to summarize, it is difficult to deal with the problem
of estimation failure caused by low translation accu-
racy. Because our study does not aim at emotion es-
timation in document increments, their proposed doc-
ument summarization technique cannot be applied to
our study. We refined the translation candidates of
each word in a sentence by narrowing them down un-
der certain condition.
In this paper, we attempted emotion estimation
by machine learning. In the sentences of Japanese-
English parallel emotion corpus the translation candi-
dates for each word were obtained in reference to the
bilingual dictionary. We used them as training data for
machine learning and conducted an emotion estima-
tion experiment. If bilingual dictionaries are used to
obtain translation candidates, erroneous translations
might be caused as often as or more often than when
machine translation is conducted.
For that reason, we proposed a refining method
that narrowed down the translation candidates accord-
ing to whether the kind of the sentence’s emotion and
the word’s emotion matched or not. By removing the
words that were not likely to contribute to sentence
emotion, the translation candidates were refined. The
aim of this method is to minimize the effects by trans-
lation error.
Section 2 describes the related works about emo-
tion estimation based on word feature and emotion
estimation based on different languages.
To remove noise feature, we propose a method for
refining translation candidates extracted from bilin-
gual dictionaries in section 3 and conduct an evalu-
ation experiment in section 4. Then, we examine the
results of the evaluation experiment and discuss the
effectiveness of our method that does not use machine
translation in section 5. Finally, we summarize this
study in section 6.
The researches on emotion estimation often adopted
machine learning method that used words as a feature
(Matsumoto and Ren, 2011), (Quan and Ren, 2011),
(Wu and Matsumoto, 2014). Many of these methods
do not consider the meanings of the words. Actually,
in the task of judging a word’s or a phrase’s emotion
polarity (positive/negative), a certain level of accu-
racy can be obtained without considering the word’s
meaning (Takamura and Okumura, 2005), (Takamura
and Okumura, 2006).
There are also researches that judge emotion cate-
gories of emotional words in a sentence (Kang et al.,
2010). In the machine learning, the quality or kind of
source data used for training data is one of the most
important factors that affect the classification accu-
To judge the emotion polarity of a sentence be-
longing to a different domain from the training data,
Saiki et al. (Saiki and Okumura, 2008) adapted
each domain by using the weighted maximum entropy
model to add weight to case. Minato et al. (Minato
and Kuroiwa, 2008) estimated sentence emotion by
using appearance frequency weight of word for each
emotion category according to Japanese-English par-
allel emotion corpus. The evaluation result showed
that emotion estimation accuracies varied due to small
size of the corpus and bias of the number of the sen-
tences in each emotion category.
Balahur et al. (Balahur and Turchi, 2012) treated
the problem of sentiment detection in several differ-
ent languages such as French, German and Spanish.
They translated each language resources into English
by using the existing machine translation techniques
and classified sentence emotion by training the n-
gram feature of the translated resources based on Sup-
port Vector Machines Sequential Minimal Optimiza-
tion (SVM SMO).
From the experimental result for the multilingual
resources, they concluded that the statistical machine
translation (SMT) was mature enough as preprocess-
ing for sentiment classification. However, it is consid-
ered that the languages used in their study were easier
to translate into English compare to translate Japanese
into English. In Japanese language, with only differ-
ence of notation or intonation of the word, sense of
the word sometimes changes. On the other hand, sen-
tence structure is more complex than English or the
other western languages.
Moreover, even if the machine translation system
can translate Japanese into English successfully, with
a little difference of the translation candidate, the nu-
ance becomes different from the original meaning and
the emotion to be conveyed might be changed.
To confirm this, it is necessary to conduct an ex-
periment of emotion estimation by using the trans-
lation results based on Japanese-English emotion
tagged corpus. Preprocessing was conducted by con-
verting Japanese or English emotion tagged corpora
into other language data by machine translation or
parallel dictionary. We confirmed whether emotion
estimation accuracy could be improved by refining
translation candidates or not by the evaluation exper-