paying a price of a slightly worse ratio for subsets.
Taken together, the price of having more subsets is
preferred, because subsets contain only items actually
in the assembly, while superset and overlap patterns
also contain unrelated items.
The first and second row of figure 8 correspond
to the instance and the pattern-based approach for
graded synchrony. The third corresponds to the
instance-based approach for binary synchrony. Com-
paring the diagrams for unrelated patterns, our graded
method detects all injected patterns (first and sec-
ond rows), while the binary method also produces
unrelated pattern. In (Borgelt et al., 2015) it is
demonstrated that the instance-based approach yields
slightly better results than the pattern approach. How-
ever, this approach does not consider the precision of
synchrony. Surprisingly, using only the pattern-based
approach with a graded notion of synchrony yields a
better ratio for overlap and superset patterns.
In this paper we presented a method to detect fre-
quent synchronous patterns in event sequences using
a graded notion of synchrony for mining patterns in
the presence of imprecise synchrony of events con-
stituting occurrences and selective participation (in-
complete occurrences). Our method adapts methods
presented in the literature to tackle selective participa-
tion using binary synchrony, especially the instance-
based approach which looks at instances of patterns to
improve the detection by removing instances that are
likely chance events, checking the precision of syn-
chrony of these instances. We demonstrate in our ex-
periments that using a graded notion of synchrony for
support computation helps to simplify the detection
of selective participation, because a pattern-based ap-
proach yields better results or at least equally good
results as an instance-based approach. This is a con-
siderable advantage, since identifying the individual
pattern instances is costly and thus it is desirable to
avoid it.
The work presented in this paper was partially sup-
ported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and
Competitiveness (MINECO Grant TIN2012-31372)
and by the Principality of Asturias, through the
2013-2017 Science Technology and Innovation Plan
(Programa Asturias, CT1405206), and the European
Union, through FEDER funds.
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Mining Significant Frequent Patterns in Parallel Episodes with a Graded Notion of Synchrony and Selective Participation