tion method using wrapper model is proposed. In the
method, the features are selected in dynamic mode,
i.e. the set of selected features can be different for dif-
ferent test objects in contrast to the static mode, where
the selected set of features is the same for all test ob-
jects. In the selection procedure, we formulate the
optimal feature selection problem adopting the sum
of relevance of features and diversity of feature en-
semble as an optimality criterion. Since this problem
can not be directly solved using analytical ways, we
propose to apply genetic algorithm (GA).
The performance of proposed feature selection
method (DFS) was experimentally verified using 7
real benchmark data sets. The DFS method out-
performed the six state-of-art feature selection algo-
rithms in terms of the quality of the feature subset and
the classification accuracy.
There are some avenues for future research. First,
we can consider the cost associated with each fea-
ture, which in the optimization problem (16) can play
the role of constraints. It means, that feature selec-
tion method should maximize the sum of relevance
of features and diversity of feature ensemble in dy-
namic fashion, and simultaneously should keep the
cost of measure of member features on an acceptable
level. Second, we can apply for solving optimization
problem (16) other heuristic optimization procedures,
e.g. the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. As it
results from the authors’ earlier experience (Lysiak
et al., 2014), the SA method is faster than the GA
algorithm, which can have great practical importance.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their constructive comments and helpful suggestions.
This work was financed from the National Science
Center resources in 2012-2014 as a research project
No ST6/06168 and supported by the statutory funds
of the Department of Systems and Computer Net-
works, Wroclaw University of Technology.
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