et al., 2012a; Hoeflinger et al., 2011). In applica-
tions for human tracking they are already integrated
into shoes or clothes (Hoeflinger et al., 2012b; Zhang
et al., 2013) for detecting the body movement and
measuring the path. Inertial sensors have been in-
creasingly used in recent years to derive respiration
rate. Accelerometers worn on the torso are capable
of measuring inclination and angular changes during
respiration. Afterwards, the respiration rate can be
estimated using digital signal processing. Liu et al.
present a method using adaptive band-pass filter and
principal component analysis (PCA) to derive the res-
piratory rate from acceleration data (Liu et al., 2011).
The method was capable of offering dynamic respi-
ration rate estimation during various body activities
such as sitting, walking, running, and sleeping. Tewel
presents a new device for detection of apnoea, con-
sisting of a three-axis MEMS accelerometer with dig-
ital output, microprocessor and some alarm instru-
ments (Tewel, 2010). A wireless portable monitoring
system to measure a user’s respiratory airflow, blood
oxygen saturation, and body posture is proposed in
(Cao et al., 2012). The monitoring system consists of
two sensor nodes including a hot-film flow sensor, tri-
axis accelerometer and oximeter. Phan et al. used an
accelerometer to measure cardio-respiratory activity
(Phan et al., 2008). The acquisition is realized in dif-
ferent modes: normal, apnoea, deep breathing or af-
ter exhaustion and also in different postures: vertical
(sitting, standing) or horizontal (lying down). Yoon et
al. suggest a method to improve the fusion of an ac-
celerometer and a gyroscope by using a Kalman filter
to produce a higher quality respiration signal (Yoon
et al., 2014). The authors acclaim that the acceleration
signal due to the movement can be easily removed
because the frequency of movement acceleration is
much higher than the frequency of respiration. How-
ever, it was found not true during our first attempt. Jin
et al. proposed and analyzed three different methods
to extract a single respiratory signal from the tri-axial
data (Jin et al., 2009). The system is evaluated us-
ing simulated data from the most common postures,
such as lying and sitting, as well as real data collected
from five subjects. Bates et al. use a movement de-
tection method to classify periods in which the patient
is static and breathing signals can be observed accu-
rately (Bates et al., 2010).
3.1 Measurement Principle
With every breath a human takes his chest expands.
We use two three-axis accelerometers centered at the
front and the back of the torso of a person to measure
the acceleration and inclination caused by the expan-
sion of the chest. Both sensors are strapped to the
torso with a flexible belt. Figure 1 shows the setup.
Figure 1: Setup of the two sensors (red). Translational and
rotational directions are shown as arrows.
By using two sensors we can apply the method of
differential measurement of the acceleration a, i.e.
a = a
. If a perfect alignment of the coordi-
nate systems of both sensors is achieved, this method
eliminates acceleration measurements introduced by
translational movement which do not belong to the
After transformation and filtering of the data we
detect the peaks of every amplitude and calculate the
respiration and heart rate from the time difference be-
tween two adjacent peaks.
3.2 Hardware
For measuring and processing the acceleration data
we designed two printed circuit boards which contain
all the relevant digital blocks. The front pcb, which
is mounted on the chest, contains the primary com-
ponents as a STM32F4 microprocessor with an on-
board DSP, a low energy bluetooth chip, a voltage reg-
ulator, flash memory and a LIS3DSH accelerometer.
The back pcb holds the second LIS3DSH accelerom-
eter and a port for connecting the two modules with
each other. We have selected the sensors due to their
very high sensitivities of 0.06 mg per bit in the mea-
surement range ±2.0 g with 16-bit data output. All
communication between the digital parts is realized
through SPI interface. Energy is delivered to the sys-
tem via a small lithium battery. Communication to a
PC or to a mobile device can be established via a se-
rial or the bluetooth 4.0 connection. Since we have
a very powerful setup we are able to perform all the
signal processing onboard.
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support