and neutral mutations are possible. Mutations can
be viewed as neutral if they change the genotype but
don’t impact on the phenotype.
Generally, neutrality can be viewed as a situation
where the size of the search space is increased, with-
out an equivalent increase in the solution space. This
results in a situation where a mutated individual, at
the genotypic level, can still represent the same phe-
notype. Neutrality should be beneficial when neutral-
ity changes the search bias in order to improve the
probability of locating the global optimum.
Although originally viewed as being anti-
Darwinian, Kimura (Kimura, 1983) stated that al-
though natural selection is important in evolution, the
number of DNA changes which are adapted in evo-
lution are small, with the vast majority of mutations
being phenotypically silent. Following Kimura, work
by King and Dukes (King and Dukes, 1969) describes
how much of the evolution of proteins is down to neu-
tral mutations and genetic drift. A number of studies
focused on neutral theory (Schuster et al., 1994; Huy-
nen et al., 1996; Huynen, 1996; Schuster, 1997) etc.
and illustrated that by introducing redundant repre-
sentation and thus, neutral mutation, the connectivity
in fitness landscapes can be altered. In other words,
when a number of genotypes represent the same phe-
notype, they can be viewed as a neutral set and in turn
alter the way in which a population explore the search
Previous work on GA genotype-phenotype map-
pings which introduce neutrality, has produced results
indicating the neutrality may prove useful in chang-
ing environments and over more difficult landscapes.
Ebner et al. (Ebner et al., 2001) outlined how high
levels of mutation could be sustained by having neu-
tral networks present. They also identified that neutral
networks assist in maintaining diversity in the popula-
tion, which may be advantageous in a changing envi-
ronment. Similar findings were found in (Grefenstette
and Cobb, 1993). Toussaint and Igel (Toussaint and
Igel, 2002) argued that approaches to self-adaption in
evolutionary algorithms can be viewed as an example
of the benefits of neutrality, because with non-trivial
neutrality, different genotypes which are part of the
same neutral set may have different phenotypic distri-
The concepts of Variation and Variability need to be
differentiated. Variation can be described as the dif-
ference between individuals in a population and can
be seen as relating to a collection. Variability, on
the other hand, can be described as the leaning to
vary and the “variability of a phenotypic trait de-
scribes the way in which it changes in response to
environmental and genetic influences” (Wagner and
Altenberg, 1996). When exploring the phenotypic
space, it is critical to gain an understanding of the
variational topology in trying to determine the shape
of the landscape (Toussaint, 2003b). Many evolu-
tionary algorithms are created using a fixed variation
topology, in other words you don’t need to track the
neutrality to explain the evolution trajectory. How-
ever, in nature, phenotypic variation landscapes are
not fixed. These non-fixed phenotypic variation land-
scapes can be referred to as non-trivial in terms of
their genotype-phenotype map (Toussaint, 2003b). A
non-trivial genotype-phenotype map can be viewed
as having the following characteristics: firstly, a phe-
notype can be encoded by many genotypes and sec-
ondly, the phenotypic variability of a number of phe-
notypes will depend on their genotypes (Toussaint,
The primary inspiration for the multi-layered GA
can be found in the biological processes of transcrip-
tion and translation. At a very basic level, the bio-
logical process of transcription involves the copying
of information stored in DNA into an RNA molecule,
which is complementary to one strand of the DNA.
The process of translation then converts the RNA, us-
ing a predefined translation table, to manufacture pro-
teins by joining amino acids. These proteins can be
viewed as a manifestation of the genetic code con-
tained within DNA and act as organic catalysts in
anatomy. The MGA includes a layered genotype-
phenotype map which adopts a basic interpretation
of the transcription and translation processes and al-
lows for the implementation of a missense mutation
operator. The genotype search space is represented
by Φ
where Φ
= {0, 1}
and l is the genotype
length. The transcription phase of the MGA maps
the binary genotype to the DNA search space Φ
where Φ
= {A,C, G,T}
, with the following map-
pings: 00 → A; 01 → C; 10 → G and 11 → T. Fol-
lowing this, a bijective mapping takes place, map-
ping the DNA space to an RNA space Φ
, where
= {A,C,G,U}
. U is included for biological
plausibility and has no impact on the evolution un-
less we include operators at this level. Following tran-
scription, the translation phase takes place, mapping
→ Φ
, where Φ
represents the phenotype space
and Φ
= {0,1}
, where c is the cardinality chosen
at initialisation to create a translation table. The level
of redundancy is determined by c and in this paper
c = 6 (see Figure 1), and implies |Φ
| > |Φ
| where