that involves unbalanced term sets are only concerned
with the fuzzy logic. They also do not propose a for-
mal definition of unbalanced term sets, which could
be an important improvement in imperfect knowledge
This paper proposes an algorithm that allows to
represent uniformly distributed terms within an unbal-
anced term set. This is performed by an approxima-
tion function that provides the closest term in the un-
balanced multi-set to the desired value. In some cases,
a proportion error may exist. Besides that, based on
our previous work (Chaoued and Borgi, 2015) that al-
lows the representation of terms on a single uniform
scale, we introduce a second algorithm that applies
linguistic modifiers, initially designed for balanced
terms, to unbalanced ones.
As future work, we notice that, in both Abchir’s
and our algorithms, the input terms for the represen-
tation are numerical. It would be interesting to pro-
pose a way to treat symbolic cases where the dis-
tances between terms are defined with words instead
of numbers. It would also be more understandable
by humans to express the proportion error using ad-
verbs like little, more or less, slightly,... Another
aspect in the management of imperfect knowledge
that should be treated is the approximate reasoning
(Zadeh, 1975). It is based on the Generalized Modus
Ponens. Its principle is to deduce a fact similar to the
conclusion rule from an observation approximately
equal to the premise rule. It would be important to
propose a new Generalized Modus Ponens rules deal-
ing with unbalanced multi-sets.
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Linguistic Modifiers with Unbalanced Term Sets in Multi-valued Logic