SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of
Football Tactics and Actions
D. Vallejo
, G. Alises
, J. A. Albusac
, C. Glez-Morcillo
and J. J. Castro-Schez
School of Computer Science, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
School of Mining and Industrial Engineering, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Football, Event Understanding, Expert Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Team Sports.
In recent years technology has been used as an engine to improve the performance of the players and the
preparation offered by trainers in a great variety of sports. In some of them, such as football, technology has
contributed enormously to improving monitoring of players so as to assess their performance and to prepare
tactics and strategies that are so essential nowadays for making the difference, before facing a match. In this
paper we present SIDANE, an expert system capable of detecting important situations in football, from a
tactics point of view and assessing if the players involved took a good decision from the point of view of the
trainer. The SIDANE reasoning engine uses Fuzzy Logic with the aim of tackling uncertainty and facilitating
the definition of rules close to the way in which the trainer communicates with his or her players. In this
way the distance between expert and machine is greatly narrowed. The results yielded show how powerful
SIDANE is as a starting point for the automatic analysis of important situations in team sports.
A few years ago the huge impact that technology has
in the sporting world today seems unthinkable. If,
for example, a famous retired tennis player were to
check firsthand how Hawk-Eye technology can an-
swer if the ball fell inside or outside the court, he
or she would have wondered, why couldn’t this have
been done before? Indeed, the tentacles of technology
have more than infiltrated into any type of sporting
event, whether it be amateur or professional. From
the most basic technology, such as, for example, the
use of digital scoreboards to manage the state of the
game, through to highly complex technological so-
lutions, such as those that create behaviour models
for the players with the aim of improving their per-
formance, technology is an essential support in the
sporting field. From a professional point of view, this
support is reflected essentially from four perspectives,
which coincide with the main roles adopted in a large
part of the sports there are nowadays: i) player ii)
trainer, iii) referee and iv) spectator.
Professional players use technology to improve
their performance or to train more effectively. For
example a javelin thrower can make use of a move-
ment analysis system to study if the throwing angle
used was the optimum one or not according to other
important parameters such as, for example, his or her
run up speed or wind resistance. A professional bil-
liards player can use an Augmented Reality system
(Azuma et al., 2001) which digitally draws the pos-
sible trajectory of the ball according to the cue direc-
tion. Moreover, all this is done before the ball is hit!
Trainers benefit from automatic tools to find out the
players statistics, such as, for example, the distance
covered, or the number of passes successfully made
in ball sports. Furthermore, digital boards are also
habitually used to explain tactics and strategies that
players must follow, thereby saving time with respect
to more traditional alternatives.
From the point of view of the referee, technology
has enormously facilitated the assessment of game
rules thereby avoiding disputes between players and
conflicts that arise after seeing a replay on TV of the
problematic move. The aforementioned Hawk-Eye in
tennis is a highly representative example. Photofinish
in athletics or the use of computerized vision tech-
niques to detect if a player is offside (behind the de-
fence line) when playing football (see Figure 1) are
other important examples. Finally, the spectator also
benefits from technology since a highly widespread
trend nowadays consists in superimposing digital in-
formation onto real sports pictures, with occasional
use of Augmented Reality. For example, in sailing
Vallejo, D., Alises, G., Albusac, J., Glez-Morcillo, C. and Castro-Schez, J..
SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of Football Tactics and Actions.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pages 334-341
ISBN: 978-989-758-159-5
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
or American football, this approximation is used fre-
The fruit of our labour presented in this article and
named SIDANE focuses on the role of the football
trainer. Essentially, the aim of SIDANE is to facilitate
the work of these professionals via automatic analysis
of situations in which the players become involved.
However, SIDANE can easily be transferred to other
team sports in which there are a ball to guide how the
game develops.
Nowadays, professional football has developed in
such a way that the concept of team has taken on, if
possible, greater importance. Physical preparation of
elite football players is very demanding and, although
on a technical level a player may shine at specific mo-
ments, it is the team as a whole that makes the dif-
ference in championships and tournaments of a sig-
nificant duration. In this way, the role of the trainer
takes on special importance when facing matches and
preparing both tactics and strategy for his or her play-
ers. To increase the possibility of success when fac-
ing these tasks, the trainers do not hesitate to use this
new technology with the purpose of communicating
their instructions to the players in the most practical
and efficient way possible. From the technological
support point of view, nowadays there are tools that
are automatically capable of following a player at all
times (D’Orazio and Leo, 2010), measure the distance
covered (Barros et al., 2007), jot down the number of
passes made in a match (Hughes and Franks, 2005),
or even monitor the work profile of the player (Car-
ling et al., 2008).
However, it would be desirable to have higher
level behaviour analysis tools, that is, those that will
study when a player behaves as he or she should when
faced with a certain situation, in keeping with the tac-
tical vision and the strategy of his or her trainer. A
simple example in the football world could be the goal
shot. In this context, a tool that will analyse when a
player should take a goal shot could analyse factors
such as the distance to the goal, the number of op-
ponent players blocking the shot or even, if there is
any unmarked teammate located in a better position
to take a shot at goal. Nowadays, this type of infor-
mation is extracted manually by making notes on the
video recording while the match took place. In this
way, the trainer can justify to his or her players when
they do well and when not. Unfortunately, this task,
normally carried out by the trainers support team, is
very tedious and prone to errors.
This is the main driving force behind SIDANE,
the expert system presented in this work whose aim
is to accurately analyse the actions of football play-
ers. For this purpose, at the core of SIDANE, there
Figure 1: Offside automatic detection.
is a reasoning engine based on rules that determine
how a player should ideally behave in given situa-
tions. The conventionality used in SIDANE is Fuzzy
Logic (Zadeh, 1996), a multivalued logic that allows
approximated reasoning to be carried out, using lin-
guistic labels, instead of exact reasoning. In this way,
rules can be established such as the following: if a
player is surrounded by a certain number of opponent
players, then he or she should pass the ball so as not
to lose it. Fuzzy Logic allows the knowledge neces-
sary for a software system to automatically analyse its
input data, to be shown in a way that is very similar
to how a human expert would do it. This is a highly
important advantage when reducing the distance be-
tween people and machines.
The remainder of this article is structured in the
following manner. In section 2 there is a description
of a study of related work, with special emphasis on
those proposals in which there is an attempt to carry
out some kind of automatic analysis in the world of
football. In section 3 there is a detailed discussion on
what SIDANE consists of as an expert system, what
is its architecture, how its reasoning engine works and
what is the knowledge base that has been used as a
starting point for reflecting the instructions given by
the trainer. Then, in section 4 the experimental results
obtained when assessing SIDANE are described. The
article finishes with section 5, in which the conclu-
sions arrived at are commented on and some future
lines of work are presented.
The state of the art as regards automatic analysis of
situations in the sporting field and, specifically, in
football, has made plenty of progress in recent years.
In this context, it is worth stressing the importance of
the tracking process as this is fundamental for locat-
ing the players and the ball at every moment (Prince,
2012). This process is carried out by sophisticated
SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of Football Tactics and Actions
Computer Vision systems which analyse the different
pictures or frames that make up the video and which
are captured by a multitude of cameras, which are
strategically placed on the football pitch. In this con-
text, the authors T. D’Orazio y M. Leo made a com-
plete review of the state of the art that the reader may
consult (D’Orazio and Leo, 2010).
From a data obtaining point of view static cameras
may be used or those used for broadcasting matches.
For example, it is common enough to use fixed cam-
eras whose fields of vision overlap (Xu et al., 2005).
However, it is perfectly possible to use the broad-
casting cameras themselves, such as discussed by M.
Beetz et al (Beetz et al., 2005). These authors con-
sidered an artificial system used to analyse the 2006
World Cup matches with the purpose of positioning
the players at all times. On this point, it must be em-
phasized that regardless of the data source, there are
traditional problems that any algorithm must tackle,
such as, for example the ever present occlusions or
variations in the lighting sources. One work which
is representative of an attempt to tackle this problem
is proposed by S.H. Khatoonabadi and M. Rahmati
(Khatoonabadi and Rahmati, 2009), where they con-
sidered an algorithm made up of different steps, from
a lower to higher level of abstraction, so as to, finally,
obtain the position of every player on the game field.
Another large branch of activities that revolves
around the tracking process is concerned with the
use of hardware devices as a common denominator,
which are incorporated into the player itself or the
ball, instead of analysing pictures. For example, it
is possible to use miniscule transmitters to directly,
and with little scope for error, obtain the position of
the players (Rohmer et al., 2001). Essentially, this
approach is closely linked to GPS systems.
From an architecture perspective this layer of
tracking is used as a base for other layers that have a
greater level of abstraction whose aim is a higher level
analysis. Then, for example, the position of the play-
ers and that of the ball could be used to feed an intelli-
gent algorithm which will automatically determine in
which position of the game field the player is making
most effort. Another more complex example could be
based on an algorithm that automatically obtains the
degree of pressure from the team that does not possess
the ball at each moment. Essentially, the trainer of a
football team can use this knowledge to improve the
preparation of tactics and strategy for his or her team,
thereby saving a great deal of time as regards the tra-
ditional alternative which consists of viewing videos
and making commentaries manually.
A significant amount of researchers are interested
in obtaining statistical data that allows the tactical in-
formation to be used by the trainers to be extrapolated
so as to improve the performance of their team. For
example, G. Zhu et al considered the concept of added
trajectory to extract tactical information in situations
in which a team has scored a goal (Zhu et al., 2007).
Another large field of study revolves around the anal-
ysis of the individual skills of the players. In this con-
text, an important item is possession of the ball, since,
a priori, greater possession of the ball implies greater
control of the game and, therefore, greater probabil-
ity of winning. To minimize the manual work de-
rived from this task, X. Yu et al put forward a semi-
automatic system capable of calculating ball posses-
sion by each player from the information obtained
from the television cameras (Yu et al., 2005). Other
related work is discussed by P.S. Tsai et al, which
is focused in this case on analysing the speed of the
players during the game (Tsai et al., 2007).
Beyond this individual study, the system put for-
ward by M. Beetz et al is worth mentioning, in which
the real time video streaming analysis is considered in
order to recognize activities and events (Beetz et al.,
2005). This concept of event is especially important
for the state of the art of this type of systems to make
progress. With the work mentioned above, the system
designed uses a reasoning engine based on first order
logic to determine if a situation that was learnt pre-
viously has taken place in the match under analysis.
For example, the authors comment on the examples
of events the opportunity of scoring a goal or the situ-
ation in which a player is under pressure. The system
maintains a series of rules that are fired to calculate
the probability of each event handled by the situation
occurring in relation to the real situation under analy-
Other works related with the above approach are
discussed in the literature (Miene et al., 2004), (Nair
et al., 2004). Both work in this case with sim-
ulated data obtained from the famous competition
, in which there are leagues both for physi-
cal robots and for virtual players which are simulated
by means of sophisticated algorithms. It is worth em-
phasizing that in these works events such as the aver-
age distance covered or possession by each player to
automatically analyse if a situation is to his or her ad-
vantage or not, are studied and detected. Another rep-
resentative event, associated with automatical assess-
ment of the offside event, is discussed by T. D’Orazio
et al (D’Orazio et al., 2009). This work is orientated,
however, to facilitating assistance to referees when as-
sessing if there is an offside situation or not.
PerSoccer 2015 - Special Session/Symposium on Performance Analysis in Soccer: How does Technology Challenge Current Practices? -
3rd Edition
Data processing
Automatic analysis module
Figure 2: Architecture overview of SIDANE.
3.1 Overview
SIDANE is an expert system for the analysis and au-
tomatic assessment of situations and events in the
world of football. As will be discussed further on,
SIDANE is capable of, for example, detecting when
a player must pass the ball and when not. For this
purpose, SIDANE makes use of an expert knowledge
base, defined taking into account the instructions from
the football trainer, and an inference system based
on rules that determine when a player is behaving
well and when not. Figure 2 graphically shows the
SIDANE architecture taking into account the stream
of information, that is, from obtaining raw data, using
for, example cameras, until high level knowledge is
created such as that commented upon in the previous
Initially, the tracking system is that responsible for
obtaining the position of all the players and of the
ball in the games area at every moment. In other
words, the responsibility this system has could con-
sist in transforming the video streams captured by the
cameras into 3D information which shows the posi-
tion of the players and the ball. The tracking system
is outside the scope of this paper, but the SIDANE
architecture has been designed to guarantee incorpo-
ration of any tracking system. Below, the data pro-
cessing module normalizes the information relative to
said positions, in such a way that they are all found
to be in the range [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] and [1.0, 1.0, 1.0].
Moreover, this sub module stores all the information
received by the tracking system in a database with the
purpose of making, if necessary, a forensic analysis of
the data stored.
The automatic analysis module is the real heart
of SIDANE and is made up of a reasoning system
capable of detecting and analysing interesting foot-
ball situations from a tactical and strategical point of
view. For this purpose, and as shown in figure 2, this
module uses a previously defined knowledge base that
houses a series of rules. These rules determine if the
ideal behaviour of the football player is in accordance
with the criteria of his or her trainer. The mathe-
matical conventionality that sustains both the reason-
ing system and the knowledge base is Fuzzy Logic
(Zadeh, 1996). Said conventionality is an extension
of Boolean logic that allows dealing with uncertainty
and vagueness of real world problems. For example,
from a semantics point of view it is more practical to
state that the ball is close to the goal than state that the
ball is 1.34 metres from it. In the following section
this conventionality will be studied in greater depth.
This behaviour analysis module encompasses, in
turn, two other sub modules. The first of these is the
situations detection sub-module, responsible for de-
tecting what is happening in the game area. For ex-
ample, the reader may think of the classical offside
situation. The second sub-module is the actions as-
sessment sub-module, responsible for assessing if the
player took the right decision in accordance with that
defined by the knowledge base and within the context
of the previously detected situation. For example, the
reader may consider the situation in which the central
defence remains back, so offside does not apply and
the forward of the opponent team is enabled to act.
SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of Football Tactics and Actions
Finally, SIDANE provides a user graphics inter-
face that enormously facilitates the detection of er-
rors made by the players and that, additionally, pro-
vides detailed information of their states at every mo-
ment. It is worth emphasizing that the SIDANE archi-
tecture has been designed with special consideration
for scalability maintaining a high degree of indepen-
dence among the modules inserted and defining some
simple interfaces that enable other modules to be in-
3.2 Knowledge Base and Reasoning
Fuzzy Logic (Zadeh, 1996), put forward by professor
Zadeh in 1965, has been the conventionality chosen as
the focal point for SIDANE. Essentially, the main fea-
ture of Fuzzy Logic is it allows the quantification of
imprecise values of our language, such as much, little,
or too much, adapting itself better to real world prob-
lems than traditional logic, which only allows for two
possible values: true (1) and false (0). In this context,
the human brain has a great ability to interpret and
solve complex situations without needing to handle
numerical values. It is precisely from this consider-
ation, that the computing with words stream arose, to
which Fuzzy Logic adapts perfectly with the concepts
of linguistic variables and fuzzy rules.
In the problem dealt with in this paper, a linguis-
tic variable could be the attitude of the player which,
in turn, could take the values of defensive, neutral,
offensive and very offensive, for example. Subse-
quently, this variable could be used in a fuzzy rule
of the type ”IF the attitude of the player is very of-
fensive AND the distance to the goal is short, THEN,
make a goal shot”. This knowledge definition model
is significantly close to the expert in the domain, that
is, the trainer, which drastically reduces the gap be-
tween the latter and the machine. In this paper the
choice of Fuzzy Logic as a knowledge representation
conventionality is complemented with the inference
method of Mamdani (Mamdani, 1974). Essentially,
this method is responsible for i) changing numerical
values to fuzzy values, ii)making the reasoning pro-
cess fuzzy and finally, iii) changing the fuzzy values
obtained into numerical values that can be interpreted
once again by a machine.
Figure 3 shows on the left hand side the fuzzy di-
vision of the game area into different areas according
to two independent linguistic variables: X Pos and
Y Pos. In this way, a forward that attacks the goal
on the right will normally be situated in the values
Right or Very Right of the Y Pos variable, with less
likelihood of retreating to defend and that, therefore,
the Y Pos variable takes values of Medium, Left or
Very Left. This type of basic variables are the first
level of the knowledge base defined in this paper. The
definition of another example of a basic variable de-
nominated Attitude, is shown in the upper right part
of figure 3. Here, the possible values of said variable
are Defensive, Neutral and Offensive.
The rules of the knowledge base of this first level
are used to determine the occurrence of states or basic
actions. Rules 3 and 4 of figure 3 show two basic ex-
amples. With rule 4, SIDANE is capable of inferring
that if a player has possession of the ball and the num-
ber of opponents that are close to him or her is high,
then the pressure level is high. The SIDANE knowl-
edge base maintains more rules to determine the dif-
ferent pressure values according to if the number of
close opponents is high or not. See how these type
of rules are really simple to express for the trainer,
which hugely facilitates their incorporation into the
SIDANE fuzzy knowledge base.
Now pay attention to rule 10 shown equally in fig-
ure 3. This rule may seem more complex because the
number of antecedents is greater, but in reality it is
also rather simple. Rule 10, together with other simi-
lar rules included in the knowledge base, are used so
that SIDANE infers when a player is found in an area
of the field where it is suitable to make the so called
killer pass and when not. This classic footballer move
consists in passing the ball to a forward in such a way
that the latter can score a goal just by pushing the ball.
Obviously, this is a highly desirable situation. The
rule in question assesses whether the one passing is
lightly hugging a sideline and, moreover, is close to
the rival goal. If this is the case, then the player is
located in an area in which said pass is a desirable
The SIDANE knowledge base handles a second
level or group of rules in which football concepts fre-
quently worked on in football team training sessions
are managed, such as for example dangerous loss of
ball, goal shot or long pass. SIDANE is capable
of automatically detecting when these situations take
place and assessing if they were made at the right time
or not. The actions associated with these concepts
usually show yes or no type decisions, so defining
them is simple. Figure 3 shows on the right hand
side the definition of two variables associated with
these actions: killer pass and goal shot. However,
the most interesting part is in rule 16. This second
level rule uses as an antecedent the information ob-
tained by the first level rules (e.g. player situated in
the killer pass area or attitude of the player) to deter-
mine if the player must carry out the killer pass or not.
The example shows if the player has the ball, is in the
PerSoccer 2015 - Special Session/Symposium on Performance Analysis in Soccer: How does Technology Challenge Current Practices? -
3rd Edition
Very Left Very RightLeft
Medium Right
Very Down Down
Medium Up Very Up
Examples of fuzzy variables
TERM Defensive := (0, 0) (0, 1) (0.25, 1) (0.50, 0);
TERM Neutral := (0.25, 0) (0.50, 1) (0.75, 0);
TERM Offensive := (0.50, 0) (0.75, 1) (1, 1) (1, 0);
TERM Yes := 1;
TERM No := 0;
of fuzzy
RULE 3: IF (X_Pos IS Right) OR (X_Pos IS VeryRight)
THEN Attitude IS Offensive;
RULE 4: IF (Possession IS Yes) AND (Nearly_players IS High)
THEN Pressure IS High;
RULE 10: IF ((X_Pos IS VeryLeft OR X_Pos IS Left) OR (X_Pos IS VeryRight OR X_Pos IS Right)) AND (Y_Pos IS Down OR Y_Pos IS Up)
THEN KillerPassZone IS Yes;
RULE 16: IF (Possession IS Yes) AND (KillerPassZone IS Yes) AND (Attitude IS Offensive) THEN KillerPass IS Yes;
TERM Yes := 1;
TERM No := 0;
Figure 3: Left: Fuzzy division of the soccer field. Right: Examples of fuzzy variables. Below: Examples of fuzzy rules in
the knowledge base. The adopted notation is related to the Fuzzy Control Language (FCL).
suitable position and his or her attitude is offensive,
then he or she should make a pass that will potentially
leave a teammate alone so the latter can score a goal.
It is precisely in this type of rule where the essence
of the expert system put forward in this work can be
appreciated- SIDANE is capable of assessing if the
decision taken was the correct one or not, considering
the action of the player and the trainer criteria which
is reflected in the SIDANE knowledge base.
Our first aim for assessing the behaviour of SIDANE
consisted in obtaining real football match data. Un-
fortunately, there is no public repository with the
players tracking data and the research groups whom
we contacted were not able to share theirs due to pri-
vacy laws. For this reason, in order to assess SIDANE
we have used data from the RoboCup 2D Soccer Sim-
ulation League
. This league is a worldwide compe-
tition in which a range of teams of independent soft-
ware agents compete to be crowned as the best. The
software used in this competition allows tracking data
to be obtained for all players and from the ball, so it is
perfect to assess SIDANE. Likewise, the level of so-
phistication of the virtual players is so high that they
2 2D Soccer Sim-
ulation League
behave as if they were real players. In this paper data
has been used from the final of the RoboCup 2012
between the Helios (Japan) and WrightEagle (China)
Figure 5 shows the number of detected and auto-
matically assessed SIDANE situations. Specifically,
these situations are the following: area pass, danger-
ous loss of ball, killer pass and, finally, goal shot. On
this point it must be clarified that the dangerous loss
of ball situation is that which triggers a counterattack
by the rival team. In other words, it is a situation to be
avoided by the team that possesses the ball. The long
pass refers to a situation in which, for example, it is
desirable to move the ball to the sideline opposite the
game area in which, potentially, there are fewer op-
ponent players and, therefore, more opportunities to
Moreover, figure 4 shows two situations shown by
the SIDANE graphic interface which allow what has
been detected and what the players should have done
to be viewed rapidly. Figure 4.a shows the red player
in possession of the ball and a considerable number
of opponent blue players surrounding him or her. In
other words, SIDANE shot the rule in which there is
a possibility of dangerous loss of ball by the other
blue team. Here, the red player should pass the ball
or throw it out of range of the other team to not lose it
when faced with such a dangerous position. SIDANE
detected and assessed 30 dangerous loss of ball sit-
SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of Football Tactics and Actions
Figure 4: a) Dangerous loss of ball detection. b) Desirable long pass situation.
uations in the test match. Another especially impor-
tant situation from the trainer point of view is shown
in figure 4.b. Here, it is desirable that the red player
that has the ball makes a large run with the purpose
of breathing some fresh air into the game and begin-
ning the attack against the opponent goal. SIDANE
is also capable of detecting and assessing these types
of situations. In the test match, SIDANE detected and
assessed 90 situations in which a long run was desir-
Before discussing the conclusions and the future
potential lines of work associated with SIDANE the
reader is advised to see a video in which situations
obtained from real matches are contrasted with sit-
uations analysed by SIDANE in the RoboCup 2D
Soccer Simulation League. This video is available
Figure 5: Detected and assessed situations by SIDANE in
the RoboCup 2012 final.
When SIDANE detects and assesses a situation re-
flected in its knowledge base, the graphics interface
marks the player involved with a blue circle, if the
right decision is taken, or with a red circle if the wrong
one is taken in accordance with that previously de-
fined by the trainer in the knowledge base.
SIDANE is an expert system capable of automatically
detecting and assessing essential situations from the
point of view of the football trainer. Essentially, the
main contribution this paper has made is in the use
of expert knowledge to detect and assess high level
situations and events in the football world. This con-
sideration is a step forward with respect to the tradi-
tional techniques of note taking which is usually done
manually and revolves around the trainers assistants
watching videos to select the most important moves.
To reach its objective, SIDANE has at its core a rea-
soning system based on Fuzzy Logic which makes
use of a knowledge base made up of variables and
rules that reflect the tactical and strategical criteria of
a human expert or trainer. The use of If-Then rules
greatly facilitate the modelling of said criteria and
simplify their incorporation into the SIDANE knowl-
edge base. Moreover, the SIDANE architecture has
been designed to incorporate any tracking system and
to extend its knowledge base with new rules associ-
ated with a great number of concepts and footballing
PerSoccer 2015 - Special Session/Symposium on Performance Analysis in Soccer: How does Technology Challenge Current Practices? -
3rd Edition
To assess SIDANE we have used data obtained
from the RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League,
since it was possible to directly know the results of the
tracking process of the players and of the ball at ev-
ery moment. The analysis of a full match has allowed
the identification of a large number of situations that
revolve around concepts that are so essential from a
tactical perspective such as the area pass, dangerous
loss of ball, killer pass, long pass or goal shot.
Currently, our work is focused on detecting and
assessing collaborative events in which various play-
ers are involved in the same situation. Specifically,
one of the situations in which we are particularly in-
terested is the offside trap, used by the defence of a
team to leave the forward of the opponent team off-
side and, in this way, retake possession of the ball
directly. Furthermore, we continue to search for data
from real matches and hope that this paper contributes
to us being able to carry out this task successfully.
The authors would like to thank the University of
Castilla-La Mancha, for funding this work under the
research project GI20153014.
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SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of Football Tactics and Actions