Baby Boomers Retirement in Oil and Gas
Challenges of Knowledge Transfer for Organizational Competitive Advantage
Muhammad Saleem Sumbal, Eric Tsui and W. B. Lee
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Keywords: Baby Boomers, Knowledge Transfer, Competitive Advantage.
Abstract: The current paper presents an overview of the baby booming phenomena and its implications on the
knowledge management capabilities and competitive advantage of the organizations. Further it focuses on
the baby boomer crisis in oil and gas sector and proposes a framework to investigate the knowledge transfer
trends from baby boomers and its impact on organizational competitive advantage and knowledge
Oil and gas industry is one of the most complex,
most important and one of the world's largest
industry among the global industries. Due to
changing economic and global conditions and
searching for oil and gas at remote locations, there
has been an increasing number of challenges in the
oil and gas industry regarding the aging workforce
of the industry and problems in attracting new talent.
In order to handle these challenges, effective
knowledge management is a key to success covering
knowledge production, transformation and
distribution. As older employees leave an
organization, they take along with them a wealth of
experience accumulated over years. The knowledge
of these workers need to be captured before they
walk out of the door so that the new and
inexperienced employees could benefit from this
knowledge and learn the techniques and ideas which
they are unable to learn from the manuals and
regular training. Ultimately good knowledge
management will eventually help organizations in
gaining competitive advantage. Technology and
culture play a key role in capturing of such
knowledge and work as enablers of knowledge
management. This paper provides a framework to be
used for an
empirical investigation of role of baby
boomers in successful knowledge management
implementation and the inter relationship of
technology & culture, competitive advantage and
baby boomers. This study aims at filling the gap in
previous literature regarding the inter relationship
between competitive advantage, knowledge
management and critical role of baby boomers in oil
and gas sector.
In this section a detailed literature review about the
baby boomers, knowledge management and
competitive advantage will be presented.
2.1 Baby Boomers, Source of
Knowledge and Huge Player in
Success of Organization
When a worker leaves, it is not just a long time
employee of the organization leaving but years of
experience and knowledge is flowing out of the
organization. Although managers fear losing their
competent and experienced employees but still
people are being fired and they getting retired and
most of time organizations don't realize they are
losing valuable source of knowledge because of the
culture prevailing in that specific organization. The
workforce in today's economy can be divided into
three groups. These are X generations, Y
Generations and Baby Boomers. Baby boomers is a
term used to name the employees who were born
between 1945 and 1964 (Yu and Miller, 2005).
Generation X comprise of people born between 1965
to 1980 and generation Y are the young ones born
after 1980 (Kyles, 2005). Thus study is focusing on
baby boomers who have reached the retirement age
Sumbal, M., Tsui, E. and Lee, W..
Baby Boomers Retirement in Oil and Gas - Challenges of Knowledge Transfer for Organizational Competitive Advantage.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 168-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
now and have been part of the organizations around
the world for past 25 to 30 years
Older employees are good at doing good and
quality work, they tend to be more reliable, better
reading and communication practices and finally,
have good performance records and experience. In
2005, Tower Perrins issued a report in which
researchers interviewed 10 major US employers and
they were of the view that workers aged 50 above
brought huge success and value to the company
because of their experience, maturity and positive
attitude (US, 2005). Moreover older employees put a
lot of efforts in terms of time and hard work to make
business succeed like as (Ball, 2011) mentions that
top sales people used to play golf all day with their
clients and had longer meetings if needed and this
was the way to grow the businesses and what clients
expected from you. This in turn helped organization
flourish and gain competitive advantage over
competitors. Thus boomers are a huge asset and they
possess a lot of experience, good reputation and
deep insight of the company developed over a long
period of time, which new employees lack and can't
replicate (Lesser and Rivera, 2006). Thus
organizations need to effectively work on capturing
knowledge of these baby boomers to avoid valuable
knowledge loss (Glick, 2007).
2.2 Organizational Awareness of Baby
Booming Phenomena
Companies are trying to handle this baby booming
phenomena, some have succeeded while others have
failed. Failure is due to the attitude of executives and
top management and, technology, budget shortfalls
etc while success is due to timely realization of the
aging workforce and taking adequate measures to
secure knowledge (Ball, 2011). For the success of
the organization, knowledge management is an
important challenge, and the most important
knowledge source is the knowledge of the
individuals in the organization (Gretsch et al., 2012).
The common errors which make knowledge
management implementation unsuccessful are; not
able to understand what knowledge is, give less
attention to the role and importance of tacit
knowledge and focus on past and present only, not
the future (Fahey and Prusak, 1998).
In certain industries like manufacturing and oil
and gas, the issue of boomers retirement is more
serious as new generations aren't stepping up to join
these industries as many of them don't want to be
away from home and work in harsh environments in
case of oil and gas (Ball, 2011) and others don't want
to work in dangerous and dirty factories even though
they can make good money (Eisen, 2003).
According to McKenna et al., (2006), the shortage of
technical people due to graying of baby boomers
will have huge impact on oil and gas industry as
more than 50 % of employees in oil and gas
companies and contractors will be retiring in the
next five to ten years thus raising concerns about
success of new projects. Overall, there will be 76
million baby boomers retiring next ten years
according to Forrester research (Lesser and Rivera,
2006) and the younger employees to replace them
are only 46 million.
According to Gould et al., (2007), oil and gas
industry is facing baby boomer crisis mainly because
of its cyclic nature. More people are recruited and
additional skilled workers are employed as the oil
prices go high which favours increase in cost
effective exploration and production and drilling
projects and people stay as workforce is required.
When the prices fall, it reduces the exploration and
production and thus less work force is required and
employees contracts are not extended. As the
employees cannot wait for the next project, they go
for other opportunities and jobs available
. Inkpen
and Moffett (2011) discuss the major reason for
failure of oil and gas industry in retaining new
talent. These include a bad perception of oil and gas
industry, shortage of engineering graduates, project
base work in oil and gas causing job insecurity,
harsh environments and far off work places away
from home and no formal career path development.
Organization are concerned about knowledge
transfer from old to young but still there are barriers
like from where to start and how, confusion of
knowledge transfer with information exchange, lack
of incentives to employees for knowledge sharing,
lack of time and organizations' lack of knowledge
about the work force (Piktialis and Greenes, 2008).
In terms of competitive advantage, intangible assets
are the most important or firms and the most
important of these are the accumulated learning and
experience of the people (Bateman and Snell, 2002)
as well as the knowledge of the employees which
can bring value to the organizations (Marr et al.,
2003; Walters et al., 2002) and baby boomers are a
very wealthy source of this knowledge
2.3 Baby Boomers, Knowledge
Management and Competitive
Knowledge is everywhere in organizations in
various forms (Ball, 2011) and it is the true
Baby Boomers Retirement in Oil and Gas - Challenges of Knowledge Transfer for Organizational Competitive Advantage
knowledge that makes organizations work and
succeed (Davenport and Prusak, 1998). The best
way for knowledge transfer through the bright and
experienced people in the organizations (Davenport
and Prusak, 1998). Same was agreed by Holtshouse
(1998) that according to many business leaders and
scholars face to face interaction is best for sharing
tacit knowledge. Cultural knowledge is important as
it determines how you navigate and interact with
others in an organization. Without knowing the
culture, it is hard to be part of the organization. It is
critical to understand what type of knowledge exists
in the organization (Ball, 2011). McNichols (2010)
on her research of knowledge transfer between
Boomers and Gen X states that young workers
wanted to learn the tacit knowledge by sitting and
having face to face conversations with them.
Moreover her research revealed that top
management plays a key role in fostering a
conducive learning environment based on trust,
relationships with IT as an enabler (McNichols,
2010; Stevens, 2010).
Knowledge management and competitive
advantage are strongly linked to each other and it is
very obvious that organizations can gain competitive
advantage through effective use of knowledge
management (Grant, 1991; 1996; James, 2005). As
knowledge bring competitive advantage, so does the
management of knowledge and it involves the
building, linking and bonding of the human capital
(Bartlett and Ghoshal, 2013). First efforts need to be
made in developing individuals with specialized
knowledge, the linking them through social
networks using IT infrastructure to enable
knowledge sharing and finally developing relations
of trust and bonding for employees to stay and not
leave the company with their valuable knowledge.
When there is need to transfer and share
knowledge from the experts to employees,
organizations that have clear understanding of their
knowledge capabilities will be successful (Snyder et
al., 2000). Moreover every generation has its own
style of communicating and understanding things
using different aids. So new generations might not
learn in the same way and time and ways required
for understanding might be different. It will
definitely take time. Wagner (2009) is also of the
same view that methods for knowledge transfer
might vary considering how the new generations
In 2011, third Oil and gas Industry collaboration
survey sponsored by Microsoft was conducted to
have an insight of the emerging trends in companies.
The pie charts (fig. 1) shows that there are more than
40 percent people older than 50 years and 66 %
older than 40 years which shows evidence of aging
workforce. The managers, engineers, scientists,
executives all were aware of the greying of baby
boomer and possible loss of knowledge. However,
regarding the retention of knowledge, only 31
percent were of the view that technology driven
access to people and information will somewhat
reduce the impact of talent scarcity. This survey also
showed awareness of the companies about measures
being taken to capture knowledge using blogs, wikis,
social networking, messaging etc. Also only 40
percent of the companies were taking measures to
capture knowledge and somewhat prepared and rest
of the companies were either unprepared or don' feel
the need (Ball, 2011).
There are three main components of knowledge
management; Humans, organization and technology
(Reinmann-Rothmeier et al., 2000). Information and
communication technology plays an important role
in knowledge management as KM is defined as a
process which makes organizations to create, refine,
store and share knowledge through this ICT system
(Zack, 1999). Developments in technology and
communication have also lead to the development of
knowledge management and thus organizations can
create, store and disseminate knowledge with much
ease using the advanced technology which
eventually helps organizations in sustainable
competitive advantage (Adams and Lamont, 2003;
Bhatt, 2001; du Plessis, 2005; Malhotra, 2004; Tsui
and Malhotra, 2005). Moreover organizations
comprise of individuals with unique characteristic
and values that contribute towards an organizational
culture (Davenport and Prusak, 1998). David and
Fahey (2000) explain four ways in which culture
influences knowledge creation, disseminations and
sharing. First about identification of knowledge,
second about managing knowledge, third social
interactions for sharing knowledge and finally
shaping the ways to facilitate new knowledge.
Culture of trust and confidence is highly important
for efficient knowledge transfer (McDermott and
O'dell, 2001). Albert and Picq (2004) worked on
knowledge based organizations: perspective in
Francisco Bay area companies. They collected data
through interviews from 50 HR executives,
consultants and staff working for 20 companies.
Their findings revealed that culture and other
supportive infrastructure are important for the
successful implementation of knowledge based
programs. Park et al., (2004) distributed 212
knowledge management technology profile (KMTP)
survey instruments and 1,060 organizational cultural
profile (OCP) survey instruments across 44
organizations. The results suggest sufficient
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
evidence to establish correlation between specific
cultural attributes and successful implementation of
knowledge management technology and knowledge
sharing. Continuous learning is highly valued when
there is openness and climate of trust in
organizations (Olla et al., 2006). Employees
collaboration and interaction are key for transfer of
tacit knowledge and conversion of tacit knowledge
tom explicit knowledge at organizational level
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) and is favoured by a
culture of knowledge sharing and integration from
individual at multiple levels within organizations
(Davenport and Prusak, 1998).
Figure 1: Aging workforce in Oil and gas industry
(Source: Microsoft Accenture Oil and Gas survey 2011).
Thus from previous research as discussed above
it is obvious that baby boomers are raising concerns
regarding loss of experienced staff in oil and gas
companies. It will eventually effect the success of
mega projects where the technical and experienced
skills are essential especially when talent pool is not
being replenished. The old employees are key to the
success of companies because of the wealth of
knowledge they have accumulated over time and
helped companies in achieving success and gaining
competitive advantage. The role of technology is
also important to capture the knowledge from the
boomers and make it available to other employees
From previous literature review it is evident that a
lot of research work has been done in areas of
competitive advantage, baby boomers, knowledge
management, culture and IT as enablers but no study
up to the knowledge of the authors has worked on
the linkage of these factors and most specifically
performing an empirical investigation on their
relationship with each other. Moreover there are few
studies found about baby boomers in oil and gas
companies in relation to the competitive advantage
and knowledge management capabilities. A few
studies so far found have investigated the effect of
knowledge management process capabilities,
competitive advantage and IT and culture in SMEs
(Nguyen et al., 2008; Nguyen et al., 2008),
manufacturing industry (Chuang, 2004) and these
studies are based on the resource based view of the
This study involves one major phenomena
predominantly the baby boomers and its relationship
with knowledge management, competitive
advantage, IT and culture. The focus is on oil and
gas specifically as from previous discussion it is
evident that oil and gas industry is the most effected
one from baby boomers and also it is not being able
to replenish the talent. Thus this empirical
investigation will provide an insight to the
managers, executive and people linked to the oil and
gas industry about the major technological, cultural,
personal, organizational and managerial barriers in
transferring of knowledge from baby boomers to
younger generations. The role of technology and
culture will play a role and is worth including as oil
and gas industry involves sharing of knowledge
across different geographical locations and people
from different backgrounds and nationalities
dispersed at different place. So it will be worth
investigating how the technology and culture
influence the knowledge transfer from baby boomers
to the employees of different backgrounds and in
different locations. Also as previously discussed, the
ways different generations want to learn are different
and thus it would be interesting to investigate the
issues of learning and methodologies adopted at
different levels for facilitating efficient knowledge
transfer and sharing. The literature also gives
evidence that knowledge of baby boomers is also
directly related to the competitive advantage of the
companies because of their commitment, reliability,
experience and loyalty to the organizations. Based
on the previous literature review, the conceptual
framework formulated is shown in figure 2. The
solid lines show the direct relationship of the
variable with each other while the dotted line shows
the indirect relationship with the variables. The main
questions that will be focused are
1) When there are cultural differences, Boomers
might have to share knowledge with people from
different backgrounds, countries and generations
and thus boomers may face a cultural double -
2) Are the ways of sharing knowledge and
Baby Boomers Retirement in Oil and Gas - Challenges of Knowledge Transfer for Organizational Competitive Advantage
communication of baby boomers is easier to
understand by younger generations and helping
in overall productivity and knowledge
management capabilities of organizations for
sustainable competitive advantage?
3) Is the prevailing culture and technology
infrastructure sufficient for efficient knowledge
transfer to younger generations and boomers
themselves are comfortable with it?
The current framework integrates the various factors
in order to investigate the trends of knowledge
transfer from aging workforce to younger
generations and its relationship with overall
organizational effectiveness in terms of competitive
advantage. The future directions will involve
application of this framework and validation of the
relationships among the different variables
Figure 2: Theoretical Framework for investigating the
knowledge transfer trends and impact on organizational
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Baby Boomers Retirement in Oil and Gas - Challenges of Knowledge Transfer for Organizational Competitive Advantage