in section 4, a weakness of the approach is that the
pointcut definitions need to be exhaustive in order to
capture all relevant method calls in the OWL API.
Furthermore, they may potentially break in case of
future changes of the OWL API.
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laration of aspects using SPARQL or DL based
queries from our previous work into the API ex-
tension for more dynamic module selection. Cur-
rently, an extension to the well-known ontology ed-
itor is developed, which allows focused work on on-
tology modules based on aspects by hiding parts of
the ontology that do not belong to a selected aspect.
e was built on top of the OWL API, and the
aspect-oriented extension to the OWL API described
in this paper, allows the implementation of this fea-
ture in an uninvasive fashion, i.e., without changing
any WebProt
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development