The similarity of different networks can now be
examined on the basis of the importance rankings.
This examination shows that in nearly all concept
networks the field concepts (28, 71, 91 and 109) are
the most central ones, and for them, experimental
support and model support are equally important. If
we focus on this core set of key concepts, the
networks are similar. In addition to this core set, there
is a handful of almost as important concepts (8, 33,
57, 69, 83, 91 and 113) which appear in many of the
networks. Although there is much variation between
students, there are, however, also many shared key
Good organization of content knowledge is here
approached from the assumption that coherence and
contingency are two important qualitative features of
well-organized knowledge. These kinds of relations
are noted to be central for the functionality of
conceptual knowledge (Derbentseva et al. 2007;
Koponen and Nousiainen, 2013; Nousiainen, 2013).
The method presented here allows us to analyze key
concepts which provide the coherence and
contingency. Coherence is operationalized through
cyclical connections between concepts. Contingency
is operationalized as connected, not cyclical, paths
between given concepts. The key concepts were
found by forming an importance ranking on the basis
of these operationalized measures. The importance
rankings brought forward a small set of key concepts
which have a more important role than other concepts
in providing the coherence and contingency for the
whole set of concepts. These concepts turn out to be
meaningful from the point of view content, too, which
is of course a satisfying finding and not trivially
expected in this kind of learning context. In all cases
epistemic support from experiments and models was
found of equal importance, although slightly
differently for different key concepts.
Importance rankings also allow us to compare
networks: if the same nodes have high importance
rankings in two different concept networks, it means
that the networks are similar to some extent. The
analysis carried out here showed that all the 12
networks inspected here had much similarity in the
way they all emphasized the centrality of field
In summary, our results suggest that concept
networks, if properly analyzed, contain valuable
information of how students organize conceptual
structure in physics. In particular, with network based
methods it becomes possible to identify the key
concepts that provide coherence and contingency of
such concept networks. This kind of knowledge is
important to understanding how human learners
construct ontologies in learning, how these ontologies
may differ, and how learning environments can
support the ontology construction by suitable
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