richness of structures. Moreover, authors in (Tartir
et al., 2005) only consider subsumption relations and
non-subsumption ones as only two kinds of relation-
ships, but we distinguish all the OWL language prop-
erties employed in the ontology.
An occurrence analysis of particular structures
(list, tree, multitree and diamond) was done on a large
number of ontologies by Wang et al. in (Wang et al.,
2006). They consider more complex structures, but
they only consider subsumption as a possible edge
and they do not measure richness.
Regarding discovery of frequent structures, the
most relevant is work by Mikroyannidi et al. (Mikroy-
annidi et al., 2011). They introduce an approach for
detecting syntactic regularities applying generalisa-
tion with placeholders on axioms, lexical patterns and
clustering. Later, they extended it with semantic regu-
larities by including entailments. While our approach
also considers placeholders, we do not consider se-
mantic regularities, and we focus on the richness as-
pect of structure.
Regarding ontology and dataset summaries, our
shortest paths based approach is related to (Heim
et al., 2009). They extract a graph covering rela-
tionships between two entities from large knowledge
bases. However, while they focus on relationships
within RDF knowledge bases, we merely concentrate
on exploration of an ontology TBox.
This paper presents an approach of path structure
richness based ontology exploration. Our exploration
approach contributes to the understanding of an ontol-
ogy by identifying its typical paths. Our preliminary
experimentation shows promising results in terms of
locating typical rich path structures and comparing
global path structure richness among ontologies.
In order to support the whole exploration ap-
proach, we plan to provide an interactive path struc-
ture explorer where recurrent rich path structures
would be considered not only within one ontology but
also across ontologies. Considering rich path struc-
tures across many ontologies could eventually point
out broadly present typical path structures and, thus,
perhaps broadly accepted ontology design patterns.
We plan to further experiment with a different set-
ting of shortest path search, e.g. various forbidden
edges and consideration of inferred axioms. We also
plan to employ data mining techniques for analyz-
ing relation between values of our ontology richness
metrics and other ontology metrics (e.g. from (Tar-
tir et al., 2005)). Currently, we restrict ourselves to a
rather linear structure, but will consider more com-
plex structures (e.g. diamond shape (Wang et al.,
2006)). Similarly to measuring centrality in KC-Viz
summarization (Li et al., 2010b), we plan to extend
our work with assessing the importance of entities ac-
cording to the structure paths in which they are in-
volved. Finally, we envision employing these metrics
into our OOSP tool to support ontology developers
and researchers in their experimental work.
This work has been supported by the CSF grant
no. 14-14076P, “COSOL – Categorization of Ontolo-
gies in Support of Ontology Life Cycle” and by long
term institutional support of research activities by
Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of
Economics, Prague.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development