controlled taking into consideration the imposed tem-
perature set-point while maintaining system integrity.
The actuators state will be function of exogenous in-
formation provided by an array of sensors and the
control law. In this work a Fuzzy controller strategy
was pursued due mainly to the fact that, under this
paradigm, a expert type controller is easily translated
to a Fuzzy behaviour system (Kia et al., 2009).
The remain of this paper will be divided into four
additional sections. After a more thorough presenta-
tion of the addressed problem at section 2 the Fuzzy
controller design strategy will be described along sec-
tion 3. The obtained results, regarding both set-point
tracking and actuator wearing, will be presented at
section 4. Finally some concluding remarks, as long
as future work trends, will be presented in section 5.
In this section the addressed problem will be dis-
cussed in further deep. In order to do that some previ-
ous contextualization about the actual installed trees
growing system will be provided. This system con-
sists on platforms with around six meters of length
and near two meters width placed inside a greenhouse
where the air temperature is roughly controlled. In
particular, the inside air temperature ranges, in aver-
age, from 10 to 30 degrees centigrade.
At the present time the installed growing machine
is used to nurse olive trees and chestnuts, among oth-
ers, until they are sufficiently resistant to be planted
outdoors (Jacobs et al., 2009). The system is a tray,
covered with perlite, and with an electric resistance
coil format, powering 3 kW, running along the cov-
ered area. Actually the greenhouse has 9 growing
stands leading to an installed power of near 30 kW.
A picture of the above referred growing platform sys-
tem is depicted in Figure 1.
During the winter time, when the indoor temper-
atures are lower, the average energy spent in each
growing platforms is, in average, around 60 kWh per
day. This number is excessive and import high pro-
duction costs. In order to reduce this value an alterna-
tive heating system was devised by replacing the in-
efficient resistance based heating element by an water
heating system drive by thermodynamic panels (Yang
et al., 2007) (Huiling and Xiangzhao, 2012).
The heating process is straightforward as can be
exemplified in the diagram of Figure 2.
Before implementing this heating system, and
since the heat and flow requirements of the growing
stand, under nominal and extreme conditions, is un-
known, a scale prototype was built. First the stand
Figure 1: The currently installed growing platform inside
the greenhouse. The center pipes are for irrigation purposes.
Figure 2: Block diagram of the growing stand heating sys-
was implemented using the same structure material
as the original. Only its dimensions was scaled to a
platform of 125 cm × 65 cm. The height of 18 cm
was deliberately let equal to the original in order for
the solution devised for the prototype to be easily in-
tegrated thereafter in the real system.
The piping system was embedded in a special
modelled styrofoam as shown in Figure 3. Then this
assembly was placed inside the metal frame and filled
with perlite.
In the test rig developed, the thermodynamic heat-
ing system was replaced by a butane gas heating. This
operating change was mainly due to controllability
and logistics. Nevertheless, the information one seeks
to find could be also easily obtained by this new ap-
proach. Figure 4 shows an image of this alternative
Moreover an array of sensors was dispersed along
the system in several key points. Six waterproof tem-
perature sensors (DS18B20) were distributed along
the perlite surface. This set of sensors allows to anal-
yse how well and uniform the heat spreads along the
working area. In addition other temperature sensors
are available: one to measure the heater outlet water
temperature, the water temperature at a reservoir and
the environment air temperature. The water flow is
also measured by means of a flow sensor.
The water is made circulating by means of a 1/2
HP water pump system as can be observed from Fig-