the changed environment. In the set of experiments
described in this section the process always starts with
completely randomly initialised population.
3.4 Summary
Nearly all figures show that the ALPS CGP algorithm
behaves best by the means of the worst case scenario
and by the means of average achieved values. The
ALPS variant has also been able to find better solution
more quickly. It has also been able to find solutions
with better fitness in cases where no perfect solution
could be found.
The experiments show that the ALPS CGP algorithm
exerts better adaptation than the ordinary CGP algo-
rithm regardless of the population size. In most cases
the ALPS variant exhibits the best behaviour in the
worst case scenarios. When comparing the average
behaviour, then again it shows the best progress most
of the time. Moreover, in cases when no optimal
solution could be found the ALPS variant was able
to achieve better solutions than the remaining algo-
rithms. Age tags are added and additional comparison
of the tags is required in order to maintain the popu-
lation structure. One could argue that it increases the
memory consumption because of the increased pop-
ulation size. Usually, the memory required for stor-
ing the training set surpasses the memory needed for
holding the genotypes. Whenever abrupt changes in
the environment are going to happen then it is better
to restart the evolution from scratch rather than go-
ing on with adaptation to the changes. It would be
interesting to quantify the amount of changes to the
environment where it would be better to keep the evo-
lution running.
This work was supported by Brno University of Tech-
nology project FIT-S-14-2297.
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