a partition with no less than some maximum desired
number k(q) blocks.
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ing is next interpreted in terms of combinatorial opti-
mization via set partitioning. The proposed gradient-
based local search relies on a novel expansion of the
MLE of near-Boolean functions (Rossi, 2015) over
the product of n simplices, each of which is 2
− 1-
dimensional, n being the number of data. The method
needs not the input to specify a desiderd number of
clusters, as this latter is determined autonomously
through optimization, and applies to any classification
problem, handling data sets not necessarily included
in a Euclidean space: proximities between data points
and within clusters may be quantified in any conceiv-
able way, including information theoretic measure-
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FCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications