this description, it would be fairly easy for a teaching
professional to spot the deficiencies of the swing and
suggest drills to improves these areas. The purely data
driven model had a superior predictive performance,
compared to ReReM, but was mainly based on vari-
ables related to the ball flight. Consequently, further
analysis would be required to suggest exercises and
hence the model was deemed to be less interesting.
The purpose of the second case study was to cre-
ate a better decision support for coaching of truck
drivers. Here, ReReM was compared to a manual sub-
set modelling approach often used in practice. More
specifically nine subsets were created manually us-
ing domain knowledge and statistics, based on the
average speed and total weight of the trucks. When
restricted to the same constraints as the manual ap-
proach, ReReM could increase the predictive perfor-
mance slightly by creating more subsets. An impor-
tant point is that while the manual approach is very
time consuming for human experts - at least one man-
day was needed - the corresponding task could be per-
formed within a few minutes using ReReM.
The main advantage of ReReM was, however,
demonstrated when restrictions set by engineers was
enforced. Here, the same constraints as for the man-
ual approach applied, except that more variables were
considered. In this experiment ReReM, created mod-
els with significantly lower RMAE than the manual
approach, while still producing interesting models. In
addition, when compared to the purely data driven ap-
proach ReReM, actually had a slightly higher predic-
tive performance, while obtaining, in contrast to the
data driven approach, interesting models.
Finally, the complexity of the ReReM models was
slightly higher, i.e., the paths in the tree typically in-
cluded one or possibly two more conditions, but in
practice this would most likely be a small price to pay
for a more interesting model with high predictive per-
This work was supported by the Knowledge Founda-
tion through the project Big Data Analytics by Online
Ensemble Learning (20120192) and by Region V
(VGR) under grant RUN 612-0198-13, University of
as and University of Sk
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KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval