To assess SIDANE we have used data obtained
from the RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League,
since it was possible to directly know the results of the
tracking process of the players and of the ball at ev-
ery moment. The analysis of a full match has allowed
the identification of a large number of situations that
revolve around concepts that are so essential from a
tactical perspective such as the area pass, dangerous
loss of ball, killer pass, long pass or goal shot.
Currently, our work is focused on detecting and
assessing collaborative events in which various play-
ers are involved in the same situation. Specifically,
one of the situations in which we are particularly in-
terested is the offside trap, used by the defence of a
team to leave the forward of the opponent team off-
side and, in this way, retake possession of the ball
directly. Furthermore, we continue to search for data
from real matches and hope that this paper contributes
to us being able to carry out this task successfully.
The authors would like to thank the University of
Castilla-La Mancha, for funding this work under the
research project GI20153014.
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SIDANE: Towards the Automatic Analysis of Football Tactics and Actions