handles within-class imbalance. Further, the
combination of cluster-based undersampling and
SMOTE aids to reduce between-class imbalance,
without excessive use of sampling.
We were not able to establish a clear superiority
of one oversampling method over the other.
However, we were able to determine that the SCUT
method is a promising candidate for further
experimentation. Our results suggest that our SCUT
algorithm is suitable for domains where the number
of classes is high and the levels of examples vary
considerably. We intend to further investigate this
issue. We also intend extending our approach to very
large datasets with extreme levels of imbalances,
since our early results indicate that our SCUT
approach would potentially outperform
undersampling-only techniques in such a setting. In
our paper, the number of instances for each class
was set to the mean value. Exploring the optimal
strategy for fixing the number of instances will be
further explored, e.g. by sampling the instances
directly from the distribution associated with the
mixture of Gaussians as obtained from the EM
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approach for dealing with the class-imbalance
problem. Most of the existing solutions are
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(Sun et al., 2006). Rescaling, which is a popular
cost-sensitive learning approach for binary class
problems can be applied directly on multi-class
datasets to obtain good performance only when the
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addition, rescaling classes based on cost information
may not be suitable for highly imbalanced datasets.
Designing a multi-class cost-sensitive learning
approach for inconsistent costs without transforming
the problem into a binary-class problem will be the
focus of our future work.
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