search in this area are described in the next subsec-
6.1 Further Pre-Processing
In the moment, when a problem appears and data are
collected, information about a set of products (doors,
in our case) is collected. This can include for exam-
ple 50 products, which are similar very frequently.
Therefore there is a possibility to join these
products in one record (or more), which represents
the main properties of a set of products. Higher val-
ue of support must be assigned to this new record.
This step will make the mining simpler and therefore
it will probably increase the efficiency of the whole
frequent itemset mining process.
6.2 Association-based Classification
Predictions, recommendations, and dynamic optimi-
zations could be realized with use of some predictive
data mining technique, such as classification.
As it was proposed in (Liu et. al, 1999), (Bartik,
2007) and Section 5, a set of frequent itemset can be
used as a classifier. For each predefined class, a set
of frequent itemsets representing the records of that
class is discovered. Then, in the classification phase,
we are able to compare a new record, class of which
is not known, with frequent itemsets for each class
and determine the class according to frequent item-
sets, which correspond to the record most.
For example, if we separate the processing time
attribute into three categories (low, medium, high)
and discover frequent itemset for each of them, we
are able to predict the delay during the process and
warn workers before the problem happens.
6.3 Use of Sequential Patterns
Frequent itemsets can be also extended to take the
order of events before the delay into account. There-
fore, frequent itemsets could be substituted by se-
quential patterns. In our event log, the time infor-
mation is present for each event that is why the order
of products that have been processed by the produc-
ing machine is easily detectable.
Given a set of sequences (sets of records ordered
according to their time) and the support threshold,
the task is to find the complete set of frequent sub-
sequences. There are several algorithms proposed
for sequential pattern mining, mainly based on the
frequent itemset mining algorithms, for example the
AprioriAll algorithm or the PrefixScan algorithm
based on the FP-Growth method.
This can be helpful in the advanced analysis of
business processes to find some frequent sequences
of events leading to delays or other kinds of
knowledge about the manufacturing process.
In this paper, we have proposed the method for
analysis of data from event logs based on frequent
itemset mining. It can be used to analyze the reasons
of problems that can appear during the business
process. This can help the analyst to determine
products, which usually cause delays at production
machines in the manufacturing company.
Our experiments have been executed on the da-
taset consisting of products, which were processed
by the production machine before the problem ap-
peared. All attributes of these products have been
collected. Then, our task was to find sets of values,
which occur frequently in the processes, where some
problem causes the delay. The experiments showed
the necessity of a pruning phase, where the support
of an itemset in our dataset must be compared to its
support measured in the whole event log.
In our future works, except those mentioned in
Section 6, we have to find a way to detect records, in
which the execution time is measured wrongly. This
must be accomplished by a deep analysis of the data
and the business process itself.
This research was supported by the grants of MPO
Czech Republic TIP FR-TI3 039 and the European
Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations
Centre of Excellence project (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/
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