used in a basic DE algorithm.
Mutation: In this first step, NP mutant vectors are
created using individuals randomly selected from the
current population. Indeed there are a lot of mutation
Application of Adaptive Differential Evolution for Model Identification in Furnace Optimized Control System