become very popular are often trending topics.
Semantic Hashtag (Lai et al., 2013): The web
interface of this system provides an input box for
writing the text of the tweet. The user may input a
free text as in usual Twitter clients. The constraint
of 140 characters is handled by a counter. In addi-
tion to the free text, a driven process allows to in-
sert one or more semantic hashtags. For this purpose
the user inserts a meaningful keyword concerning the
text of the tweet. Such a keyword is used to discover
within a knowledge base the identifiers of resources
associated to the keyword itself. In this prototype
we use the knowledge base available in the DBpedia
project (Auer et al., 2007), the semantic web mirror
of Wikipedia (Wikipedia, 2015). DBpedia provides a
web service called Lookup Service3. The service dis-
covers and returns DBpedia URIs from related key-
words and concerning the resources contained in the
DBpedia knowledge base.
MEMORAe: As defined by (Ala Atrash, 2014),
MEMORAe approach is to manage heterogeneous in-
formation resources within organizations. The ap-
proach is comprised of a semantic model (called
MEMORAe-core 2) and a web platform (called
MEMORAe) which is based on the semantic model.
The model and the platform make together a support
to enhance the process of organizational learning.
The MEMORAe project uses the Semantic Web
standards, therefore, the ontologies occurring in the
system are written in OWL. Users registered in the
MEMORAe system can access one or more knowl-
edge bases. When a base is chosen, a user can view a
semantic map of concepts related to the selected base.
Then, a user can create and share resources around the
concepts of the map.
After being introduced to the components of our
SoIS, let us take a look at the first draft of these Infor-
mation Systems working together as SoIS.
First we are going list down the important services
provided by each system. This list is available in (Ta-
ble. 1).
After listing down all key services from the Infor-
mation Systems under study, we can write down the
list of service we expect to have by aggregating those
systems in SoIS. The list of services available by the
SoIS is present in (Table. 2).
To better understand the functionalities of this
SoIS, we can start by explaining how the applica-
tion Semantic Hashtag works. This application allows
users to create semantic tweets. In more details, the
user may input a free text as in usual Twitter clients.
The constraint of 140 characters is handled by the ap-
plication. In addition to the free text, a driven pro-
cess allows to insert one or more semantic hashtags.
For this purpose the user inserts a meaningful key-
word concerning the text of the tweet. This keyword
is used to discover the identifiers of resources associ-
ated to the keyword itself. The application uses the
ontology provided by DBpedia. The semantic hash-
tag is created from the ontology URI related to the se-
lected resource and automatically inserted in the text
of the tweet (X). An added value can be achieved by
allowing the semantic hashtag to use ontologies other
than the one provided by Dbpedia. In other words,
to expand the scope of the semantic hashtag applica-
tion to knowledge base systems other than DBpedia.
In addition, we might also think of allowing the in-
formation shared by Twitter as tweets to be indexed
semantically in a knowledge base system.
The idea behind our work is as follows; we intend
to design a system that combines services from other
systems providing an added value for users. This
added value could not be obtained when the intended
systems were performing separately. There is Twitter
that allows us to share resources as tweets. Also, there
is the Semantic Hashtag system that allows users to
create tweets with semantic hashtags created using a
knowledge base available by DBpedia. We also have
MEMORAe, a web application that goes beyond sim-
ple content management system, and allows users to
index resources semantically over a map of concepts.
The scenario we propose is of a system that allows
users to create tweets with semantic hashtag from the
knowledge base available in both DBpedia and MEM-
ORAe and be able to index the tweets semantically in
The mockup design of the SoIS is shown in
(Fig. 2). In this illustration we can easily see the
simplicity in design in order to make user experience
friendly and pleasant. We can note the following fea-
tures available in this design:
• The user will be provided with login credentials
to access the SoIS interface.
• On the left panel, the user can manage the dif-
ferent accounts for the different Information Sys-
tems available in the SoIS. At this point the user
can access both his/her Twitter and MEMORAe
• On the middle top panel we can see the module
from the Semantic Hashtag application where the
user is able to create text tweets with semantic
hashtags. These semantic hashtags can be either
generated from the knowledge base available in
DBpedia or MEMORAe. Here we note an added
value as the users of the Semantic Hashtag appli-
cation were able to generate the hashtags seman-
tically from DBpedia only.
Information Systems: Towards a System of Information Systems