An Approach for Semantic Search over Lithuanian News Website Corpus
Tomas Vileiniškis, Algirdas Šukys and Rita Butkienė
Department of Information Systems, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st. 50-309, Kaunas, Lithuania
Keywords: Semantic Search, SBVR, SPARQL, Information Retrieval, Ontology, Semantic Annotation, Lithuanian
Abstract: The continuous growth of unstructured textual information on the web implies the need for novel,
semantically aware content processing and information retrieval (IR) methods. Following the evolution and
wide adoption of Semantic Web technology, a number of approaches to overcome the limitations of
traditional keyword-based search techniques have been proposed. However, most of the research
concentrates on English and other well-known, linguistic resource-rich languages. Hence, this paper
presents an attempt to semantic search over domain-specific Lithuanian web documents. We introduce an
ontology-based semantic search framework capable of answering structured natural Lithuanian language
questions and discuss its language-dependent design decisions. The findings from a recent case study
showed that our proposed framework can be applied to approach meaning-based IR with significant results,
even when the underlying language is morphologically rich and has limited linguistic resources.
In the context of traditional Web search, Information
Retrieval (IR) has been known as a task of retrieving
documents relevant to user information needs,
typically expressed by some form of a query. A
general IR model consists of three major building
blocks: representation of a user query, document
content description and a retrieval function. Early
work in IR field highly focused on keyword-based
models, such as exact-match Boolean and statistical
Vector Space Model (Salton et al., 1975). The
obvious shortcoming of these models is the lack of
conceptualization both at the query and document
representation level, which eventually results in poor
precision and recall rates. A number of approaches
such as query expansion (Carpineto and Romano,
2012) and word sense disambiguation (Stokoe et al.,
2003) have been proposed to manage synonymy and
polysemy in order to overcome the limitations of
prior models to some extent.
However, with the emerging growth of Semantic
Web technology, the way Web information retrieval
has been seen is changing. The introduction of
common standards for semantic data and domain
knowledge representation (Resource Description
Framework (RDF), RDF Schema (RDFS), Web
Ontology Language (OWL2)) followed by a
dedicated RDF query language (SPARQL)
influenced a wide body of research (Mangold, 2007)
towards meaning-based IR, which we will refer to as
semantic search throughout the paper. Standard
document text preprocessing steps used in classical
IR models (tokenization, stop word removal,
stemming etc.) are getting complemented by more
advanced Information Extraction (IE) methods such
as semantic annotation and ontology population. We
believe that application of IE methods for content
processing builds the foundation for efficient
semantic search.
In general, IE is known as an activity of
automatically extracting structured information from
unstructured information source. The main challenge
here is the complexity and ambiguity of natural
language, hence making IE hardly dependent on
advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques. While state-of-the-art in IE related NLP
research for well-known languages (e.g. English)
has already reached levels of successful practical
application on a massive scale (e.g. IBM’s Watson
project) (Ferrucci, 2010), less popular and resource-
poor languages such as Lithuanian, remain an open
NLP research field.
The nature of Lithuanian language imposes many
NLP-related challenges. First of all, it is highly
inflected, which means that a single word root can
lead to hundreds of different word forms, each of
them expressing a distinct grammatical category. For
Vileiniškis, T., Šukys, A. and Butkien
e, R..
An Approach for Semantic Search over Lithuanian News Website Corpus.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 57-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
example, a nominative singular noun asmuo (person)
alone has multiple other grammatical cases reflected
by alternating suffixes: asmens (genitive), asmeniui
(dative), asmenį (accusative), asmeniu
(instrumental), asmenyje (locative) etc. Such
declension of nouns and adjectives plays a major
role when determining grammatical function of a
word in a sentence. Moreover, Lithuanian language
doesn’t have a strict word order. A single sentence
can be expressed in multiple ways by switching
word positions without losing the initial meaning.
Therefore, reusing standard syntactic parsing
approaches, applicable for strict word order
languages (e.g. English) becomes complicated
(Šveikauskienė and Telksnys, 2014). These and
many other language-specific features require
special attention when developing sophisticated IE
methods dedicated for Lithuanian or any other
morphologically rich languages (e.g., Slavic) in
In this paper we present a combined attempt to
semantic content processing and search over
Lithuanian web texts. A semantic search framework
for the task is proposed. We introduce an ontology
population-driven IE approach tightly coupled with
a model-to-model (M2M) transformation-based IR
model. We show how such tight-coupling enables us
to serve natural structured language queries over
domain-specific data represented in the form of
ontology. We then evaluate applicability of our
framework by performing a case study over
Lithuanian news website corpus, focusing on
political and economic domains. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first public attempt to
Lithuanian text processing at the level of ontological
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 gives a brief overview of related work in
semantic search area and provides the state-of-the-
art of NLP research for Lithuanian language. Section
3 presents the architecture of our semantic search
framework with emphasis on capturing and
maintaining domain-specific semantics throughout
the search process. The experimental observations
and lessons learned from the case study are
presented in Section 4. Finally, we draw conclusions
and discuss our future research plans in Section 5.
The evolution of Semantic Web technology has
made a significant impact on meaning-based IR
methods over the last decade. In particular, the
introduction of W3C’s OWL2, RDFS, RDF and
SPARQL to conceptualize, represent and query
domain specific knowledge led to an upsurge of
research in the field.
(Kiryakov et al., 2004) proposed KIM - a
framework for semantic annotation and retrieval.
The main idea behind KIM is the semantic typing of
named entities (NE) by linking them to pre-
populated knowledge base entries and/or appropriate
domain-ontology classes. (Fernández et al., 2011)
introduced an approach for semantically enhanced
IR by adapting the classical vector space model
(Castells et al., 2007). The IE task used to
conceptualize document content is similar to the one
proposed by (Kiryakov et al., 2004). In addition,
(Fernández et al., 2011) use an ontology-based
Question Answering (QA) system to interpret the
intent behind user queries. This is achieved by
deriving linguistic triples from a natural language
question and then looking up for answer-bearing
ontology concepts by syntactic triple similarity
matches (Lopez et al., 2009). Our approach to
capturing user query intents differs substantially: we
aim at obtaining a formal SPARQL query model
from a structured natural language question (see
Section 3.2).
Knowledge bases like Freebase or DBpedia have
been recently used to tackle the problem of open-
domain QA (Yao and Van Durme, 2014; Shekarpour
et al., 2015). While their main goal is to retrieve
answers to factoid-like questions over structured
world’s knowledge, our framework is primarily
aimed at mining and searching domain-specific texts
in order to satisfy event-oriented information needs.
All of the above mentioned approaches target
semantic search only from an English language
perspective, thus they build upon sophisticated NLP
methods that are well known and properly
researched. However, Lithuanian NLP research
progresses in little steps. Perhaps one of the most
significant achievements is the early work by
(Zinkevičius, 2000) who created the first Lithuanian
lemmatizer and part-of-speech (POS) tagger called
Lemuoklis. The syntax of Lithuanian language has
been extensively analyzed by (Šveikauskienė, 2005)
(Šveikauskienė and Telksnys, 2014). A recent
approach to statistical dependency parsing
(Kapociute-Dzikiene et al., 2013) showed the
importance of morphological features (especially
grammatical case) for the accuracy of results.
However, the lack of syntactically annotated data
suggests that rule-based parsing is a better choice.
The only publically available case study of NLP-
based content processing is presented in (Krilavičius
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
et al., 2012), where authors apply named entity
recognition (NER) among other standard text pre-
processing steps to annotate and analyse Lithuanian
news media websites.
The architecture of our proposed semantic search
framework is depicted in Figure 1. As was noted in
Section 1 of the paper, the framework consists of
two major tightly coupled parts: the first one
performs information extraction (IE) related tasks
and the second one handles information retrieval
(IR) related activities. For a detailed explanation
please refer to Sections 3.1 and 3.2 respectively.
The IE module is dedicated for document text
preprocessing and annotation by linguistic
components in the NLP pipeline. IE module aims at
capturing and conceptualizing entities and the events
they participate in. We will emphasize the principles
behind the semantic annotation component in
subsequent sections. In order to avoid possible
confusion about terminology, a note on the use of
the terms “semantic annotation” and “ontology
population” should be given (Amardeilh, 2008). Our
text processing efforts concentrate on ontology
population, i.e., adding instance data (A-Box) to a
predefined ontology (T-Box). In addition, we
perform semantic annotation, i.e., we link slices of
text to their formal ontological representation bits
(A-box) created in the ontology population step. In
this aspect, our approach slightly differs from
previous works discussed in Section 2. The reason
for this is two-fold. First, there is no semantic
knowledge base that would have sufficient coverage
of domain specific entities and relations commonly
mentioned in Lithuanian media. The construction of
such resource would require a significant amount of
manual labor. Although, the existence of
multilingual lexical knowledge bases (e.g. BabelNet)
(Navigli et al., 2012) is well-known, the entries for
entities of a local importance (Lithuanian politics,
organizations etc.) are rare to be found. Secondly, IR
model behind our framework is based on formal
SPARQL query execution, thus we expect for all the
relevant domain knowledge acquired during text
processing to be present in RDF form at query time.
The IR module behind the framework is highly
based on SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary
and Business Rules) standard. SBVR is the OMG
created metamodel and specification that defines
vocabulary and rules for describing business
semantics – business concepts, business facts, and
business rules using some kind of Controlled Natural
Language (OMG, 2008). SBVR enables to create
formal specifications understandable for business
people and also interpretable by software tools. This
is achieved by the usage of structured natural
language for representing meaning as formal logic
structures – semantic formulations. SBVR
metamodel is based on principle of separating
meaning of business concepts and business
restrictions from their representation. A number of
transformations of SBVR specifications to various
software models have been created: Web services
(Goedertier and Vanthienen, 2008), BPMN
(Bodenstaff et al., 2008), OWL2 (Karpovič et al.,
2014), etc. We employ specific SBVR metamodel
features to capture the meaning behind user’s
information needs and further to obtain a formal
SPARQL query representation by means of model-
to-model (M2M) transformation between the two.
3.1 Information Extraction
Information Extraction (IE) module aims to structure
natural language document text at the level of
ontological semantics, i.e. by analyzing entity
mentions and their domain-specific relations we
populate a predefined ontology schema with
instance data. Formal ontological representation of
document content allows taking advantage of
implicit knowledge that can be inferred by
employing OWL reasoning capabilities.
IE task behind our framework is powered by a
pipeline of NLP components for Lithuanian
Lexical analyzer performs stop word removal and
standard text tokenization by breaking input text
into words, sentences and paragraphs.
Morphological analyzer assigns part-of-speech
(POS) tags to each of the word along with lemma,
grammatical number and most importantly
grammatical case.
Named Entity recognizer (NER) is based on
gazetteer lookups. It detects mentions of entities
that belong to three major type categories:
organizations, locations and persons.
Semantic annotator analyzes domain-specific
relations between entities and produces ontology
instance data in the form of RDF triples.
Each of the NLP components produces stand-off
annotations in a custom data format which gets
An Approach for Semantic Search over Lithuanian News Website Corpus
Figure 1: The architecture of the framework.
serialized using JSON. In such way, we keep the
documents and their annotations decoupled.
Since the principle behind the three first NLP
components in the pipeline is beyond the scope of
this paper we will focus on the fundamental features
of our semantic annotator.
Given an ontology schema, semantic annotator
attempts to populate it by instantiating classes and
their properties with entity and relation mentions
found in the analysed text. It follows a rule-based
approach that looks for specific lexico-semantic
patterns, combining information from prior lexical,
morphological and named entity annotations.
Capturing all the domain-specific relations one
could express in ontology is a non-trivial task,
especially for highly inflected languages like
Lithuanian. Moreover, the absence of production
ready syntactic parsers makes the task even more
Our current ruleset targets extraction of political
and economic event mentions in their various forms.
We collected the most common reporting verbs
(sakyti (say), teigti (state), pranešti (announce) etc.)
from the news articles and derived multiple patterns
for utterance extraction. Example rules are given
Rule I
Rule II
Rule I is based on direct quotation extraction,
while Rule II extracts indirect quotations by
matching common conjunction kad, jog (that)
patterns. In both cases we try to catch and instantiate
the full triple: the agent, the reporting verb and the
reported substance.
Some of the extraction rules are not as
straightforward and require more attention to
(c1) (c2) (c3)
<NE> <RVERB>{,} {kad|jog} {SUBSTANCE}
& type(NE) = Person =>
assert(c1:Person, c2:Saying,
c3:Substance, says<c1,c2>,
(c1) (c2) (c3)
& type(NE) = Person =>
assert(c1:Substance, c2:Saying,
c3:Person, says<c3,c2>,
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: A fragment of domain-specific event ontology.
language specific features. An example of this is the
detection of positions held by persons within
organizations (here, PNOUN stands for the position
noun like prezidentas (president), ministras
(minister), teisėjas (judge) etc.):
Rule III
By relying solely on lexical term sequence, we
could easily end up with many incorrect extractions.
In a sample sentence Europos Parlamente
prezidentė Dalia Grybauskaitė skaitė pranešimą
(President Dalia Grybauskaitė gave a speech at the
European Parliament) the locative case of the word
Europos Parlamente determines its grammatical
function - an adverbial modifier of place. Ignoring
the case mark, Rule III would result in assertion
works_in<Dalia Grybauskaitė, European
which is not entirely true. Therefore,
an additional check for the genitive case is made to
avoid incorrect extractions caused by Lithuanian
Among the three rules presented above, our
ruleset includes over 20 patterns for detecting
changes of prices, taxes and other abstract objects of
interest. Also, we always instantiate named entity
mentions, whether they participate in some event or
The final assertions are produced according to
the ontology schema that we created for capturing
the event-specific knowledge commonly found in
Lithuanian news articles. Currently, it consists of
over 100 classes and nearly 70 relations. A tiny
fragment of the ontology relative to the running
examples throughout the paper is presented in Figure
2. The link between the document and the
recognized objects within the content is established
by an object property
<:refers_to_object>. The
Object class is the top class of all domain entities
that we try to detect through the IE process. Thus,
the enrichment of ontology with new domain entities
is only a matter of sub-classing
As every mention of a named entity within the
text results in new instance (and URI) creation, we
face ambiguity issues. The same entities tend to be
referred to under different lexical aliases (Dalia
Grybauskaitė, D. Grybauskaitė, Grybauskaitė etc.)
throughout the news articles. Lithuanian declension
causes even more suffix alternations (Daliai
Grybauskaitei, Dalią Grybauskaitę, Dalios
Grybauskaitės etc.) in such way having a negative
impact on recall with queries including proper
names (see Section 3.2). This is approached by
employing several heuristics to disambiguate all the
different entity mentions to a single entity we call
First, we find equal entities by a common lemma
and abbreviation matches.
Secondly, we determine the main alias behind the
trusted entity by inflecting its nominative case,
and then create a new instance T.
Lastly, we link all the corresponding entities to
the trusted instance T by an object property
We iterate the above process for each distinct
entity type (organizations, locations, persons)
recognizable by NER. In addition, the ontology is
pre-populated with a set of well-known trusted
entities along with their main aliases, which makes
(c1) (c2) (c3)
<NE1> <PNOUN> <NE2>
& type(NE1) = Organization &
type(NE2) = Person
& caseMark(NE1) = genitive =>
assert(c1:Organization, c3:Person,
works in<c3,c1>)
An Approach for Semantic Search over Lithuanian News Website Corpus
the disambiguation process more precise.
As mentioned in Section 3, in addition to A-Box
ontology assertions, semantic annotator produces
stand-off semantic annotations, i.e. extracted
document text fragments get linked to their
corresponding ontology entity URIs by token
indices. This information is later used in IR phase.
3.2 Information Retrieval
Our semantically enhanced Information Retrieval
(IR) model builds upon the framework for querying
OWL2 ontologies using structured natural language,
as presented in (Sukys et al., 2012). The operation of
this framework depends on SBVR, OWL2 and
SPARQL specifications, each of which comes with a
formal metamodel, thus making model-to-model
transformations possible. SBVR business vocabulary
is used to formulate, serialize and transform user’s
information needs to a SPARQL query which,
eventually, retrieves appropriate answers from the
ontology. An advantage of such model-driven IR
approach is the ability to capture and map domain-
specific business restrictions to formal query
conditions (triple patterns) in a straightforward way,
once the M2M transformation rules are present.
To ensure that the resulting triple patterns of
SPARQL query correspond to ontology classes and
properties, it is important to keep correspondence
between SBVR vocabulary entries (general
concepts, verb concepts) and OWL2 ontology
entities. The most reliable way to do this is to obtain
ontology schema automatically using model
transformations from specifications of SBVR
business vocabulary and business rules as described
in (Karpovič et al., 2014) or vice versa (Bernotaityte
et al., 2013).
Having business vocabulary and corresponding
ontology schema in place, questions can be written
using structured natural language, which helps to
express the intents more precisely and avoid
ambiguities that are common in natural language
interpretation. Question formulation using structured
natural language under strict grammar rules imposes
the need to guide the end user throughout the
process. Therefore, we employ EBNF (Extended
Backus–Naur Form) to constraint user input to a
somewhat relaxed form of possible SBVR
formulations present in the vocabulary. As the
question is written with the help of contextual
suggestions, it gets parsed using EBNF rules and a
syntax tree is created. The latter, which contains
recognized statements of the question, is further
used to generate SBVR XMI (XML Metadata
Interchange) model. This model holds the captured
meaning of a question that is constructed using a
closed projection with restricting logical
formulations and projection variables, expressing
general concepts that should appear in the answer.
SBVR XMI model is further transformed into
SPARQL XMI model using ATL model-to-model
transformation language. The principles behind
transformation process and specific transformation
rules are described in more details in (Sukys et al.,
2012). At the final step, SPARQL XMI model is
translated to textual representation using a model-to-
text generator.
An illustrative example of transforming question
Kokie asmenys dirba organizacijose?” (What
persons work in organizations?) to a SPARQL query
is given below. For the sake of simplicity, we
provide only a small fragment of SBVR vocabulary
(Lithuanian and English equivalents), necessary for
such transformation:
The fragment consists of three vocabulary entries:
general concepts
asmuo (person), organizacija
(organization) and a verb concept asmuo dirba
organizacijoje (person works in
organization) denoting the domain specific
relation between the prior defined concepts. The
declension of Lithuanian nouns can be clearly seen
from the above example, i.e. the word representing
general concept
organizacija changes its suffix
in the verb concept asmuo dirba
organizacijoje since the verb dirba governs the
locative case. In the English example, the
grammatical form of a general concept
organization remains the same since its role is
determined by the use of the preposition in. We
manage such language inflection by referring to the
same concepts in different SBVR formulations by
their main grammatical form – lemma.
Several heuristics are employed to make the
structured question as natural sounding as possible.
For example, in certain cases we allow omitting the
subject part of the question, which is later derived by
performing grammatical case-based matching in the
vocabulary entries. As a result, the question in our
running example can be expressed in a more user-
person works in organization
asmuo dirba organizacijoje
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
friendly form “Kas dirba organizacijose?” (Who
work in organizations?). Similarly, we manage
singular and plural noun forms as well.
The textual representation of a transformed
SPARQL query from the question in our running
example (English equivalent) is presented below:
SELECT ?person_i ?organization_i
?person_i ?person_in_organization
?organization_i .
?person_in_organization :label
"person works in organization".
?person_i rdf:type ?person_cl.
?person_cl :label "person".
?organization_i rdf:type
?organization_cl :label
After the initial transformation, SELECT clause
projects a set of variables V that bind (given the
RDF graph data matches) to answer-bearing
ontology entity URIs. The basic graph pattern (BGP)
consists of multiple triple patterns that reflect the
identification of conforming vocabulary and
ontology concepts. In particular, we determine the
type of each of the projected variables v V in two
A triple pattern T1 is created that binds a
representative literal value of SBVR concept to a
non-projected variable n (
<?person_cl :label
A subsequent triple pattern T2 is created with n in
an object position denoting the type of the
projected variable v (
<?person_i rdf:type
In a similar way we identify necessary vocabulary-
conforming ontology properties.
Queries with proper names involved, e.g. Kas
dirba Europos Parlamente? (Who works in the
European Parliament?), are transformed by
additionally employing simple heuristics to retrieve
disambiguated instances (see Section 3.1). In
particular, we generate a set of triple patterns that
use the
predicate to bind to all the non-trusted instances,
thus giving higher recall.
Finally, the query is augmented with triple
patterns that require for each of the projected
variables to be bound to a single document instance
(variable d), i.e. for each v V we create triple
<d :refers_to_object v>. At the last
step, we project an additional variable k in the
SELECT clause that denotes the internal document
identifier later on used for snippet generation. Note
that k V. An ORDER BY clause could be added to
sort the results according to document publication
date however, the ordering cost proved to be too
high on a larger dataset.
At this stage, we have fully-constructed a formal
SPARQL query that returns entity URI bindings,
essentially performing data retrieval. With the
original research aim in mind to attempt meaning-
based information retrieval, our proposed framework
includes a component for result snippet generation.
The logic behind it is based on the following
For each of the initial SPARQL projection
variables v V extract their URI bindings v u;
For each u retrieve its beginning b and ending e
token indices from the semantic and lexical
annotations produced in IE phase;
Calculate min(b) and max(e) values to determine
the range of a text passage;
If min(b) and max(e) fit within boundaries of a
single sentence, extend the range of a text passage
to a full sentence;
Else If min(b) and max(e) overlap to the
neighboring sentences, extend the range of a text
passage to the boundaries of neighboring
Extract the text passage as a final snippet.
Repeat for every tuple in the binding set.
Given that the lexical and semantic annotations
produced in IE phase are correct, the above
algorithm results in a snippet containing both the
answer-bearing entities, and the original context they
were extracted from.
An early evaluation of our approach was performed
by conducting a case study over a crawled corpus of
Lithuanian news texts. We gathered over 90.000
domain specific documents from more than 30 news
portals. After initial pre-processing steps the
documents were annotated producing around 44
million explicit and 49 million implicit RDF triples
under OWL-Horst materialization settings in the
triple store. A prototype for the search interface was
deployed to ease the evaluation of the practical
applicability of our approach (see Figure 3).
In order to evaluate the search results in a
quantitative manner, we selected 4 different queries
for accuracy calculations: 2 abstract ones and 2 with
An Approach for Semantic Search over Lithuanian News Website Corpus
Figure 3: A prototype of semantic search interface for the case study. Sample results are shown for a question Kas dirba
Europos Parlamente? (Who works in the European Parliament?).
proper names involved (see Table 1). We then
judged the quality of the results on two main criteria:
whether the text snippet returned gives a correct
answer to the original question and if the answer-
related entities are correctly highlighted within the
text passage.
As a single article could possibly contain
multiple distinct answers to the same query, we
chose to calculate precision values snippet wise, so
the total number of analysed articles differs per
query and ranges from 12 to 65. Queries Q1, Q2 and
Q3, Q4 were assessed by manually evaluating 61
and 71 snippets respectively. These numbers proved
to be enough to observe a general trend in error
Getting correct recall values is not a
straightforward task in our current setting since a
full set of correct answers to each of the queries is
not known in advance. Therefore, we calculated
recall only on a working subset of articles, i.e. those
that had their snippets evaluated as mentioned
above. In particular, we analysed the content of
those articles to collect the number of missed
annotations and assertions required to stand as an
additional answer (snippet) with respect to the
original query.
Table 2 shows the primary results of text snippet
evaluation. Here, A
column stands for the amount
of snippets analysed, A
– snippets with correct
answer, A
– not found snippets. While most of the
queries achieve very high precision rates, Q2 stands
out with a bit lower results. We noticed that a
common pitfall here is the extraction of indirect
quotations, where pure lexico-semantic patterns
can’t differentiate between the reporting agent and
other agents contextually related to the reported
substance. Relatively low recall values indicate that
our current domain-specific event extraction ruleset
is capable of capturing only the most common event
Table 1: Query set used for evaluation.
# Query
Q1 Ką kalbėjo agentai?
(What did the agents say?)
Q2 Ką kalbėjo Vladimiras Putinas?
(What did Vladimir Putin say?)
Q3 Kas dirba organizacijose?
(Who work in organizations?)
Q4 Kas dirba Europos Parlamente?
(Who works in the European Parliament?)
Table 2: Text snippet accuracy results.
# A
Recall Precision
Q1 61 57 64 0.456 0.934
Q2 61 54 50 0.486 0.885
Q3 71 69 59 0.493 0.971
Q4 71 71 16 0.816 1.000
In addition, we evaluated accuracy of entity
highlighting within the correctly returned snippets
(see Table 3). Each of the queries from our query set
is expected to return an entity tuple, either agent-
substance (Q1, Q2) or person-organization (Q3,
Q4), hence we split the results by agent/person and
substance/organization columns. A
column lists
the total number of snippets analysed, A
correctly highlighted agent/person entities, A
correctly highlighted substance/organization entities.
As the results in Table 3 show, Q2, Q3 and Q4 reach
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
near-perfect precision values in both A
and A
This is because these queries mostly return entities
that get instantiated by strictly following NE tags. In
contrast, Q1 fails significantly on A
. The Agent
entity behind Q1 is more general according to our
ontology schema (see Figure 2), therefore not only
NE instances are included within the results. In
particular, Agent subclasses like Group (and other
specific types of agents) get instantiated by domain
list-guided noun lookups during IE. Our efforts here
fail short when the looked-up noun only governs the
correct entity to be instantiated in a noun phrase and
does not stand as an instance by itself. Thus, noun
phrase mining should be improved by taking into
account more Lithuanian morphological features.
Table 3: Entity highlighting accuracy results.
# A
Q1 57 36 53 0.632 0.930
Q2 54 54 51 1.000 0.944
Q3 69 69 69 1.000 1.000
Q4 71 71 71 1.000 1.000
The primary experimental evaluation of our
approach led to certain observations:
The precision of search results is mainly affected
by the performance of NLP components behind
IE task, since the IR phase operates in a Boolean
manner, i.e. given a transformed formal SPARQL
query the returned bindings hold all the
conditions expressed by the set of triple patterns.
Syntactic parser for Lithuanian is a crucial
linguistic component currently missing from the
NLP pipeline. Event extraction from complex
sentence structures with a free word order is a
non-trivial task and can hardly be carried out by
solely relying on lexico-semantic patterns.
Even when NLP-related errors occur at IE stage,
our snippet generation approach enables to
deliver a correct text passage with a decent level
of accuracy.
The evaluation results can be summed up on a
qualitative note. As shown in Figure 3, our strategy
for snippet generation attempts to present the user
with an answer in a single step, eliminating the need
to perform an additional search for the answer-
related text passage by opening the whole article.
We see this as one of the main features and
advantages of semantic search paradigm when
compared to classical pure keyword-based
We presented, to the best of our knowledge, the first
public attempt to semantic search over Lithuanian
language texts. The aim of our research was to show
that meaning-based information retrieval methods
can be successfully applied even for resource-poor,
highly inflected languages like Lithuanian. While
state-of-the-art in Lithuanian natural language
processing is far away from well computerized
languages such as English, information extraction at
the level of ontological semantics can still be
approached with significant results. However,
language specific linguistic features should be
The semantic search framework we proposed is a
continuation of our previous research on semantics
of SBVR, OWL2 and SPARQL. In particular, we
study the conceptual conformity and discrepancies
between their metamodels by means of model-to-
model transformations. Although the practical
application of our model-driven approach requires
some customizations by preparing business
vocabularies and ontologies, it can be ported to
different domains. SBVR question transformation to
SPARQL is not dependent from the structured
language used. However, certain adoptions for using
different languages, such as Structured English or
Structured Lithuanian are needed due to
grammatical peculiarities of languages.
The early case study demonstrated promising
results and thus we seek to improve our efforts,
especially towards content processing. By refining
event extraction rules and patterns we hope to
capture more domain-specific event mentions along
with their event-specific characteristics. Moreover,
we plan on evaluating the gathered RDF knowledge
base in order to draw some statistical conclusions
regarding the most common events and entities
found in the news articles. With such information
available, we will aim at performing fine-grained
ontological typing of the most common entities
against public knowledge bases, by employing
named entity linking techniques. Finally, our
prototype from the case study, as a part of a bigger
project, is being launched for public availability with
the hope to provide better news search capabilities to
Lithuanian language users. See:
An Approach for Semantic Search over Lithuanian News Website Corpus
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KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval