rare or if models are only moderately well defended.
However, the impact of taste sampling is non-linear
especially in systems with highly defended models.
In such situations taste-sampling lowers
r *
Consequently, under the assumption of a fixed value
r *
and stability, a predator evolves a taste-
sampling strategy because mimics are less common
or models are better defended than in a comparable
stable environment where predators do not utilize
taste sampling.
Another interesting aspect is the effect of
different age distributions: in general longevity in
predators increases
r *
. The effects are linear with
regards to prey abundance but non-linear with
regards to prey toxicity where behavioural
expenditure gains increasing impact in the case of
defended prey and older predators, whereas
metabolic costs have an increased impact in the case
of non-defended prey. The main conclusions of this
paper are as follows:
On the predator’s side
r *
is related to the
nutritional value of prey and on the prey’s side
it relates to an energy inventory which can be
allocated, amongst other things, towards the
cost of defences or reproduction;
Behavioural expenditure has a greater impact
than metabolic costs when prey is rare and
Metabolic costs have a greater impact when
prey is abundant or highly defended;
Longevity of the predator increases the
importance of behavioural expenditure in the
case of highly defended prey and the impact of
metabolic costs if prey is undefended;
Mimics generally lower
r *
which leads to less
nutritional prey or better defended models if
r *
is meant to be unchanged;
Predators utilize taste sampling if mimics are
rare or models are highly toxic.
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