is the issue of human competitive performance of
the result. This can be first demonstrated by show-
ing that the system given a baseline will produce the
same composition as a human composer. The best
method of testing the claim to human competitive per-
formance would be for this system along with a group
of student musicians to be given the same set of base-
lines in a larger study. The generated harmonies being
played in a random order for an audience in a Turing
test or Imitation Game (Turing, 1950), attempting to
decide between human and computer generations.
In conclusion we believe that this work, while
needing much improvement, has given us a very in-
teresting glance in how the solution space of these
composition is made and has shown that we can use
collaborative evolution to achieve speciation between
the voices.
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Evolving Four Part Harmony using a Multiple Worlds Model